2000字范文 > 民族性 nationality英语短句 例句大全

民族性 nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-15 14:15:56


民族性 nationality英语短句 例句大全



1.Thenationality and modernization of the packing design culture;包装设计文化的民族性与时代性

2.The Nationality and the Times That the Food Packaging Decoration;论食品包装装潢的民族性与时代性


1.LUO Jia-lun and Study of Theory on Ethnology in Modern China--Focued on Nation,Nationality and Nation-state;罗家伦与近代中国民族理论研究——以民族、民族性、民族国家为中心

2.Every nation has its own peculiar character.每一个民族都有其独特的民族性。

3.Political Culture National Characteristic and Nationality s Political Culture;政治文化的民族性与民族的政治文化

4.The education of teachers and the idea of nationality in minority areas;少数民族地区教师教育与民族性理念

5.On the Nationality,Sociality and Economical Character of Ethnic Publications;论民族出版物的民族性、社会性与经济性

6.Study on the Nationality and Modernity of Li Nationality Writer Literary;黎族作家文学的民族性和开放性研究

7.Characteristics of Nationalities and the Times of Tujia Costumes;论土家族服饰的民族性与时代性特征

8.Probe into Jiang Zeming’s Theories of Building National Spirit And National Nature;学习江泽民“民族性格、民族精神塑造理论”

9.Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality正教、专制和民族性

10.As the language is, so also is the nation."语言如此,民族性亦然。”

11.Research on the Correlation of Nationality and Regionality of Education in Multinational Areas;民族杂居区教育的民族性与地域性关系研究

12.On the National and Era Characteristics of New Democracy Culture;论新民主主义文化的民族性和时代性

13.Discussion on nationality of national hero--Beginning with whether Wen Tian-xiang and Yue Fei are national heroes;也谈民族英雄的民族性——从文天祥、岳飞是否为“民族英雄”谈起

14.Shen Congwen s "Deep Description" of the Miaos National Character--Take "The Miaos Legends" as an example;沈从文对苗族民族性格的“深描”——“以苗族传奇”为例

15.On Nation-state and the "politicization" & "citizenization" of Modern Nationa lilies;民族国家与现代民族的“政治性”、“国民性”

16.The Exhibitions of the Complexity of National Problems in Western National Areas;西部民族地区民族问题复杂性的表现

17.On the Feasibility of Offering National Sports Dance in National Colleges and Universities;民族高校开设民族体育舞蹈的可行性

18.Nation,Ethnicity and Politics from Contemporary Nationalism;当代民族立义视角下的民族、族性与政治



1.Positive Choices of Economic Development and Nationalism in Ethnic Areas;民族地区经济发展与民族性的正向选择

2.Onnationalism of modern advertisement culture in China;论中国现代广告文化的民族性

3.A Study of Nationalism in China s World War Ⅱ Themed Movies;中国二战题材影片的民族性研究

3)national character民族性

1.Globalization context and thenational character in the contemporary Chinese literature;全球化语境与中国当代文学的“民族性”

2.Union and surpass——thought on thenational character of overseas Chinese literature and its changes;依归与超越——海外华人华文文学民族性及其异变之再思索

4)national characteristic民族性

1.This paper,by putting Guan Gong culture and the Olympic spirit into the context of Chinese culture,is to find out if there is some new light of civilization in this combination of national and international characteristics.本文试图将关公文化和奥运精神共同置于中国文化的具体语境中进行考察和探索,以期找出世界性与民族性相契合的新的文明亮点。

2.Seventy or eighty years ago,Qu Qiubai made an research onnational characteristics of culture in an all-round way.70、80年前,瞿秋白就已经比较全面地论及了文化的民族性问题。

3.But,current the movement of Sanda has urgently to solve the question-"how to manifest thenational characteristic of the the movement of Sanda".但是,当前散打运动要急需解决的问题是如何体现散打运动的民族性。


1.An exploration for the national and regional characteristic of architecture art;关于对建筑艺术民族性及地域性的隐喻探索

mentary about theNationality of Xianxinghai s Polyphony Compostion;试论冼星海复调创作的民族性

3.The core of them not only relates to ethnic status and treatment,but also concerns with the national rights and interests,and at the same time it involves ethnic consciousness and emotions.民族关系是在人们的交往联系中,不仅具有社会性,而且具有民族性的社会关系。

6)national character民族性格

1.To Identify Japanese National Character from Development of Sino-Japan Relationship;从中日关系的发展看日本的民族性格

2.American National Character and Its Advertising Language;美国民族性格与美国广告语言

3.From living environment,national character,natural view,aesthetic psychology and other aspects the differences of Chinese and the western construction ways in traditional residential architecture are analyzed;reasons caused the differences are discussed in order to provide ideas for architects.从中西生存环境、民族性格、自然观、审美心理等方面对中西传统居住建筑建造方式的差异进行了分析,并探讨了中西传统居住建筑建造方式产生差异的原因,从而为设计师提供一些思路。


个体心理的民族性个体心理的民族性national mental characteristics in individuals个体心理的民族性(n ational mental ehar-acteristies in individuals)个体由于血缘关系通过遗传而获得的种族特征和在民族心理素质的基础上通过民族社会化而获得的受民族文化制约的民族心理特点。表现在十个方面:(l)民族心理素质。(2)民族意识和民族观念。(3)民族语言和与此有关的学习能力与交往能力。(4)民族生活经验和认知特点。(5)民族需要、价值观和动机。(6)民族情感和态度。(7)民族爱好、兴趣与特长。(8)民族习惯。(9)民族气质与民族性格。(10)信仰(宗教的、政治的)的民族色彩。任何民族的成员的个体心理均有生物性、人性、民族性、阶级性、地域性、职业性和个性诸层次,民族性是个体心理结构中的一个层次,是个体作为本民族的成员与其他民族的人相区别的重要心理特征。(胡牙L遇撰张世畜审)
