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地学 geology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-13 23:09:48


地学 geology英语短句 例句大全



1.Design and Implementation of 3D Graph in Geology Based on OpenGL;基于OpenGL的地学三维图的设计与实现

2.Environmental Geotechnology is an interdisciplinary science which mainly covers the environmental problems of engineeringgeology, soil & rock mechanics and environment engineering.主要从地学角度对环境岩土工程的基本概念、特色、初步分类和内涵系统作了探讨。

3.It introduces inter- national and domestic standard for metadata such as Dublin core Metadata,and analyses contents and sorts and characters for storage ofgeology digital museum.介绍了数字博物馆及元数据的相关知识和 Dublin core Metadata 等相关国际、国内元数据标准,分析了地学类数字博物馆藏品的内容、分类及其特征,给出了地学类数字博物馆藏品元数据描述的详细设计。


1.Learning leaguage should be active, dependent and purposeful.学习语言应该主动地、立地、目的地学。

2.Antarctic Offshore Acoustic Stratigraphy Project南极近海声学地层学项目(声地学项目)

3.I want to study maths systematically .我想系统地学数学。

4.doing a commercial course at the local college在本地学院学商科.


6.mineralogy is a brand of the great earth science geology矿物学是大地科学地质学的一个分支。

7.The grounds of a school, college, university, or hospital.校园,场地中学、学院、大学或医院的地面

8.Maps are good for Geography.“地图对学地理很有用。

9.Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology地貌及第四纪地质学

10.Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.主修地质学的学生要选修地质学或地理课程。

11.generic element(地名学)通名部分

12.Any one of the sciences, such as geology or geochemistry, that deals with the earth.地球科学研究地球的诸学科中的一个,如地理学或地球化学

13.a place at a college or university where students live.大学里的学生住的地方。

14.biogeochemical ecology生物地球化学生态学

15.Medical Geography of Foreign Medical Sciences国外医学.医学地理分册

16.International Association for Mathematical Geology国际数学地质学协会

17.Mediterranean Chemotherapy Society地中海化学疗法学会

18.Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits矿藏应用地质学学会



1.Eco-geochemical assessment based ongeosciences;基于地学的生态地球化学评价

2.Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications in Geosciences Research;干涉雷达在地学研究中的应用

3.As viewed from the ideas of systematicgeosciences,the inherent development courses of rock-soil numerical simulation are reviewed by a way combining geology with mechanics.从地球系统科学的角度,通过地学、力学等多学科交叉,评述岩土数值模拟发展的内在历程,做了方法论意义上的思考,认为当前4种研究特点可代表岩土数值模拟的近期发展方向,并提出可靠度理论与力学数值模拟技术相结合是解决当今岩土工程问题的最主要的研究方法和发展方向。


1.Development status of satellite application technology ingeoscience study;卫星应用技术在地学研究中的发展现状

2.SVG: A promisinggeoscience graphics technique;SVG:一种前景光明的地学绘图技术

3.The guiding ideology, reform thoughts and newly idea about training talents ofgeoscience is to be elaborated and discussed in the paper, which derives from the training pattern of talents in resource exploration engineering in .在对资源勘查工程专业版人才培养模式的指导思想、改革思路及其蕴涵新型地学人才培养理念进行阐述和讨论的基础上提出地学教育亟待创新;保持核地质教育特色,树立全新地学人才培养理念是资源勘查工程专业教育改革的方向;地学教育改革是一项系统工程,它主要涉及人才培养理念、课程体系设置、课程教学内容等方面。

4)earth science地学

1.The meaning world construction is essential for college student s development in an all-round way, and theearth science specialized education make an irreplaceable role to the college students meaning world construction.意义世界的构建对大学生全面发展至关重要,地学专业教育对地学类大学生意义世界的构建起不可替代的作用。

2.Based on a brief retrospection of the development history ofearth science, the author analyzed the relationship between the human and the earth in the different development stages ofearth science: from the primary harmony to the extreme conflict.在简要回顾地学发展历程的基础上 ,分析了地学发展不同阶段中人类与地球的关系 :从原始协调阶段发展到矛盾激化阶段。

3.This paper gives researches on such dimensions as follows: setting up specific fund on cultivation of postgraduates,taking more practices on both field work and indoor experimentation,reinforcing the quality of textbooks onearth science,consolidating the educational ethics,o.在全国积极加强地质工作的大背景下,切实加强和提高地学类研究生培养质量成为增强地质科技创新能力的重点环节。

5)Earth sciences地学

1.On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the well-known geologist, Hou Defeng, some discussions on his important contributions to the development of mineral industry andEarth sciences in China are given.时值侯德封先生百年华诞之际 ,仅以此文缅怀他老人家在中国开拓矿业及发展地学两个方面所做出的重大贡献。



地学空间数据地学空间数据(spatial data)是空间数据的一种特殊类型。它是指带有地理坐标,即经纬网坐标的数据,包括资源、环境、经济和社会等领域的一切带有地理坐标的数据。
