2000字范文 > 引导成功率 guiding success ratio英语短句 例句大全

引导成功率 guiding success ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 21:18:29


引导成功率 guiding success ratio英语短句 例句大全

引导成功率,guiding success ratio

1)guiding success ratio引导成功率

2)command and guide success rate指挥引导成功率

1.An algorithm forcommand and guide success rate of antiaircraft C~4ISR system is proposed based on a test.基于防空C4ISR系统试验和评估,给出了一种指挥引导成功率的计算方法。

3)pinpoint guidance probability导引成功概率

4)successful rate of striking arc引弧成功率

1.The principle of small current touch striking arc system is explicated,and influencing factors in thesuccessful rate of striking arc are also analyzed.小电流接触引弧是目前钨极氩弧 (TIG)焊自动引弧的发展趋势 ,本文在分析了小电流接触引弧工作原理的基础上 ,指出影响引弧成功率的主要因素是短路电流和短路时间、热引弧电流和热引弧时间。

5)command and guide success area指挥引导成功区

6)introducing work引导功

1.The relation betweenintroducing work and heat is further anal.并且进一步分析了引导功与热量的关系,指出功热关系的不同界定标准将给出温度变换的相反结果;Planck热力学与Ott热力学之间差异的焦点就在于是否确认引导功。


1.Signaling Function of China Consumer Confidence Index;中国消费者信心指数的信号引导功能

2.The Analysis of Tutor"s Function in Guiding the Public Opinion in College Students" Association辅导员在高校社团中的舆论引导功能研究

3.old person"s method of qi inducing老君导引法(气功)

4.Model of the Radar Seeker System and Simulation in Static State;雷达导引头系统建模与静态功能仿真

5.The Phenomena,Functions and Guidance of Fad Culture on Campus;大学校园时尚文化现象、功能及其引导

6.On Grammatical Functions of and Distinctions between So That Clauses;So That引导的从句的语用功能及区别

7.Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success.不需说,只有毅力才能引导人迈向成功之途。

8.I would consider this introductory text a success.我将认为这本导引性的教科书是成功的。

9.An Exploration into the Methods of Guiding College Students to Do Successful English Reading引导大学生进行英语成功阅读的方法探索

10.Effect of Mandible Forward Resulted from Functional Therapy on Mandibular Bone;功能矫治引导下颌前伸对下颌骨的影响

11.On the Causes of the Contemporary Mercenaries Development and Its Functional Redirection;论当代雇佣军的发展原因及其功能引导

12.How Science and Technology Investment from the Government Channel Off and Link up Business Capital in China;中国财政科技投入资金的引导、衔接功能研究

13.The Important Function of Interpretative Report in Publicity;论解释性报道在新闻舆论引导中的重要功能

14.Strenghthening the funtions of government s guiding service and improving the stable innovational abilities of the enterprises;强化政府引导服务功能 提高企业整体创新能力

15.Curriculum Leadership: The Way to Lead Reform of Vocational Education Curriculum to Success课程领导:引领职业教育课程改革走向成功

16.Modeling and Simulation of Probability of Successful Handover for Multi-mode Seeker复合导引头交接班成功概率的建模与仿真

17.Utilitarian Trend in Contemporary College Students" Values and Its Guidance当代大学生价值观的功利主义倾向及其引导

18.The Methods of Breathing and Making Gas Go in One s Body and the Methods of Health Care and Treating--Trying to Analyze the Bamboo Book <Leading Book>f Han Dynasty and the Silk Picture <Guiding Picture>;吐纳行气术与保健治疗功——试析汉简《引书》和帛画《导引图》


command and guide success rate指挥引导成功率

1.An algorithm forcommand and guide success rate of antiaircraft C~4ISR system is proposed based on a test.基于防空C4ISR系统试验和评估,给出了一种指挥引导成功率的计算方法。

3)pinpoint guidance probability导引成功概率

4)successful rate of striking arc引弧成功率

1.The principle of small current touch striking arc system is explicated,and influencing factors in thesuccessful rate of striking arc are also analyzed.小电流接触引弧是目前钨极氩弧 (TIG)焊自动引弧的发展趋势 ,本文在分析了小电流接触引弧工作原理的基础上 ,指出影响引弧成功率的主要因素是短路电流和短路时间、热引弧电流和热引弧时间。

5)command and guide success area指挥引导成功区

6)introducing work引导功

1.The relation betweenintroducing work and heat is further anal.并且进一步分析了引导功与热量的关系,指出功热关系的不同界定标准将给出温度变换的相反结果;Planck热力学与Ott热力学之间差异的焦点就在于是否确认引导功。


初恋成功率初恋成功率success rate of first love初恋成功率(sucoess:ate of firstl。ve)初恋达到婚姻的件数与所有初恋件数之比。成功率与激发闽恰成正比。过早和幼稚的初恋激发闽低,成功率也极低。文化较高、修养较好的成熟青年初恋的激发闽高,成功率也较高。总体来说,初恋的成功率相对偏低。初恋挫折、失败的教训可以提高以后再恋的激发闽,从而提高再恋的成功率〔,(陈若莉撰茜奋嘉审)
