2000字范文 > 机动 Maneuver英语短句 例句大全

机动 Maneuver英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-27 14:12:18


机动 Maneuver英语短句 例句大全


1)Maneuver[英][m?"nu:v?][美][m?"nuv?, -"nju-]机动

1.The Application of Adaptive Kalman Filter for the Autonomous Orbit Determination ofManeuver Target;基于自适应卡尔曼滤波的机动目标自主轨道确定

2.Research of missile random maneuver strategy;导弹随机机动策略的研究

3.Trajectory Planning and Control for Satellite Formation FlyingManeuver of Leaving ana Joining;卫星进入和离开编队机动轨迹规划及控制


1.machine driven switching system机动制自动电话交换机

2.engine-driven generator power system机动发电机动力系统

3.power-cart duster机动车式喷粉机,牵引式动力喷粉机

4.bonnet for road motor vehicles or tractors发动机罩[道路机动车辆或施拉机用]

5.The engine is being cranked with the starting motor.发动机由起动机起动。

6.(of an engine,etc)begin running(指发动机等)启动

7.motor efficiency发动机效率电动机效率

8.a locomotive that is powered by an electric motor.用电动发动机的机车。

9.engine generator发动机驱动型发电机

10.syn-drive electric motor自整角机驱动电动机

11.exciter set driving motor励磁机组驱动电动机

12.engine behaviour发动机工况发动机特性

13.Servo motor(operating motor)伺服电动机(执行电动机)

14.auxiliary engine辅机辅助发动机副机

15.independent motor drive独立电动机传动独立电动机传动装置

16.automatic electro pneumatic brake自动电力气动制动机

17.self-starting synchronous motor自动起动同步电动机

18.automatic starter for prime mover原动机自动起动装置



1.According to the randomness in the process of missilemaneuvering , sets up the mathematical model for missilemaneuvering path planning, designs the Genetic Algorithm problem-solving policy, realizes the mission ofmaneuvering path planning in the given time, an example is given in the last.根据导弹作战机动过程各路段机动时间随机性特点,运用随机规划理论建立了导弹机动任务规划的数学模型,设计了遗传算法求解策略,实现了在一定时间内合理地规划机动路线的任务,并通过算例作了说明。

2.When trackingmaneuvering reentry vehicles,an ex- tended Kalman filter withmaneuvering reentry vehicle(MaRV) model is usually used in a traditional method.对于目标发生机动时的再入飞行器的跟踪问题,传统跟踪方法是采用机动模型的扩展卡尔曼滤波。

3.Because of many potential advantages inmaneuvering ability,stealthy characteristic,flight performance,destroying efficiency and other aspects,asymmetric cross-section vehicle has been developed and studied widely.非圆截面弹身布局在高超声速再入飞行器的机动能力、隐身特性、飞行性能和毁伤效能等方面具有许多潜在的优势,是当前飞行器设计的一个重要发展方向。


1.Themobile path of UUV is also indicated.随从UUV通过测距传感器测量自身到主UUV的距离,采用EKF算法进行位置估计,给出了机动航行方案。

2.A knowledge database is constructed with a deductive auto-machine using fuzzy controlling technique,while combining some important factors,such as atmosphere,path and opponent threats,withinmobile model.从装备作战仿真领域中的智能机动模型的特点出发,结合机动过程中的天候、道路和敌情威胁等影响因素,利用模糊控制技术,构造了智能机动模型的知识库、推理机,同时,本文对外部环境因素和机动速度控制量分别进行了模糊化和反模糊化,有助于指挥员迅速制定机动方案,对人不在环的装备作战仿真具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。


1.The Review of Self-Handicapping Motive and its Start-up;自我设限的动机及启用的研究述评

2.Effect of Social Support on Internet Usage Motive of College Students: A Prospective Study;社会支持对大学生上网动机影响的前瞻性研究

3.Regulating Learning Motive and Developing Reading Skills;调整学习动机,提高阅读能力


1.The Influencing Factor of Learning Motivation of Senior High School Students;高中生学习动机及其影响因素分析

2.Relationship Between Computer Mediated Communication Motivation and Online Social Support of College Students;大学生网络交往动机与网络社会支持关系研究

3.Goal Management and English Achievements -Teachers Role in Stimulating Students Motivation and Goal Management;目标管理与英语学习成绩——教师在激发学生学习动机和目标管理中的作用


1.The paper sheds light on the process leading to new enterprise formation while identifying the positive factors and barriers affecting entrepreneurialintention to business startups.归集了新企业形成前期,企业家创业的动机和障碍,驱动因素主要有投资、创新、独立、地位、经济利益和市场机会;障碍因素主要是缺少资源、税费高、经营困难。

2.Based on the depth,width and efficiency of the influence,the regular pattern of psychological factors in calligraphic creation can be summed up into five types:intention coincides with creation,character of creation is deter- mined by spirits,creative efficiency is promoted by thinking,creative style is influenced by temperament, and quality of creation is decided by values.根据对书法创作活动影响的深度、广度和效度,我们可以将心理诸因素在书法创作中的活动规律归结为五大方面:动机关乎书法创作的乖合,情绪酿就书法创作的气韵,思维提升书法创作的效能,气质影响书法创作的风格,价值观奠基书法创作的品质。

3.By means of literature datum and research means, theintention of physical training of middle school student in south Gansu Province.通过文献资料和问卷调查的研究方法,对陇南地区中学生的体育锻炼动机与行为进行分析探讨。


