2000字范文 > 水源地安全 safety of water source area英语短句 例句大全

水源地安全 safety of water source area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 21:29:35


水源地安全 safety of water source area英语短句 例句大全

水源地安全,safety of water source area

1)safety of water source area水源地安全


1.Analysis on Safety of Drinking Water Source in Xi"an City西安市城市饮用水源地安全状况浅析

2.Research on Evaluation Indices System of Ground Drinking Water Source Security for Cities;城市饮用水地下水水源地安全评价体系研究

3.Protection of drinking water sources and water pollution control in rural areas农村饮用水水源地安全保障与水污染防治

4.A Method for Security Assessment of Centralized Surface Source Water Area;集中式地表饮用水水源地安全评价方法研究

5.Safety assessment of underground drinking water sources in Shunyi district of Beijing北京顺义区地下水饮用水源地安全评价

6.Ecological Security Assessment and Pollution Research of the Drinking Water Source Area in Cixi City慈溪市饮用水水源地安全评价及污染研究

7.Security Assessment of the Surface Drinking-water Sources in Qinhuangdao秦皇岛市地表饮用水源地安全状况评价分析

8.Safety and construction of water source area:a case study in Wulumuqi水源地安全与水源地建设问题分析——以乌鲁木齐市为例

9.Assessment and Investigation of Water Security on Centralized Drinking Water Sources in Towns of Chongqing重庆市城镇饮用水水源地水安全调查与评价

10.Countermeasures of Water Quality Safety in Wenzhou温州市水库型水源地水质安全问题及保护对策

11.Relationship between Land Use Pattern and Water Security of Drinking Water Conservation Areas in Guangzhou广州市饮用水源保护地土地利用格局与水安全

12.The safety of urban water and the construction of emergency water source:taking kunming for example;城市水安全与应急水源地建设——以昆明市为例

13.The Current Water Quality and Safety Countermeasure of Changji Waterhead昌吉市饮用水源地水质现状及安全保护对策

14.Countermeasures of Strengthening Drinking water source Safety in NanJing City加强南京市饮用水源地水质安全的思考

15.Study on the Groundwater Environment Simulation of City s Wellfield and the Countermeasure of Feeding Water Supplyment;城市供水水源地地下水环境模拟与安全供水对策研究

16.Environmental Safety Evaluation and Safeguard Countermeasures for Drinking Waterhead(DW) of Fuzhou Urban District in Fujian Province福州市区饮用水源地环境安全评价与保障措施

17.the Safe Current Situation of Water Resource and Its Appraise in the 21st Century;水资源安全现状及21世纪水资源安全评价

18.Impact of Water Diversion Project Across Basins on Land Water Cycle and Water Security跨流域调水及其对陆地水循环及水资源安全影响


stand-by water source安全水源

1.The action,importance and usage char- acteristics ofstand-by water source in float glass production were introduced.介绍了安全水源在浮法玻璃生产中作用、重要性、应用特征,列举了几种常用的和有潜力的安全水源,重点从工程设计和生产管理两方面应对停电停水事故,以保护生产和设备安全,把事故的经济损失降到最小。

3)the safety of water source水源安全

4)water resources safety水资源安全

1.Establishment and application of the assessment model forwater resources safety in Dalian;大连市水资源安全评价模型的构建及其应用

2.Many serious existing problems of ecological safety in China, such as land resources safety,water resources safety,environment safety and biological species safety, are analyzed.笔者论述生态安全的基本含义、构成和特点,分析我国生态安全在国土资源安全、水资源安全、环境安全和生物物种安全等方面存在严重的问题,指出我国生态安全有加速恶化的趋势。

3.Aiming at the problems ofwater resources safety,people s impact onwater resources safety system is analyzed.针对水资源安全存在的问题,分析了"人"对水资源安全系统的作用,明确提出"人"是水资源安全的主体。

5)water security水资源安全

1.Progress inwater security;水资源安全问题研究综述

2.Water balance andwater security study in the Haihe basin;海河流域水量平衡与水资源安全问题研究

3.In this paper, the current status ofwater security in Northwest China was analyzed from the angles of quantity, distribution, disasters, accessibility, fragility of ecosystem.本文首先从水资源的数量、区域分布、水旱灾害、可达性、生态系统的脆弱性等角度 ,分析了西北地区水资源安全现状 ,然后辨识了影响该地区水资源安全的几对矛盾 ,包括水量短缺与用水浪费之间的矛盾、生产用水与生态用水之间的矛盾、上游用水与中下游用水之间的矛盾等 ,最后在此基础上 ,提出了保障水资源安全的基本对策 ,包括 :①普及水资源安全忧患意识 ,增强节水观念 ;②引入生态系统管理思想 ,加强水资源的统一管理与合理使用 ;③保证生态用水 ,并根据水资源承载力进行生态环境建设。

6)water resources security水资源安全

1.Multiobjective assessment and early warning ofwater resources security based on Vague set;水资源安全Vague集多目标评价及预警

2.Affecting factors ofwater resources security and its evolving tendency;我国水资源安全影响因素与发展态势研究

3.Risk analysis ofwater resources security under sudden water pollution accidents;突发性水资源安全风险分析


水源地水源地water source locations加{y口and{水源地(water souree loeation)指矿山生产用水的取水地点。地表水源有江、河‘湖、海和水库等,地下水源有潜流水、承压水、泉水、岩溶水等。矿山矿坑水、生产废水、生活污水、冷却排水等也可以利用,但需经过处理或冷却后用于矿山生产;这是水源的重复循环利用,节约用水,缓解水资源短缺矛盾,减少排水对环境污染的重要途径。一般地下水取水,工程费用少,水质好,净化设施简单,便于分期建设,水质不易受外部污染,应优先选用。但当地下水源不足.含矿物质很高,影响生产使用时,就要利用地表水。矿山水源地应选在地形、地质、环境卫生和取水等条件均好·工程费用少,施工生产管理方便的地点。并要注意统筹解决工农业用水矛盾,确保矿山用水。(陈洪业)
