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新制度主义 New Institutionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-08 08:42:49


新制度主义 New Institutionalism英语短句 例句大全

新制度主义,New Institutionalism

1)New Institutionalism新制度主义

1.The issues,outlets and prospects ofNew Institutionalism Political theory;新制度主义政治理论的问题、出路与前景

2.The Impact ofNew Institutionalism on the Political Research in China;新制度主义与中国政治学研究

3.The Study of International Institutions: From Old Institutionalism toNew Institutionalism;国际制度研究:从旧制度主义到新制度主义


1.Politics: From Old Institutionalism to Neo-institutionalism;政治学:从旧制度主义到新制度主义

2.The Study of International Institutions: From Old Institutionalism to New Institutionalism;国际制度研究:从旧制度主义到新制度主义

3.Reference of New Institutionalism to Institutionalization of State Governance新制度主义对国家治理制度化的启悟

4.New Institutional Economics and Three Schools of Political Neo-Institutionalism;新制度经济学与政治学新制度主义的三个流派

5.New Institutionalism in Political Science;政治科学中的新制度主义——当代西方新制度主义政治学述评

6.The Theories of New Institutionalism from the Perspective of Historical Materialism新制度主义理论观点评析──历史唯物主义视角

7.Theories of Institutional Changes of Marxism and Institutionalism:Comparative and Synthetic Studies;马克思主义和新制度主义制度变迁理论的比较与综合

8.Analyzes of the School Improvement s System-based on the Perspective of the New Institutionalism;学校改进的新制度主义学派视角分析

9.Rational-choice Theory of New Institutional Politics;新制度主义政治学中的理性选择理论

10.Governance: View on New Institutionalism;公共治理之道——新制度主义途径述评

11.New Institutionalism and China s Political Economics;新制度主义理论与中国的政治经济学

12.The Transformation of Personnel Institution in Peking University in : Sociological Neo-institutionalism Analysis北大人事制度改革:新制度主义社会学分析

13.Higher Educational Institutional Change in China in the Perspective of the New Institutionalism;新制度主义视角下我国高等教育制度变迁

14.Study on Institution Effectiveness in New Institutionalism Politics Perspective;新制度主义政治学视域下制度有效性研究

15.Review and Progress: The Institutional Change Theory of New Institutionalism Politics;反思与进展:新制度主义政治学的制度变迁理论

16.Viewing China s Farmer Identity System Structuring Course from New Institutionalism;从新制度主义看中国的农民身份制度建构历程

17.Theoretical Analysis to the New System Creed in Ethnic Regional Municipalism;民族区域自治制度的新制度主义理论视角分析

18.New System: the Key of Construction of New Socialistic Countryside;新制度:建设社会主义新农村的关键



1.The Transformation of Chinese Higher Educational Institutions:Neo-institutionalism Analysishis;中国大学制度变革:新制度主义社会学分析——以北大教师聘任和职务晋升制度改革为案例

2.Role of Juridical Independence in Preventing Juridical Corruption——A Prspective ofNeo-institutionalism;论司法独立对遏制司法腐败的作用——以新制度主义理论为视角

3.The Transformation of Personnel Institution in Peking University in : SociologicalNeo-institutionalism Analysis;北大人事制度改革:新制度主义社会学分析


1.The researches from the perspective ofneoinstitutionalism show that the origin of academic tenure in American universities is the emergence of academic freedom crisis,and the developmental motivity comes from the requirement of social development and higher education development,and the consciousness and effort of elites of universities.从新制度主义的视角对其进行研究发现,美国大学终身教职制度产生的源头是出现学术自由危机,其发展的动力来自于社会发展和高等教育自身发展的需求,以及大学内部一些精英力量的意识和努力。

2.After coordinating the Market Transition Theory and grasping the paradigm ofneoinstitutionalism, the article points out that the paradigm emphasis on the institution should include the formal institution and the informal institution.本文通过对市场转型理论的梳理,新制度主义研究范式的把握,指出新制度主义范式中对制度的强调应该包括正式制度和非正式制度。

3.In the view ofneoinstitutionalism, the author discovers that the process of marketization of higher education in China since late 1970s origins from the practice of recruiting commoners.本文以新制度主义的视角来考察中国高等教育领域出现的市场化现象,发现了市场化的源头为招收走读自费生,并且在具体分析市场化过程当中,发现其动力来自于高校内部的一些精英的意识和努力——他们不仅很好地把握了机构自身的利益,而且为其合法化做出努力。

4)New Democratic system新民主主义制度

5)Neo-liberal Institutionalism新自由制度主义

1.The English School andNeo-liberal Institutionalism:Two Institutional Theories;英国学派与新自由制度主义:两种制度理论

6)neoliberal institutionalism新自由制度主义

1.This essay is a comparison of the international cooperation theories from the three main IR schools—neorealism,neoliberal institutionalism and constructionism,specifically,how they set their hypothesises and consequently define "national interest" and then deduce their explanations of international cooperation.国际关系的三个主流学派——新现实主义、新自由制度主义和建构主义——基于对国际体系(结构和单位)的不同假定而做出不同的国家利益界定,演绎出了不同的国际合作解释。

2.Robert Keohane and his Neoliberal Institutionalism are the cornerstones of the liberal approach.罗伯特·基欧汉的“新自由制度主义”取得了里程碑性的成就,后经过莉沙·马丁等学者的补充完善,进一步发展成为以四种基本博弈模型为分析框架,以理性主义为基底的功能主义国际制度需求理论,初步回答了国际制度重要性的问题。

3.Neorealism andneoliberal institutionalism are the two main schools in the 4 western international relations theory debate, in which international cooperation was one of the core issues.新现实主义和新自由制度主义是西方国际关系理论第四次论战中的两大重要流派,国际合作问题则是双方在论战中争论的焦点问题之一。


