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弊 Disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-13 04:48:58


弊 Disadvantages英语短句 例句大全



1.Research of CAI s Advantages andDisadvantages;运用多媒体教学的利弊探讨

2.Through analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of using multi-media in English class, the essay emphasizes it s important to improve the efficiency of the English teaching by applying multi-media in class, and also calls the teachers attention to avoid some disadvantages if we want to let multi-media play its greater role in English class efficiently and effectively.文章通过归纳并分析了多媒体辅助教学的利与弊,强调了多媒体教学是提高大学英语课堂教学效果的重要手段之一,同时也提醒教师要避免多媒体教学中不利的因素,从而更加有效地发挥多媒体在大学英语课堂教学中的作用。

3.This article discusses about the advantages and disadvantages of shares purchase back done.本文在此背景下讨论我国上市公司进行股份回购的利弊,并认为只要制度建设得当,股份回购是利大于弊。


1.Unperturbed Cheating: the psychological Analyses of Examination Cheating of Undergraduates;“坦然”作弊:大学生作弊的道德心理研究

2.Oppugn the Argument "Less Malpractice and Less Prevent Measures"of theImperial Examination in the Tang Dynasty;唐代科举"弊少且防弊之法亦疏"说质疑

3.Analyses of Students Cheating, Their Psychological Activities and our Countermeasures;关于学生作弊、作弊心理分析及对策

4.Malpractices in Listed Firms: Institution, Market and Honesty --discussion on the malpractice and anti-malpractice in listed firms;上市企业舞弊:制度、市场与诚信——兼论中国上市企业舞弊与反舞弊

5.They each have their pros and cons.这两种方法各有利弊。

6.The student was expelled for cheating.这个学生因作弊被开除。

7.The students declared against cheating.学生们表示反对作弊。

8.Cheating went against my beliefs.作弊违背了我的信念。

9.An expert in cheating at cards.玩纸牌时的作弊老手

10.Is corruption a worldwide disease?贪污是全球性的弊病吗?

11.This would let in all soris of evils.这样,各种弊病就地产生。

12.He was a corrupt official, playing favoritism and committing irregularities.他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。

13.We detected her in a fraud我们查出她有舞弊行为。

14.To cure society of various evils.根除社会上的各种弊病

15.Workshop on the Pros and Cons of Electronic Publication电子出版的利弊讲习班

16.a crying aBuse急应革除的恶习或弊病

17.an evil and the remedy thereof一项弊端及其补救办法

18.Alex weighed choices.亚历克斯权衡着利弊。



1.8% of all the students believed that advantages are upwards ofdisadvantages in the multimedia teaching.8%的同学认为多媒体课堂教学利大于弊。

2.This paper analyzes the advantage and thedisadvantage of skin texture in the making of modern Chinese figure painting,which is a very good approach to promote Chinese figure paint if we take a kind of correct attitude to it.本文通过对肌理语言在当代中国人物画中运用的利弊分析,表明只要我们对肌理采取一种正确的态度,它一定会成为促进中国人物画创新和发展的一条有效之途径。

3.WTO entry brings Chinese tourism some benefits anddisadvantages, I try to carry out brief analysis in this paper, and put forward some countermeasures.入世对中国的旅游产业带来的有利有弊,本文试对其进行简要分析,并提出一些应对之策。


1.From the type of back incline body, theills and reasons of back incline body wearing normal shirts, trousers and skirts are analysed.从后倾体体型特征出发,分析了后倾体者穿着正常规格的上衣、裤子和裙子后的弊病及产生原因,阐述了纸样调整的方法。

2.From the type of Counter body,the article analyses theills and reasons of counter body wearing normal shirts and trousers and skirts,and describes pattern adjustment methods.从反身体体型特征出发,分析了反身体者穿着正常规格的上衣、裤子和裙子后的弊病及产生原因,阐述了纸样调整的方法。

4)advantages and disadvantages利弊

1.Theadvantages and disadvantages brought by China′s entering into the WTO to its development in textile and clothing industry;入世对我国纺织服装行业发展的利弊分析

2.Analysis to Advantages and Disadvantages of Legal Environment for Investment o f the Kazakhstan;哈萨克斯坦共和国投资法律环境利弊分析


1.Based on the two scenic spots planning, this article believes that lots of scenic spot planning hasabuses of incline of urbanization, then analyzes their reasons, and puts forward a series of measures about scientific correction mechanism.基于两个风景区规划的实证研究,认为当前不少风景区规划存在城市规划化的弊端,继而分析了其生成的原因,并对建立科学的纠正机制提出系列对策。

2.Theabuse existed in current performance management work was explained from systematicness,misguiding,difference and unitarity,the reasonable countermeasures to do well performance management work were provided,the method judging whether the performance management system is or not effective was introduced from strategic consistency,sensibility,credibility and acceptability.从系统性、误导性、差异性和统一性方面阐述了当前绩效管理工作中存在的弊端,提出了搞好绩效管理工作的合理对策,从战略一致性、敏感性、可靠性、可接受性方面介绍了判断绩效管理系统是否有效的方法。

3.The author has analyzed the effect to the clinical decision making in view of philosophy and medicine history and pointed out that the variousabuses in hospital are due to the disadvantaged influence of reductionism thinking mode."看病贵"已经不仅仅是一个简单的医院职能问题了,从政治、经济、文化、社会、环境、医学、心理等各个领域,都对这个问题展开了广泛的探讨和研究,本文从哲学和医学发展史的角度,纵深剖析了还原论对医院临床决策的影响,指出当前医院的种种弊端在很大程度上是由于受到还原论的思维方式的不利影响,希望能够为临床决策的改进提供一条新的思路。


1.The Malpractice Exists in Our Country s Structure of Detection and the Improvement Measure;我国侦查构造的弊端及改进措施

2.This essay analyzes themalpractice of the pro.文章分析了我国船舶修造企业生产管理模式的弊端 ,并介绍了企业生产管理的现代化变革。

3.The paper analyses the present situation and themalpractice of project cost control, puts forward the reform envisagement of cost control.本文分析了当前工程造价管理的现状和弊端,并对造价管理提出改革设想。


