2000字范文 > 媚俗化 vulgarization英语短句 例句大全

媚俗化 vulgarization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-06 14:08:41


媚俗化 vulgarization英语短句 例句大全



1.An Analysis on Vulgarization of Online Media and Its Solution;网络新闻媒体的媚俗化现象及其治理对策

2.Tendency ofvulgarization arises during the period of social transformation,which influences the public faith of media to a certain degree,and thus has negative influences on the development of media.媚俗化倾向是我国社会转轨时期的一个特殊产物,在一定程度上影响了媒体的公信力,对我国媒体的健康发展产生了不利影响。

3.The tendency ofvulgarization has impared the ideological and political nature of Ideological and Political Theory Course,which weakens its effectiveness and makes it fashionablized and peripherialized.媚俗化倾向淡化了思想性、政治性,削弱了实效性,使思想政治理论课时尚化、边缘化。


1.Kitsch: The Presentation of Modernity Fragments of Modern Chinese Pop Literature;媚俗化:中国近现代通俗文学的现代性碎片呈现

2.Analysis on the Tendency of the Vulgarizated on News in Our Country;试析我国大众媒体新闻传播的媚俗化倾向

3.Tendency of Vulgarization and Improvement of Public Faith of Media;大众传媒媚俗化倾向与提升媒体公信力探析

4.An Analysis on Vulgarization of Online Media and Its Solution;网络新闻媒体的媚俗化现象及其治理对策

5.Populariged Mass Culture, Vulgarization and Catering to the Masses;大众文化的流行与"庸俗化"及"媚俗

6.Cultural Pandering to the Public: the Inevitable Result of the Development of Cultural Market;文化媚俗:思想文化市场化的必然结果

7.Kitsch and Loss of Body:On China-style Body Culture Evolution;身体的媚俗与迷失——中国式身体文化演变探析

8.Avant-garde and Fishing for Cheap Popularity--Popular Culture and Chinese Contemporary Avant-garde Movies;先锋与媚俗——大众文化与中国当代先锋电影

9.Influence on Student Personality from Sycophantic and Popular Culture & Countermeasures;媚俗文化对学生个性发展的影响及教育对策

10.On Kurt Vonnegut s Cultural Perspective;在先锋与媚俗之间——谈冯内古特的文化姿态

11.From Defiance to Kitsch:Anti-Americanism Narration and Contemporary Cultural Critique从反抗到媚俗:反美主义叙事与当代文化批判

12.From Civilian Earthliness to Errant Secular Flattery--Comment on Zhang Ziping s Novel Creation;从平民化的通俗到歧途的媚俗——评张资平的小说创作

13.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈

14.The Historical Impact of Globalization on Chinese Culture;全球化对中国文化的历史影响——兼评刘震云的“触电”和“媚俗”

15.We should study entertaining news earnestly and follow news laws.我们要认真研究新闻娱乐化,不要媚俗,要遵循新闻的自身规律。

16.A woman regarded as gaudy or tawdry.娼妓被认为是媚俗或低俗的女人

17.So all the disadvantages of the industry of culture, the vulgar mediocre content and the curry favor with popularity, in particular, are likely to be the problems of mass culture.文化产业的所有弊端,尤其是内容上的粗鄙、平庸及媚俗,也是大众文化本身的毛病。

18.From Transcending to Worldliness--On the Kitsch Aspect in the Western Aesthetic Modernity;从超越走向世俗——论西方审美现代性的媚俗面相


culture pandering to the public文化媚俗

3)sycophantic and popular cultures媚俗文化

1.Much exposure tosycophantic and popular cultures will bring to students negative consequences,and so educators should reduce them as much as possible in order to guarantee the healthy development of individualism.媚文化和俗文化是任何一个国家和民族的文化现象中的一个组成部分,学生过多、过早地接受媚俗文化的影响将引发和带来不良的后果,教育工作者应尽力把媚俗文化的负面影响降低到最低程度,保证学生的个性得到健康的发展。

4)Vulgalized writing媚俗化写作

5)tabloidization of art艺术媚俗化


1.Meanwhile,we misunderstand and abuse the "kitsch".昆德拉在中国的持续流行是一个值得探讨的文化现象,与此相伴生的是我们对其“媚俗”的误读与滥用。

2.To Oscar Wilde,kitsch is a kind of aesthetic symptom prompted by such factors as the context of modern aesthetic culture,his pursuit of aestheticism and his own bourgeois disposition.媚俗,是英国唯美主义代表奥斯卡。

3.Strong feminism in the book — — The Circly of Life and Death appreciably demonstrates the writing of Xiao Hong s refusing kitsch.《生死场》中强烈的女性意识最明显地表达着萧红拒绝媚俗的写作,她描写女人躯体遭受虐待、刑罚以及世界对女人命运所持的冷漠。


