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冯特 Wundt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-09 06:43:45


冯特 Wundt英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper takes an example ofWundt and his three noble students,discussing the widespread teacher-student relationgship phenomenon in the phycologic history.以冯特和他的三个著名学生——卡特尔、屈尔佩、铁钦钠为例,探讨了心理学史中普遍存在的师承关系现象。

2.The different opinions of wundt and Buentano about act and content have a greatinfluence on the development of psychology in 20th century.冯特与布伦塔诺的内容心理学与意动心理学之争对20世纪的心理学影响巨大。

3.The controversy between structuralism and functionalism began with different opinions ofWundt and Buentano about act and content, which influenced the development of psychology in 20th century.布伦塔诺和冯特关于意动与内容之争开创了随后的构造主义和机能主义对立之先河,对20世纪的心理学影响巨大。


1.Psychology: the Root of its Crises and the Truth of its Revolutions: On Wilhelm Wundt s Relationship to Post-Wundtian Psychology;心理学:危机的根源与革命的实质——论冯特对后冯特心理学的关系

2.TRESKOW-KLOCK, Barbara von巴尔巴拉·冯特雷斯科夫-克勒克

3.Wilhelm wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.冯特1879年在德国建立了第一个心理学实验室。

4.Folk Psychology by W.Wundt;冯特的《民族心理学》:体系、理念及本土意义

5.RITTER VON WAGNER, Adolf阿道夫·里特·冯瓦格纳

6.VITZTHUM VON ECKSTADT, Dieter迪耶特·维茨顿·冯埃克斯塔特

7.The Functions of Art in Kurt Vonnegut s Novels;库尔特·冯内古特小说中艺术的功用

8.This was the first characteristic of Feng"s earlier writing.这是冯骥才初期作品的第一大特点。

9.Stratford on Avon is a small country town.艾冯河上的斯特拉福是一个乡村小镇。

10.Decoding Vonnegut s Jailbird;从互文性角度解读冯内古特之《囚鸟》

11.The Feng Brothers Poetic Principles,Characteristics and Historical Status;虞山二冯诗学的宗尚、特征与历史地位

12.The Characteristic of Existential Contemplation in Fengzhi’s Sonnets;论冯至《十四行集》的存在主义沉思特质

13.On the Religious Meditation in Feng Zhi s Collection of Sonnets;论冯至《十四行集》的宗教沉思特质

14.On the Practical Significance of Humboldt s Studies in Chinese;论威廉·冯·洪堡特汉语研究的现实意义

15.The Discussion of Fengzhi Creation as Ethos in 1940"s论冯至20世纪40年代创作的精神特质

ment on Feng Menglong"s Ballad Collections--Cassia Twig & Shan Ge冯梦龙《挂枝儿》、《山歌》的评注特色

17.The Postmodernist Aesthetic Characteristics in Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five;凯特·冯内古特之《五号屠场》的后现代审美之维

18.Metafictional Skills in Kurt Vonnegut s Breakfast of Champions;库尔特·冯内古特《冠军早餐》中元小说技巧


Wilhelm Wundt冯特

1.Psychology: the Root of its Crises and the Truth of its Revolutions: OnWilhelm Wundt s Relationship to Post-Wundtian Psychology;心理学:危机的根源与革命的实质——论冯特对后冯特心理学的关系

2.A Historical Reappraisal ofWilhelm Wundt s Psychological Heritage;冯特心理学遗产的历史重估

3.The paper investigates in details the historical contexts and basic contents ofWilhelm Wundt s Psychology Struggling for Survival (1913)to disclose its historical significance.详细考察了冯特《心理学的救亡图存》(1913)一书的写作背景及其基本内容 ,以期揭示其历史意义。

3)G·H·Von Wright冯·特


1.A Public Spokesman Turning to Realism:Analysis ofVonnegut s Prose;回归现实主义的公众代言人——冯内古特散文研究

2.On KurtVonnegut s Cultural Perspective;在先锋与媚俗之间——谈冯内古特的文化姿态

3.DecodingVonnegut s Jailbird;从互文性角度解读冯内古特之《囚鸟》

5)Von Wright冯·赖特

1.Inquire intoVon Wright s Theory of Inductive Logic;冯·赖特归纳逻辑理论探赜

2.Analysis Between the Tradition and the Exploration ──G. H. von Wright s Academic Contribution;在分析传统和诠释学传统之间─—冯·赖特的学术贡献

6)Von Wright冯赖特

1.Construction ofVon Wright Action Logic and Special Negative Concepts in it;冯赖特行动逻辑的构建和其特殊的否定概念

2.In "Logic and Philosophy in the Twentieth Century",von Wright wrote as though most of the philosophically interesting technical work in logic had already been done.冯赖特于1991年写道,逻辑学中大多数具有哲学意义的技术性工作似乎均已完成。


