2000字范文 > 金属 metal英语短句 例句大全

金属 metal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-30 14:05:41


金属 metal英语短句 例句大全



1.Adhesion properties and mechanism of epoxy adhesive in bonding fluorine rubber tometal;氟橡胶-金属黏接用环氧树脂胶黏剂的黏接性能与黏接机理

2.Study progress of scale prevention coatings formetal in oilfield;油田金属防垢涂层的研究进展

3.Influence ofmetal cation on the removal of SO_2 from flue gas by microorganism;金属矿物对微生物烟气脱硫的影响研究


1.the precious metals, ie gold,silver and platinum贵金属(金、银、白金)

2.non-metal-non-metal eutectic alloy非金属-非金属共晶合金

3.metal-nonmetal eutectic alloy金属-非金属共晶合金

4.metal-metal eutectic alloy金属-金属共晶合金

5.Work done in metal.金属加工,金属制品

6.metal-oxide-metal detector金属-氧化物-金属探测器

7.metal(lic) bath金属熔池,金属熔体

8.nonmetallic inclusions in metals金属中非金属夹杂物

9.ingot mould of metal for use in metal金属铸造金属铸锭模

10.metallized paper and metallized film金属化纸和金属化薄膜

11.metal insulator metal金属 绝缘体金属结构

12.metal semiconductor meta金属 半导体金属结构

13.Of, resembling, or having the properties of a metal.金属的金属的、似金属的或具有金属特性的

14.fold testing machine for metal sheets, wire, paper金属薄板、金属丝、金属片弯折测试机

15.A coating of metal sheets or plates.金属板的外覆金属片或金属板的外覆

16.non-ferrous metals & alloys非铁金属,有色金属及合金

17.electric arc apparatus, hot-spraying, for metals and metal carbides金属和金属硬质合金热喷涂电弧设备

18.Research Status of Diffusion Metallizing Technique for Non-ferrous and Alloy有色金属及合金渗金属技术研究现状



1.The Research Status of Bio-remediation of HeavyMetals Contaminated Soils;重金属污染土壤生物修复技术研究现状

2.Research status of joining of ceramics and metals;陶瓷与金属连接的研究现状

3.Joining of C/C Composite Material andMetals and Test on Joint Property;C/C复合材料与金属连接及接头力学性能测试


1.Study on Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Metallic Substrates;金属基体上超疏水表面的制备研究

2.After one year of exposure,the results showed that various titanium alloys and aluminum alloy have excellent anticorrosion performance;moreover titanium alloy keeps intrinsicmetallic shine;in addition copper alloy could better prevent adhesion of multi-biology;nevertheless local corrosions took place easily on stainless steel in seawater.试验1年后发现:各种钛合金构件和铝合金型材均有优良的耐蚀性能,自然环境中暴露1年后,钛合金构件表面仍保持原有的金属光泽;铜合金构件能较好地防止多种海生物的附着;而不锈钢在海水中易产生局部腐蚀。

3.Objective To explore the treating method for craniocerebral gunshot wounds in the sellar region during the acute period and the extirpating method for themetallic foreign bodies from the sellar region during the late stage.目的探讨鞍区颅脑枪击伤急性期的救治及晚期鞍区金属异物摘除的方法。


1.Objective: To discuss the biocompatibility between the implants and the hosts in patients underwentmetal-to-metal total hip arthroplasty for treatment and observe the functional recovery of FHN (avascular necrosis of femoral head) and hip articulations.目的:评价金属-金属人工全髋关节置换术对股骨头缺血性坏死疗效评价,包括髋关节的活动情况及金属材料对宿主的生物学效应。

5)Metallic In金属In

6)Metal-Metal bond金属-金属键


