2000字范文 > 悲剧性 tragedy英语短句 例句大全

悲剧性 tragedy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-30 20:23:40


悲剧性 tragedy英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Tragedy of Moral Virtue in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms;论《三国演义》中“义”的悲剧性

2.Tess’s Tragedy in "Tess of the D’Urbervilles"谫论《德伯家的苔丝》之悲剧性

3.Legend Huposhi is reorganize from the novel reorganize of Qinxincairen,and and rightness Junyunqiaozhuan of thetragedy carried on to eliminate solution——to pick and get rid of novel in fatalism oftragedy atmosphere andtragedy allusion;Deleted to reduce experience of the big and parts of distress of master;Replaced by real grand union final outcome original make medium of formality of reunited.传奇《琥珀匙》是改编自青心才人的小说《金云翘传》,并对《金云翘传》的悲剧性进行了消解——剔除了小说中宿命论的悲剧气氛和悲剧暗示;删减了主人翁大部分苦难的经历;以真正的大团圆结局代替了原作中的形式上的团圆。


1.Judgmenting Chinese Classical Tragedy Form the Top Ten Classic Tragedy of China;从十大古典悲剧看中国古典悲剧的悲剧性

2.Tragedy of Destiny and Tragedy of Society--“Thunderstorm” Tragedy Analysis;命运的悲剧和社会的悲剧——《雷雨》的悲剧性分析

3.The Tragic Consciousness of Laoshe and the Tragic in His Works;论老舍的悲剧意识及其小说的悲剧性

4.The Tragedy of the "Autumn in the Palace of Han"从西方悲剧理论看《汉宫秋》的悲剧性

5.Tragicity and Comicity: The Double-voiced Narration in Lord Jim《吉姆爷》的叙述:悲剧性与喜剧性的双声

6.The Tragically Heroic Spirit of Chu A Trial Comment on Chu Culture′s Tragic Characteristic;悲壮的楚魂——试论楚文化的悲剧性特征

7.Non-tragedy Factors in Hardy s Tragic Novels;论哈代世界观影响下悲剧小说的非悲剧性

8.An Inevitable Tragedy in the Tragic Times--Study of the Major Character in Tess of the D Urbervilles;悲剧性时代的必然悲剧——《苔丝》中的人物形象研究

9.The Analysis of Gatsby s Tragedy through the Tragic Theory of Nietzsche;从尼采的悲剧学说解读盖茨比的悲剧性

10.The Spiritual Tragedy of Desire;欲望中的精神悲剧——试论《欲望号街车》的悲剧性

11.Tragic Plot On Whose Girl Has Grown Up;论《谁家有女初长成》的悲剧性及悲剧层次的深入

12.Tragic Existence --Review Wang Anyi s tragic sense from i love Bill;悲剧性的存在——由《我爱比尔》看王安忆的悲剧意识

13.Jia Bao-yu s Tragic Features and Cause of His Life Tragedy;贾宝玉悲剧性格及其人生悲剧形成探因

14.On the Tragedy of A Transcender--On Tragedy of Heathcliff in "Wuthering Heights;超越者的悲剧——论《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫的悲剧性

15.FAMILY:TRAGEDY FOR FEMALES --Tragicism in Modern Feminist Drama;家:女性的悲剧——现代女性戏剧之悲剧论

16.a failing in the character of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall.悲剧中人物性格中导致悲剧的缺陷。

17.This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle of fate tragedy and character tragedy.本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。

18.From Fate Tragedy to Character Tragedy--The Comparison of the Tragedy Cause between Sister Xiangli and Yingzhi;从命运悲剧到性格悲剧——祥林嫂与英芝悲剧成因比较



1.Aesthetic Study of Tragic Works in Chinese Language Education of Secondary Schools;中学语文悲剧性作品的审美解读


1.The Logic of Tragicalness Interpretation and Christinism;悲剧性解释的逻辑与基督宗教思想

2.This article discussestragicalness in aesthetic category.悲剧性不仅指向客观分析方面,而且是内在于人的,即具有人类学美学的实质特征。

3.Though they definedtragicalness in different ways, the essence of their definitions remains unchanged.悲剧性问题是一个重要的美学问题,历代美学家对此进行了深入的探索,虽然他们的表述不尽相同,但是对其基本内涵的认识大致相同。

4)tragic character悲剧性格

1.The influences from the life experiences,her illness,the feudal culture and the well-matching of gold and jade promote the forming of Lin Daiyu stragic character.林黛玉的悲剧性格以及形成她悲剧性格的因素是多方面的:有其身世的影响;疾病的影响;传统文化精神的影响;金玉良缘的影响等。

2.We can find that Fang Hongjian represents the class of traditional Chinese culture and its connotation by the study of the cause of histragic character and fate through his familybackground,academic and life experience.而从其家世、学历及人生际遇诸方面考察悲剧性格和命运的成因,我们更可以发现方鸿渐形象所蕴含的中国传统文化之士阶层和中国传统文化的深刻内涵。

5)character tragedy性格悲剧

1.Xiangzi s tragedy gives expression to such three aspects as fate tragedy,character tragedy and religion experience.祥子的悲剧体现在命运悲剧、性格悲剧、归依体验三个方面。

2.Meekness is his negative side of his character and also the reason w hycharacter tragedy befell on Xiang Zi in social tragedies.封建人格意识的道德观和物质主义感性个体生命的追求是祥子市民个性主义的人性本质,自私、冷酷和怯弱、无力是其性格消极阴暗的一面,这也是社会悲剧中祥子性格悲剧形成的原因。

3.This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle of fate tragedy andcharacter tragedy.本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。

6)tragical sexual life性悲剧

1.Pan Jinlian and Cao Qiqiao,the former lady was separated from the latter for about one thousand years,had similar unfortunate marriages andtragical sexual life,which,in turn,led to their tragedy of life.她们的性悲剧,导致了她们人生和人性的悲剧;她们的性悲剧,其实也折射了封建专制社会中许多中国女性的性悲剧。




