2000字范文 > 诊断测试 diagnostic test英语短句 例句大全

诊断测试 diagnostic test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 19:03:01


诊断测试 diagnostic test英语短句 例句大全

诊断测试,diagnostic test

1)diagnostic test诊断测试

1.An Empirical Study of Large-Scaled Computer-Assisted Diagnostic Testing of Spoken Business English;基于计算机的大规模商务英语口语诊断测试实践研究

2.A Study of Correlations between Testing Methods and the Validity of English Diagnostic Test;测试方法与英语诊断测试效度的相关性研究

3.This paper mainly discusses the echo effect ofdiagnostic test in language teaching for the purpose of actively popularizingdiagnostic test and promptly interfering the learning process of the students.诊断测试是通过检查以往以图补救今后的测试方法,在我国日常教学中起着日益重要的作用。


1.Among the testing methods, classroom test, diagnostic test and achievement test can all be chosen.在测试性方式中,随堂测试、诊断测试、成绩测试等都可选用。

2.A Study of Correlations between Testing Methods and the Validity of English Diagnostic Test;测试方法与英语诊断测试效度的相关性研究

3.Your scanner or camera failed to successfully complete the diagnostic test.扫描仪或数字相机无法完成诊断测试。

4.Your scanner or camera successfully completed the diagnostic test.扫描仪或数字相机已经完成诊断测试。

5.teleprocessing diagnostic tester远程信息处理诊断测试程序

6.infrared fault diagnosis tester for printed circuit board印制电路板故障红外诊断测试仪

7.Your imaging device failed to complete the diagnostic test successfully.成像设备未能成功完成诊断测试。

8.Design of general fault diagnosis and testing platform for military mobile power station军用电站通用故障诊断测试平台设计

9.Fault Diagnosis Testing System of Gearbox Based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的齿轮箱故障诊断测试系统

10.TMDE (Test,Measure and Diagnostic Equipment)试验、测量与诊断设备

11.DFT=Diagnostic Function Test【计】诊断函数[功能]测试

12.The Research of Testand Fault Diagnosis System for Engine Cold Test Station发动机冷试试验台测试诊断系统研究

13.Remote Test and Fault Diagnosis for Equipments Based on ATS基于自动测试系统的装备远程测试与故障诊断

puter Test Helps Diagnose Alzheimer"s电脑测试有助于诊断出老年痴呆症

15.Research on Testing System for PCB Fault Diagnosis Using In-circuit Test;PCB故障诊断路内测试系统的研究

16.Study on One-step Diagnostic Regents for HIV and TP by GICA Technique;GICA一步法检测HIV和TP诊断试剂的研究

17.The Use of Diagnostic Tests in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language;诊断性测试在对外汉语教学中的应用

18.Research on FPGA Interconnect Resources Test and Diagnosis MethodsFPGA互连资源测试与诊断方法研究


testing and diagnosis测试与诊断

3)diagnostic test诊断性测试

1.Chinese language di-agnoshc test has provided a powerful brand new tool,it can accurately measure the obstruction andcauses and it has provided us a useful help in removing the obstructions by combining the teachingpractice with many years of working,here I will probe into the necessity of utilization ofdiagnostic testin thenority students learn.汉语诊断性测试给我们提供了一个全新的有力的工具,即准确地判断障碍和成因,并为我们排除障碍提供有力的帮助。

2.Thediagnostic test can provide us with a new and strong tool to do it.汉语诊断性测试就为我们准确地判断和排除障碍提供了一个崭新而有力的工具。

3.Diagnostic test can diagnose the weakness in English teaching and learning and it is a useful tool of English education.文章在介绍诊断测试概念的基础上,分析一次实际进行的诊断性测试。

4)test card,diagnostic诊断测试卡


1.Research ofATS for Radar PCBs;雷达电路板自动测试诊断平台的研制

6)test and diagnosis data测试诊断数据


放射化学诊断(见核试验测试技术)放射化学诊断(见核试验测试技术)radiochemical diagnosisfangshe huaxue zhenduan放射化学诊断(radioehemieal diagnosis)见核试验测试技术。
