2000字范文 > 非协同式目标识别 non-cooperative target recognition英语短句 例句大全

非协同式目标识别 non-cooperative target recognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-28 18:33:56


非协同式目标识别 non-cooperative target recognition英语短句 例句大全

非协同式目标识别,non-cooperative target recognition

1)non-cooperative target recognition非协同式目标识别

1.Based on the applications of the cooperative target recognition system andnon-cooperative target recognition system,the technical status of overseas target recognition systems was analyzed,and their trends and characteristic were summed up.从协同式和非协同式目标识别系统应用背景出发,系统的分析了国外目标识别系统的技术现状,总结了系统特点与发展趋势。


1.Non-Cooperative Target Recognition the Technology of Data Fusion;非协同式目标识别——信息融合技术

2.Study of Neural Network on Non-Cooperate Target Recognition;神经网络在非协同目标识别中的应用研究

3.Cooperative multi-platform target recognition and distributed fusion based on D-S evidence theory基于D-S证据理论的多平台协同目标识别分步式融合

4.Study of target recognition based on multi-sensor cooperating with exploration多传感器协同探测目标的分类识别研究

5.Research on Cooperative Target Recognition Mechanism in Oceanic Sensor Networks海洋传感器网络协同目标识别机制研究

6.Studies on Radar Target Recognition Based on Nonlinear Approaches;基于非线性方法的雷达目标识别研究

7.Embedded helicopter target recognition system based on ARM基于ARM的嵌入式直升机目标识别系统

8.Distributed Target Assignment Based on Contract Mechanism in Corporative Engagement基于合同机制的协同作战分布式目标分配研究

9.Collaborative objectives aligning supply chain strategies such as sale and management goal.以具体协同目标为导向的合作方式,具体协同目标必须与销售、营等供应链战略目标相一致。

10.Research on Fingerprint Classification and Matching Algorithm Using Synergetic Pattern Recognition;基于协同模式识别的指纹分类和匹配算法研究

11.Study on Three-dimensional Recognition of the Spatial Object Based on Optical Correlation Pattern Recognition基于光学相关模式识别的空间目标的三维识别方法研究

12.An objects counting algorithm based on pattern matching was developed in this paper.设计了一种基于模式匹配的目标点识别算法。

13.An Object Recognition Robot Vision System Design Based on Embedded System;基于嵌入式的机器人目标识别视觉系统设计

14.Technique on Recognizing and Tracing of Aim of Strapdown Imaging Seekers基于捷联式图像寻的器的目标识别与跟踪技术

15.Object Recognition Method Based on Embedded System for Mobile Robots基于嵌入式系统的移动机器人目标识别方法

16.Design of catadioptric infrared optical system for tank target tracking and recognition折反式坦克目标跟踪识别红外光学系统设计

17.Division for Concerted Action and Special Projects协同行动和特别项目司

18.LTMR (Laser Target Marker/Ranger)激光目标识别器/测距器



1.It s very important now to research non-cooperate target recognition (NCTR) in modern information war, Neural Network (NN) can be widely used in this field because of its strong self-adapted learning ability and high speedily parallel calculating ability.现代电子战争中的非协同目标识别十分重要,而神经网络凭借其很强的自适应学习能力和高速并行运算能力在该领域具有广泛的应用前景。

3)cooperative target recognition协同式目标识别

1.Based on the applications of thecooperative target recognition system and non-cooperative target recognition system,the technical status of overseas target recognition systems was analyzed,and their trends and characteristic were summed up.从协同式和非协同式目标识别系统应用背景出发,系统的分析了国外目标识别系统的技术现状,总结了系统特点与发展趋势。

4)Cooperative identification协同式识别

5)Synergetic pattern recognition协同模式识别

1.Research on Fingerprint Classification and Matching Algorithm Using Synergetic Pattern Recognition;基于协同模式识别的指纹分类和匹配算法研究

2.Learning in synergetic pattern recognition is a process by which prototype vectors and adjoint vectors are calculated.在协同模式识别中,学习可以归结为求原型向量和伴随向量。

6)cooperative identifieation协同式敌我识别


