2000字范文 > 探测模糊区 detection fuzzy zone英语短句 例句大全

探测模糊区 detection fuzzy zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-12 15:14:56


探测模糊区 detection fuzzy zone英语短句 例句大全

探测模糊区,detection fuzzy zone

1)detection fuzzy zone探测模糊区

2)Fuzzy area measure模糊区域测度

3)multi detector signal fuzzification多探测器信息模糊化

1.A new design of intelligent fire alert detecting system onmulti detector signal fuzzification technic is presented in this paper.提出一种基于模糊 -神经网络的多探测器信息模糊化智能型火灾报警监测系统的新方案 。

4)fuzzy region模糊区域

1.Description of topological relation withinfuzzy region in GIS;GIS中模糊区域拓扑关系形式化描述

2.Mapkob model at thinkingfuzzy region demonstrates that the latter is better than the former.将灰色马尔科夫链和考虑模糊区域的灰色马尔可夫链所算预测值对比,说明考虑模糊区域的灰色马尔可夫链模型比一般的灰色马尔科夫链更加优越。

3.A fuzzy spatial region model was proposed based on flou set and the property offuzzy regions was analyzed.在很多地理实际应用中,模糊空间区域没有分明的边界,如何建模并有效表达空间模糊区域具有重要的研究价值。


1.a twilight zone between good and evil善与恶之间的模糊区域

binational reasoning based on spatial directional and topological relations in fuzzy regions;模糊区域内基于方向和拓扑的空间推理

3.Evaluating the Investmental Environment of the Developing Districts in Chengdu City by Fuzzy Method成都市域开发区投资环境的模糊评价

4.Research on Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Theory and Region Methods;基于模糊理论的图像分割区域法研究

5.Analysis on Regional Venture Capital Environment Based on AHP Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;区域风险投资环境的AHP模糊综合评价

6.The fuzzy curve analysis of regional overall financial competitiveness;区域金融综合竞争力的模糊曲线分析

7.District Fire Risk Assessment Based on Fuzzy Theory基于模糊集理论区域火灾危险性评价

8.A Fuzzy Interval Clustering Approach of Regional Products with Incomplete Certain Information;信息不完全确定的区域产品模糊区间聚类方法

9.The Model and Solution of Region Water Resources Fuzzy Multi-objective Programming;区域水资源模糊多目标规划模型及求解

10.Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation on Regional Service Industry Competence;区域服务业竞争力的模糊综合评价模型的构建

11.Assessment and quantification theory with fuzzy pattern recognition model on regional sustainable development;区域可持续发展模糊模式识别评价量化理论

12.Research for the Regional Sustainable Development Based on Fuzzy Optimization Model基于模糊优选模型的区域可持续发展研究

13.The road landscape image semantic annotation algorithm based on regional fuzzy ontology基于区域模糊本体的公路景观图像区域语义标注方法

14.uncertain area or condition between others that are more clearly defined(介于界限分明的两者之间的)过渡区域,模糊状态

15.Ghosts and blurred area artefacts appear in the render.重像而且使区域人工品模糊出现在那描绘。

16.An Algorithm of Edge Detection Based on Fuzzy Enhancement of Contrast among Successive Regions图像边界检测的区域对比度模糊增强算法

17.Study on Fuzzy Set Analysis of Regional Agricultural Water Resources Optimal Allocation and Its Application;区域农业水资源优化模糊集分析及其应用研究

18.The Application of Fuzzy Judgment Method in the Regional Industrial Land-use Plans Suitability Analysis;模糊评价法在区域工业用地适宜性评价中应用


Fuzzy area measure模糊区域测度

3)multi detector signal fuzzification多探测器信息模糊化

1.A new design of intelligent fire alert detecting system onmulti detector signal fuzzification technic is presented in this paper.提出一种基于模糊 -神经网络的多探测器信息模糊化智能型火灾报警监测系统的新方案 。

4)fuzzy region模糊区域

1.Description of topological relation withinfuzzy region in GIS;GIS中模糊区域拓扑关系形式化描述

2.Mapkob model at thinkingfuzzy region demonstrates that the latter is better than the former.将灰色马尔科夫链和考虑模糊区域的灰色马尔可夫链所算预测值对比,说明考虑模糊区域的灰色马尔可夫链模型比一般的灰色马尔科夫链更加优越。

3.A fuzzy spatial region model was proposed based on flou set and the property offuzzy regions was analyzed.在很多地理实际应用中,模糊空间区域没有分明的边界,如何建模并有效表达空间模糊区域具有重要的研究价值。

5)Fuzzy interval模糊区间

1.Also,we use fuzzy interval method and regression analysis method to rank auording to their levels,and the rationality of this rank is discussed.以一次歌咏比赛作为例子,讨论了竞赛中的公平性问题;文中使用了多种统计方法,首先用方差分析法,识别出选手和裁判员水平都有显著差异;然后对比赛评价常用的截头去尾法的合理性进行了分析;并且用模糊区间法和回归分析法对选手的水平进行排名;同时,对排名的合理性进行了分析比较。

2.In view of the characteristic that included both fuzzy interval data and qualitative variable in the index system,the model can synthesize the quantify attribute and the qualitative attribute as well.在建立了运输商选择综合指标体系的基础上,针对运输商选择问题评价指标中既有模糊区间数据,又有定性数据的特点,构建了基于模糊语义距离的运输商选择数学模型,该模型能够将定量属性(包括模糊型数据)与定性属性综合考虑,得出能够反映运输商综合能力的排序结果。

6)Fuzzy regional division模糊区划

1.With the aggregates of land resources as the object of study and based on theFuzzy regional division of various types of productive forces, the potential land productivity,foodstructure and population Supporting capacity on Hainan Island are computed,with considering the input and transformation of material and energy of land resources.以土地资源综合体为研究对象,在生产力类型模糊区划的基础上,从土地资源物质能量投入与转化入手,采用科学方法计算了海南岛的土地生产潜力、食物结构和人口承载量。


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