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社交 Sociality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-29 02:42:30


社交 Sociality英语短句 例句大全



1.The training of the postgraduate s ability in sociality and organization tends to be neglected nowadays.研究生社交组织能力的培养往往会被忽视,在社会竞争日渐激烈的今天,研究生不再和过去一样只需要专注于科学研究。


1.the belle of society社交界之花 [交际花]

2.To introduce(a debutante)to society.把(初入社交界的少女)引荐给社交界

3.The Differences of Social Anxiety of Adolescents with Different Sociometric Status;不同社交地位初中生的社交焦虑特点

4.a purely social club; the church has a large social hall; a social director.纯粹的社交俱乐部;教堂里有很大的社交厅;社交主管。

5.a sociable occasion; enjoyed a sociable chat; a sociable conversation; Americans are sociable and gregarious.社交场合;享受一场愉快的交谈;友善的交谈;美国人好社交且喜群居。

6.She sparkles in society.她在社交中光芒四射。

7.a coming-out ball少女初进社交界舞会.

8.(of a young girl)be formally introduced to high society(指少女)初进社交界

9.The society is as dead as the dodo.社交界一片死气沉沉。

10.She was the queen of society then.那时她是社交界女王。

11.He shines in society.他在社交场中很出风头。

12.in the full+ [ 1 ] of the London season在伦敦社交季节的高潮

13.a lifeless party.索然无味的社交聚会

14.a gregarious person who avoids solitude.爱社交的人没有孤独。

15.Rosemary has a busy social life.罗斯玛丽忙于社交活动。

16.They only drink socially.他们只在社交场合喝酒

17.a code of be haviour/honour行为[社交礼仪]准则

18.A party, a banquet, or an outing.社交聚会、宴会、或郊游


social intercourse社交

1.Analysis on thesocial intercourse of Dr.Morrison, Beijing correspondent of the Times;《泰晤士报》驻北京记者莫理循社交活动探析

3)social communication社交

1.67% had difficulty insocial communication.8%;有社交障碍者91。


1.Cultivate thesocial skills of university students,for college students perfect personality,cultivate the spirit of cooperation,as well as the adaptation has a positive role in society.培养大学生的社交能力,对于完善大学生人格,培养合作精神,以及适应社会都具有积极作用。

5)social anxiety社交焦虑

1.College studentssocial anxiety associated with stress and mental health;大学生社交焦虑与压力和心理健康的关系

2.Intervention impacts of group psychotherapy onsocial anxiety and self-esteem of medical college students;集体心理治疗对医学生社交焦虑和自尊的干预研究

3.Social anxiety and social support in patients with schizophrenia.;精神分裂症患者社交焦虑与社会支持的相关研究

6)social exchange社会交换

1.This study empirically explored the antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) from asocial exchange perspective among employees in high-tech organizations.为探讨社会交换理论对组织公民行为的影响因素,对来自12个高科技组织的294名员工和52名主管进行了问卷调查,研究结果表明:员工的组织支持感知与组织公民行为之间具有正向关系;领导-下属交换与组织公民行为之间具有正向关系;员工的社会交换意识是组织支持感知与组织公民行为之间以及领导-下属交换与组织公民行为之间的调节变量。

2.After the reform and opening to the outside world,the development of market and the systematic transformation of country system bring rapid changes in the socialstructure in the countryside,which results in the changes ofsocial exchange ways in the traditional society.改革开放之后,市场的发展和农村社会制度体系的变化使得农村社会结构迅速分化,引发了乡村传统社会交换方式的变化。

3.The author made analysis in the results from both macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects,and make theoretical explanations on Land-for-security policy with the theory ofsocial exchange.笔者从宏观和微观两个方面对这一结果进行了分析,并结合社会交换理论对土地换保障这一社会政策进行了理论探讨。


