2000字范文 > 源流考证 Textual research on origin and development英语短句 例句大全

源流考证 Textual research on origin and development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-23 06:23:48


源流考证 Textual research on origin and development英语短句 例句大全

源流考证,Textual research on origin and development

1)Textual research on origin and development源流考证

2)textual source research源头考证

3)examining the mirror source and course考镜源流

1.This article discusses the functions of Chinese classical bibliography showed and neglected in the theory of "distinguishing the academic chapter,examining the mirror source and course".以"辨章学术,考镜源流"为主线,探讨了这一理论所体现的和所忽略的中国古典目录学之功用。


1.The Philology Contribution of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture;“辨章学术、考镜源流”——中国营造学社的文献学贡献

2.Review On Zhao Weiping s Work:Research On The Chinese Ancient Musical Culture Circulated In Japan;考镜源流 辨章学术——评赵维平《中国古代音乐文化东流日本的研究》

3.Investigation of the Origin --Compiling Conception of General Dictionary on Science of Chuci and Academic Pursuit;原始要终考镜源流——《楚辞学通典》的编纂构想与学术追求

4.Research of the Origin and Development of Bronze Mirror and Mirror Breaking Custom in Hunnish Tomb匈奴墓葬出土铜镜及毁镜习俗源流考

5.We have investigated the source and course of the Yellow River.我们考察了黄河的源流。

6.On the "Name","Reality","Origin",and "Evolution" of Shangyue in the Qing Dynasty;清商乐“名”、“实”、“源”、“流”考辨

7.The Origin of the Term Tαυγ(?)στ.;“桃花石”(Tαυγáστ)名称源流考

8.Considerations of Electric Power Flow and Power Sources Construction in China;我国电力能源流动及电源建设的思考

9.Study of 车师(姑师)"s Etymology,Meaning and Origin车师(姑师)的语源、语义及源流考辨

10.The Source of Western Nomocracy Governmental Ideology and Its Reference Significance;浅析西方法治政府思想的源流及其镜鉴

11.A precision mirror constant current source for driving multi-channel LED.一种可驱动多路发光二级管的精密镜象恒流源

12.On Formation, Circulation and Sources of Existing Editions of Complete History of Wu and Yue;《吴越备史》的成书、流传及版本源流考

13.On the Source of Cold Weapons and Tools Excavated from the Water Source of Middle Line Project of South-north Water Transferring;南水北调中线水源地出土冷兵器工具之源流考

14.Etymological and semantic analysis of borrowed words in Chinese;假借字来源与词义探析——汉字源流考之一

15.The Law-thinking about the Administration of the Valley of Water Resource in China;关于我国水资源流域管理的法律思考

16.Textual Research on the Origination of the Private Seals in the Warring States Period;战国私玺中所见古代复姓及其源流考

17.A Textual Research into the Source of “Marxist Standpoint,Viewpoint and Method”;“马克思主义立场、观点、方法”源流考

18.Guan Zi: the Last Kind of Paper Currency Published by Southern Song Government;宋代最后一种纸币——关子源流考述


textual source research源头考证

3)examining the mirror source and course考镜源流

1.This article discusses the functions of Chinese classical bibliography showed and neglected in the theory of "distinguishing the academic chapter,examining the mirror source and course".以"辨章学术,考镜源流"为主线,探讨了这一理论所体现的和所忽略的中国古典目录学之功用。

4)a probe into the headstream源流考释

5)research about origin源流考

6)origin of diagnosis and therapy证治源流

1.By classification of the ancient and current medical literature,a comprehensive investigation on theorigin of diagnosis and therapy for“Fox-Puzzle Syndrome”in“Golden Chamber”was conducted from the syndrome term and related diseases,etiology and pathogenesis,and clinical treatment.通过对古今文献的整理 ,从病名及相关疾病、病因病机、临床治疗三个方面对《金匮》狐惑病的证治源流进行综合探讨。




辞赋考证学,又称“辞赋科技考究学”,是当代“辞赋训诂学”的近邻,是金学的一个分支。创立者,金学孟。“不为章句,考证通而已(潘承祥语) ”。“科技考证”,借用计算机技术,对历代辞赋进行辞赋量学研究,是金学孟先生的创造。指导辞赋研究,支持古典辞赋欣赏的准确便捷,指导古籍阅读和整理,指导辞书编纂。当代辞赋考证学,特点如下:(1)“社会背景变迁板块”,把文章综合起来,透视不同时代的作家感受,制作函数曲线图。(2)“时代风格模型化”,把不同的历史资料,放到辞赋研究中去,获取经验,反补于辞赋创作。(3)“语素学术软盘化”,参照古辞赋文学审美规律,模拟考古学手法,搜索古书籍中潜在的信息。(4)“尊古不拘泥古训”,对研究课题,进行不同方法的嫁接,常以逆向思维来进行推论假说。辞赋考证学,其实是文学审美的考证,是文学审美史的考证,是文学社会审美层次的回归,是人性从微观到宏观时空的挪移,是辞赋当时各种包围着的环境要素的再次连接,是辞赋呈现历史原貌的科技照片。
