2000字范文 > 旧唯物主义 old materialism英语短句 例句大全

旧唯物主义 old materialism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 04:15:26


旧唯物主义 old materialism英语短句 例句大全

旧唯物主义,old materialism

1)old materialism旧唯物主义

1.The differences of their theories were not new andold materialism,but division of the work in philosophi.认为马克思和恩格斯哲学研究的出发点存在原则性差异,并由此推论出马克思把自己的哲学理解为实践唯物主义,恩格斯则退回到直观的旧唯物主义立场上去了,这样的"差异论"缺少文本依据。

2.Based on the revision of the mistaken thing-oriented idea ofold materialism,it adopts a mode of understanding and reforming "things" of a practical nature so that it has succeeded in restoring the human-oriented and people-oriented power to a leading power and value standard in the world of life.它基于对旧唯物主义偏执物本力量误区的修正,对"物"采取实践的理解方式和改造方式,才真正把人本、民本的力量还原为生活世界的主导力量和价值标准。

3.There is a lot of dialectics in theold materialism.旧唯物主义哲学中有许多辩证法观点,费尔巴哈哲学中同样也充盈着大量的辩证法,从运动观、联系观、矛盾观、认识论等视域均可揭示费尔巴哈哲学中的辩证法成分。


1.The Oldness of Old Materialism and the Novelty of New Materialism旧唯物主义之“旧”与新唯物主义之“新”

2.In What Aspect Does Feuerbach s Materialism Belongto the Old Materialism;费尔巴哈的唯物主义在何种意义上属于旧唯物主义

3.On Marxist Philosophy Surpassing the Old Materialism;论马克思主义哲学对旧唯物主义的超越

4.On Marx s Transcendence of Feuerbach s Materialism;浅谈马克思对费尔巴哈旧唯物主义的超越

5.The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or social humanity.旧唯物主义的立场是市民社会,新唯物主义的立场是人类社会或者社会化人类。

6.The Different Visual Field of the Understanding at the Differentiation Point of the New and Old Materialism between Marx and Engels;恩格斯与马克思对新旧唯物主义区别点理解上的不同视野

munist materialism共产主义的唯物主义

8.They preach idealism whereas we advocate meterilsm.他们讲唯心主义,我们讲唯物主义。

9.Persisting in Dialectical Materialism, Opposing to Idealism;坚持辩证唯物主义 反对唯心主义

10.A New Understanding of the Original and the Priminitive Theory of the Social Being of the Historical Materialism and the Old Framework (continued);历史唯物主义社会存在本原论的新见解与旧框架(下)

11.in a materialistic manner.采取唯物主义的态度。

12.French materialism in the 18th century十八世纪法国唯物主义

13.We should be materialists.我们应做唯物主义者。

14.dialectical materialist view of nature辩证唯物主义自然观

15.theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义认识论

16.On the Study of the Origin of Methodology of Historical Materialism from Empirical Materialism,Social Materialism to Historical Materialism;历史唯物主义方法论探源——从经验唯物主义、社会唯物主义到历史唯物主义

17.Dialectical Practical Materialism ──On the Combination of Reasonable Dialectical Materialism and Perceptual Practical Materialism;辩证的实践唯物主义──理性的辩证唯物主义与感性的实践唯物主义相结合的唯物主义

18.Dialectical Practical Materism --On the Combination of Reasonable Dialectical Materialism and Sensible Practical Materialism;辩证的实践唯物主义——理性的辩证唯物主义与感性的实践唯物主义相结合的唯物主义


Westen traditional materialism西方旧唯物主义


1.Thematerialism tendency of Bacon philosophy;培根哲学的唯物主义倾向

2.On the Eve of a Turn for Materialism and Communism:Rethinking the Thought Development of Marx in the Period of Rheinische Zeitung;在转向唯物主义和共产主义的前夜——《莱茵报》时期马克思哲学思想发展的再考察

3.Progressing with the times:a requirement and a realization of the world s view in dialecticmaterialism;与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现

4)new materialism新唯物主义

1.On the Novelty of New Materialism from the Angle of Thinking Way;从思维方式看“新唯物主义”之“新”

2.Thenew materialism of Marx is a practice materialism——summing up about Marxist philosophy appellation;马克思新唯物主义是实践唯物主义——关于马克思主义哲学称谓的综述

3.Capital: the Fourth Development Stage of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism;《资本论》:马克思新唯物主义哲学发展的第四个阶段

5)the new materialism新唯物主义

1.The key to “the new materialism” by Marx;马克思的“新唯物主义”新在何处

2.What the key to“the new materialism”by Marx? There exist various interpretation and answer about the refreshing point with regards to the New Materialism by Marx.马克思的“新唯物主义”新在何处?马克思主义哲学理解史上存在着种种不同的理解和解答。

3.The new materialism which has overcome the defect of the old materialism is practical materialism.马克思创立的新唯物主义的新在于它的实践性,即从主体方面把现实中的事物当作实践和人的感性活动来理解。

6)sole materialism唯物质主义


