2000字范文 > Write about your achievements in a CV

Write about your achievements in a CV

时间:2020-11-15 23:37:01


Write about your achievements in a CV

Successfully applying for a job means showing your employer that you are more suitable than the other candidates. Job application numbers for a particular vacancy vary from tens to hundreds. You will usually need to be short-listed among the first twenty in order to be offered an interview. Only CVs that have impressed the employer will make it to this stage.

When recruiting people, employers reduce the CV list to around forty or fifty candidates. The difference between the chosen candidates and the others is a well presented CV and cover letter.

What did they do differently?

The way they presented their achievements. In this tutorial we will explain how you can word your achievements in a more suitable manner. Employers are attracted to achievements because they want the applicant to repeat them in their own business.
