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贸易 trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-28 07:03:11


贸易 trade英语短句 例句大全



1.Medium-term outlook for global fertilizer demand,supply andtrade during ~(Summary Report);全球肥料需求、供应及贸易中期展望~(摘要报告)

2.Market structure oftrade,international investment and plant oil processing industry;贸易、国际投资与植物油加工业市场结构

3.An Empirical Study of Foreign Trade and Pollution-industry Transfer;我国对外贸易与污染产业转移的实证分析


1.Department of Overseas Trade海外贸易部海外贸易部

2.spot trade现货贸易,现汇贸易

mercial Relations Branch [Trade Department]对外贸易关系科〔贸易署〕

4.Multilateral Division [Trade Department]多边贸易部〔贸易署〕

mercial Relations Registry [Trade Department]对外贸易关系组〔贸易署〕

6.International Trade Organization国际贸易组织(贸易组织)

7.International Trade Centre国际贸易中心(贸易中心)

8.balances of tradeph.1.贸易差额贸易状况

9.trade surplus贸易顺差,贸易盈余

10.switch trade转手贸易,转口贸易

11.Terms of trade(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)贸易条件

12.Balance of trade贸易差额,国际贸易平衡

13.The Barter Trade in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area;中国-东盟自由贸易区中的易货贸易

14.TDC-Link [Hong Kong Trade Development Council]贸发灵〔香港贸易发展局〕

anisation mondiale du commerce世界贸易组织(世贸组织)

16.imbalance in trade(外贸)入超,贸易不平衡

17.Trade Promotion Advisory Service贸易促进咨询处(贸促处)

18.of or relating to or characteristic of trade or traders.贸易或者贸易者的,与贸易或者贸易者相关的,具有贸易或者贸易者的特点的。



1.Environmental Eco-lables and its influences on the textiles production andtrading;Eco-labels系统及其对纺织品生产与贸易的影响

2.On the Innovation of Trading under the Background of Online Revolution;互联网革命下的贸易创新研究

3.Illegal harvesting andtrading in the field of forestry is a great concern by international society.非法采伐和贸易问题是国际社会关注的林业热点。

3)international trade贸易

1.Harmonization of International Trade and Environment Protection from Legal Angle;从法的视角看国际贸易与环境保护的协调

2.Although there are many other international organizations that play important role in coordinating the relationship between environment andinternational trade, it is no doubt that what WTO has done is quite more effective.在协调环境与贸易的过程中,尽管还有许多国际组织也在发挥着富有成效的作用,但无疑WTO 的努力是最重要的。

3.In order to harmonize trade and environment issue, one must understand well the relationship amonginternational trade, economic growth and environmental protection.正确理解贸易、经济增长与环境保护的关系对处理好贸易与环境问题是非常重要的。

4)foreign trade贸易

1.Status of China s metal oresforeign trade and strategy of importation;我国金属矿砂贸易状况及其进口策略

2.The economic integration development between Central Asian countries and other countries within the CIS,the struggle between western developed countries and countries around Central Asia over Central Asian market,and China s entry into WTO——all produce negative effects on Xinjiang sforeign trade.中亚与独联体国家地区经济一体化发展、西方发达国家及中亚周边国家对中亚市场的激烈争夺、中国加入W TO给新疆外贸发展带来了一定的负面影响,中亚国家日益增加的各种贸易保护措施,也影响到新疆与中亚诸国的经贸发展。

3.Enhancing the payment for labor rate can strengthen the vigor of enterprise, can lay a solidfoundation for realizing the maximum value for enterprise, it also increases the abundant strength for nationalmarket’s construction expanding theforeign trade.更为国家市场建设、扩大对外贸易增添了雄厚的实力。


1.While the effects of environment problem on thecommerce is the competition of goods, which is realized by the regulation of environment protection.贸易影响国民经济发展 ,国民经济又影响生态环境 ,环境与贸易是联系非常密切的两个领域。

2.This article mainly expounds the earlycommerce between China and Russia before the nineteenth century and makes affirmative evaluation about it.17世纪— 18世纪中俄之间的早期贸易应予以做出肯定的评价 ,它与鸦片战争前后欧洲列强对中国的掠夺贸易有着本质的区别 ,俄国对华的早期贸易在一定程度上促进了中国北方商品经济的发展 ,对北方商业市场的繁荣作出了一定贡献。

6)barter trade易货贸易

1.The items about trade in the first Party from the "Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Between China and ASEAN" contain thebarter trade.《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》第一部分有关贸易条款中,涵盖了易货贸易这种重要的贸易方式。

2.In addition to these,the domestic politics and foreign policies of China and Germany are also the important reasons for thebarter trade development and prosperity.20世纪30年代中期的纳粹德国与中国国民政府的"易货贸易"经历了从形成到兴盛的过程。

3.During the period of War of Resistance Against Japan,China and German got their own needs withbarter trade.抗战时期,通过易货贸易,中德双方各取所需,德国获取大量战略原料,中国从德国得到大量军火,这客观上增强了中国军事力量。


