2000字范文 > 区域 region英语短句 例句大全

区域 region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-09 22:04:20


区域 region英语短句 例句大全



1.Setting up Interregional Ecological Compensation Mechanism to Advance Coordinated Development of Regional Economy;区域间生态补偿机制推进区域经济协调发展

2.The data analysis ofregional water resources and economic society coupling system sustainable development;区域水资源与经济社会耦合系统可持续发展的量化分析

3.Determination of Lead in Human Hair of Different Regions by FAAS;火焰原子吸收光谱法测定不同区域人发中铅


1.regional and subregional advisory services区域和分区域咨询服务

2.Urban-Rural Regional Planning & Analysis区域规化与区域分析

3.""yellow" area [squatter area]"“黄色”区域〔寮屋区〕

4.a residential district [quarter, section]住宅区 [区域,地段]

5.""red" area [squatter area]"“红色”区域〔寮屋区〕

6.region of rejection拒绝区域;拒绝区域;拒绝域;拒绝域;否定区域;否定域

7.wide area network [WAN]宽广区域网络〔广域网〕

8.metropolitan area network [MAN]城市区域网络〔城域网〕

9.A Study of the Regional Difference and Regional Coordination in the Western Area;试论西部地区的区域差异与区域协调

10.Regional Brand how to Promote the Innovation of the Economic Zone on the West Side of the Taiwan Straits;区域品牌带动海西区区域创新的研究

11.Area {0} has the same name as an existing area within the parent.区域 {0} 与父区域中的某现有区域名称相同。

12.A Storage Area Network (1)存储区域网(SAN)(1)

13.F. The Review of District Organisations六、区域组织检讨。

14.Lower Danube "Euro-region"下多瑙“欧洲区域”

15.area development地区开发,区域开发

16.Provisional Regional Council area临时区域市政局辖区

17.Regional Conference on Water Pollution in the Gulf湾区海水污染区域会议

18.Regional Meteorological Centres区域气象中心(区象中心)



1.Soil Quality Evaluation ofRegional Green Food Producing Area——Taking the Linfen City of Shanxi Province as Example;区域绿色食品产地土壤质量监测与评价——以山西省临汾市为例

2.Regional design: Recovering a great landscape architecture and urban planning tradition;区域设计:景观规划设计与城市规划优秀传统的复兴


1.Study on dynamically monitoring the land salinizing in the typicalarea of inner mongolia;内蒙古土地盐渍化典型区域动态监测研究

2.Sustainable development ofarea water resource;区域水资源的可持续发展

3.Research on evaluation for the competition ability ofareal investment environment based on fuzzy theory;区域投资环境竞争力的模糊综合评价研究


1.Development ofdistrict environment economics indicator system;区域环境经济指标体系的构建

2.The analysis of investment structure indistrict environment pollution control;区域环境污染治理投资结构分析

3.A Compare Study and Evaluation for the Competitive Capability of Chinese District Agriculture;中国区域农业竞争力的评估及比较研究


1.As a result, human earth study must fall onto theregions.人地系统研究最终必须落实到区域层

2.A computing method of thearea enclosing by the interaction of one non-regular curve and many non -regularregions isput forward.分析了不规则曲线在AutoCAD中的表示方法及其数据结构,给出了利用ADS(AutoCADDeveiopmentSystem)对一条不规则曲线与多个不规则区域相交所围成的面积进行计算的方法。

3.In this paper, based both on graph theory and on turn-left algorithm, a recursive-and-backward researching algorithm of realtimely establishingregions topological relations is designed to meet the needs of geographical information processing.针对GIS中建立区域拓扑关系的实时性要求,论文提出一个结合基于图的拓扑信息和基于几何的左转算法的区域拓扑关系生成算法。


1.Temporary anddomain role-based delegation model;具有时限性和区域性特征的基于角色转授权模型

2.Decompositions of Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces on Domains;区域上Triebel-Lizorkin空间的分解(英文)

3.Two dimensionaldomain decomposition method and parallel computing method are applied to solve Euler equations on networked computers.对二维跨音速流动的Euler方程分区算法、并行算法以及多区计算的有效内边界耦合条件进行了探讨 ,应用VanLeer矢通量分裂方法和一维数组方式 ,研究了多种区域分解数目的分区计算效率 。


