2000字范文 > 化感作用 allelopathy英语短句 例句大全

化感作用 allelopathy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-06 21:39:48


化感作用 allelopathy英语短句 例句大全


1)allelopathy[英][?,li:"l?p?θi][美][?li"lɑp?θi, ,?l?-]化感作用

1.The importance and potential application ofallelopathy in red-tide control;化感作用在赤潮调控中的意义及前景

2.Research advances in the interactions betweenallelopathy and soil in exotic plant invasions;外来入侵植物化感作用与土壤相互关系研究进展

3.Theallelopathy and its mechanism of phenolic acids on water-bloom algae;酚酸类物质对水华藻类的化感作用及其机理


1.Studies on the Allelopathy and the Identification of Allelopathical Substance of Thymus Vulgaris Primula.L;百里香化感作用研究与化感物质鉴定

2.Research o f the Allelopathy of Diphenylamine and Its Mechanism二苯胺的化感作用及其作用机理研究

3.Research of Relationship between Allelopathy and Continuous Cropping Obstacles of Hot Pepper辣椒化感作用与连作障碍关系的研究

4.Allelopathy in the Intercropping Mixed Cropping and Its Research Methods间套混作中的化感作用及其研究方法

5.Allelopathic Effects of Continuous Cropping Soil of Panax notoginseng on Notoginseng and Lettuce三七连作土壤对三七、莴苣的化感作用

6.Allelopathy of Pinus Massoniana to Itself and Its Company Species;马尾松自身化感及其与伴生种之间的化感作用

7.Allelopathy and Allelochemicals of Root Exudates in Hot Pepper辣椒根系分泌物的化感作用及其化感物质分析

8.The Allelopathy and Inhibitory Effect of Garlic Plant Aquepus Extracts;大蒜植株水浸液的化感作用和抑菌作用

9.Study of Robinia Pseudoacacia Autointoxication and Interspecific Allelopathy between Robinia Pseudoacacia and Its Associated Tree Species刺槐自毒作用及与主要伴生树种化感作用研究

10.Research on the Allelopathy and Its Mechanism of Vanillin on Lettuce香草醛对莴苣的化感作用及其作用机制

11.Studies on the Allelopathy of Elodea Nuttallii on Microcystis Aeruginosa;伊乐藻对铜绿微囊藻的化感作用研究

12.Research on Allelopathy and Its Mechanism in Hot Pepper;辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)化感作用及其机理研究

13.Effect of Allelopathy Among Four Marine Microalgae;四种海洋微藻间的化感作用效应研究

14.Studies of Trifolium Repens L.allelopathy on Weeds;白三叶草对杂草化感作用的初步研究

15.Study on the Ecological Impacts and Allelopathy of Interplanting Grass in Hilly Orchards;果园生草的生态效益及化感作用研究

16.Studies on the Characteristics of Rice Allelopathy on Barnyardgrass(Echinochloa Crusgalli L.) Exposed to Low Phosphorus Condition;低磷胁迫下水稻化感作用特性的研究

17.Allelopathy of Aqueous Extracts of Different Garlic Varieties;不同品种大蒜植株水浸液的化感作用

18.Study on the Allelopathic Effects of Garlic Straw大蒜(Allium sativum L.)秸秆化感作用研究


allelopathic effect化感作用

1.Preliminary study on theallelopathic effects of Bidens pilosa;三叶鬼针草化感作用的初步研究

2.This paper describes a laboratory experiment regarding theallelopathic effect of a plant -- Acorus calamus on some common species of algae.小球藻生长时期越长,越易受菖蒲种植水化感作用的影响。

3.Flaveria bident on theallelopathic effects of wheat seed is examined by the specimen in cotton field and hillside place nearby Hengshui lake,by opposing two flaveria bidentis of different distilled water to progress activated material leaching,compounding three kinds of density(10%、50%、100%) of the original solution concentration.以衡水湖附近棉地、坡地的黄顶菊为样本,进行蒸馏水活性浸提,将浸提液配制成10%、50%、100%3种浓度蒸馏水作为对照,进行了黄顶菊对小麦种子化感作用影响研究。

3)allelopathic effects化感作用

1.Research onallelopathic effects of Conyza canadensis-an invasive species外来物种小飞蓬的化感作用初步研究

2.To evaluate of the perspective of application of Artemisia annua in plant protection,here was a study on theallelopathic effects of Artemisia annua.对青蒿Artem isia annua地上部分乙醇提取物的化感作用进行了初步研究。

3.in plant protection, here was a study on theallelopathic effects of Chromolaena odoratum L.)乙醇提取物的化感作用进行了初步研究 。

4)allelopathy effect化感作用


1.Allelopathic Effects of Continuous Cropping Soil of Panax Notoginseng on Seed and Seedling of Some Vegetables三七连作土壤对几种蔬菜种子及幼苗的化感作用

2.Allelopathic Effects of Extracts from Root-zone Soil of Panax notoginseng on Notoginseng"s Seedlings三七根区土壤提取物对三七幼苗的化感作用

3.Allelopathic Effects of Continuous Cropping Soil of Panax notoginseng on Notoginseng and Lettuce三七连作土壤对三七、莴苣的化感作用

6)ginseng allelopathy人参化感作用


器械感器械感sense of equipment器械感(sense of equipment)体操或武术运动员对运动器械的一种专门化知觉,它是运动员顺利进行训练和比赛所必须具备的心理品质。在长期训练中,经常使用器械或在器械上完成动作,使其对器械的大小、形状、弹性、性能、轻重以及(持械的)运行的速度、方向、幅度等都有精确的反应能力,做到身械协调。在器械感的形成中,触觉、视觉、运动觉协同活动,其中,肌肉运动感觉和触觉的精细分化与结合起着重要作用。器械感在长期训练中形成,中断训练很易消失。(刘淑慈撰马启伟审)
