2000字范文 > 位移 displacement英语短句 例句大全

位移 displacement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 00:49:12


位移 displacement英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of Viscoelastic Displacement for Finite Element Based on Maxwell Model;基于Maxwell模型的有限元粘弹性位移分析

2.Variation rule ofdisplacement and stress of expandable-profile liners during expanding process for leak plugging in oil-gas wells;油气井堵漏波纹管加压膨胀过程中位移-应力变化规律

3.A artificial neural network model on relationship between slopedisplacements and time;边坡位移时间关系模拟的人工神经网络模型


1.linear-and-angular-movement pickup线位移和角位移传感器

2.virtual displacement [ work ]【物】虚位移[功]

3.linear and angular displacement measuring devices线位移和角位移测量装置

4.The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.断层位移断层两侧的相对位移

5.VIDT (Variable Inductance Displacement Tranducer)可变电感位移转换器

6.overspeed and axial displacement trip超速和轴向位移脱扣

7.radiolocation mobile statio无线电定位移动电台

8.dispersion-shifted step-shaped-index fiber色散位移突变型光纤

9.remove or displace from a position.从一个位置移走或转移。

10.magnetic core (shift) register磁心(移位)寄存器

11.cyclic shift register循环(移位)寄存器 Shift operators3.1.8 移位运算符

13.hybrid bubble shift register混合磁泡移位寄位器

14.An offside motion or play.越位越位的动作或移动

15.frequency shift keying键控频移频移键控频移键位

16.feedback shift register (FSR)反馈移位寄存器, 回授移位寄存器

17.Obstruction of Movement of In-situ Wh-phrases and Wh-feature Movement;原位wh短语移动受阻与wh特征移位

18.ion mobility isotope separation离子迁移同位素分离



1.Longitudinal Force and Displacements Analysis of Welded Turnouts with Rigid Frogs by Finite Element Methodology固定型无缝道岔纵向力和位移有限元计算分析

2.We propose a twodimensional analysis method in regional walls of left ventricular by using tagged MR images to obtaindisplacements.用磁共振技术在整个心动周期对健康人左心室壁上的点进行追踪,从而对左心室壁各领域的位移进行有限元解析,为定量、准确地评价心功能提供必要的依据。

3.Through regression analysis based on a large amount of data, it establishes the relations between the stress of the frozen-wall and time, between thedisplacements of frozen-wall, the floor-heave and the section height as well as time.通过对大量数值计算的数据进行回归分析后,得出了冻结壁应力场与时间的关系,冻结壁位移场和工作面底鼓与段高、时间的关系,并且对工程实际施工提出了相应的建议。


1.Stress anddeformation analysis of freeway deep cutting slope by finite element method;高速公路深路堑边坡应力及位移的有限元分析

2.Four kinds of statistical models used in monitoring data analysis of pendulum wiredeformation;大坝垂线位移监测资料分析的4种统计模型

3.Analysis of thedeformation and internal forces about the fluid-solid interaction problem on the permeable spherical shell渗透球壳流固耦合问题的位移及内力解


1.The Application of Grating Sensor in theShift Automatic Measurement System;光栅传感器在位移自动测量系统中的应用

2.The analyses of the stress and shift of tubeplate and edge of manhole of boiler;热水锅炉管板及人孔周边应力位移分析

3.Raster sensing intelligent shift measurement system;光栅传感智能位移测量系统


1.Theory of earth pressure against rigid retaining walls considering translational movement effect;考虑平动位移效应的刚性挡土墙土压力理论

2.A new concept, degree of crack movement, was given to evaluate the caving characteristic of top coal.通过综合运用顶煤实测位移观测、力学模型和理论分析方法 ,研究了顶煤内部裂隙的发展进程 ,提出了评价顶煤可放性的指标——裂移度及其在不同条件下的变化规律 ,并从强度等方面对顶煤可放性进行了分析 ,提出了改进顶煤可放性的原理和方法 。

3.The rectangular expansion joints formulae of force,moment,equivalent axial movement and spring rate etc under load of axial,lateral and angular movements respectively are deduced.推导出了矩形膨胀节在轴向、横向、角向位移下产生的力、力矩、当量轴向位移以及刚度等公式,还对EJMA标准矩形膨胀节的刚度公式及力矩公式作了补充和修正。


1.The Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Congenital Shift of Septum Pellucidum;先天性透明隔移位的CT诊断

2.Shift,internal injury,breaking,bad imbedded in rock,as well as short anchorage distance etc.无桩尖管桩锤打过程易造成管桩移位、内伤、断桩、嵌岩差、持力层锚固长度小。

3.In this paper,the algorithm of direct form Ⅱ of I2R filter is introduced firstly,whose computational complexity consists of convolution and datashift.分析了实现直接Ⅱ型I2R数字滤波器的算法,指出他的主要计算量在于卷积和移位,采用循环缓冲区来减少移位操作是降低计算量的关键。


