2000字范文 > 允许拖力 allowable drag force英语短句 例句大全

允许拖力 allowable drag force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-03 08:58:08


允许拖力 allowable drag force英语短句 例句大全

允许拖力,allowable drag force

1)allowable drag force允许拖力

2)permitted external axial forces允许外力

1.Methods of designing pre-tightening forces andpermitted external axial forces are proposed with the obtained nonlinear curves as the base.Marc软件建立螺栓接头的三维接触有限元模型,计算得到了螺栓接头中螺纹段最大等效应力随预紧力的变化曲线、残余预紧力和螺纹段最大等效应力随被连接件所受轴向外力的非线性变化曲线,提出了基于这些曲线设计高强度螺栓接头预紧力和允许外力的方法。


1.Design Methods for Pre-tightening Forces and Permitted External Forces Acted on a Bolted Joint Based on 3D FEM Computation;基于有限元计算的螺栓接头预紧力和允许外力设计方法

2.The doctor won"t permit me out.医师将不允许我出外。

3.allowances for exchange fluctuatio外汇牌价允许波动范围

4.If you" ll allow a slight digression,...请允许我说几句题外话.

5.I make no exceptions.我不允许有例外发生。

6.no exceptions were allowed.不允许有任何例外。

7.allow the foreign business people to lease land;允许对外商划地租赁;

8.She is not allowed out after dark.天黑后不允许她外出。

9.Are foreign students allowed to work?允许外国留学生工作吗?

10.In April the government sought to take some of the steam out of the rupee by allowing Indian firms to make bigger overseas acquisitions.4月,印度政府试图利用其卢布的动力,允许印度企业大量举债国外。

11.Deteriorating item capacitated lot-sizing model for both out-sourcing and backlogging;允许外包和脱销的变质性产品的能力限制批量模型

12.maximum allowable working pressure最大容许工作压力;最大允许工作压力;最高允许工作压力

13.Let outside people (not in Allow List or Block List) send me messages允许外部的人(不在允许或阻止名单中)给我发送消息

14.Query contains an outer-join request that is not permitted.查询中包含不允许的外联接请求。

15.The Customs Bureau accepts certain foreign exports free of duty.海关总暑允许免税进口几种外国货.

16.Autumn"s parents did not permit her to go out with her boyfriend.秋的父母不允许她和男朋友一道外出。

17.The workers are allowed to live out.这些工人被允许住在厂外。

18.The students in the school are not allowed to go out after dark.学校里的学生天黑以后不允许外出。


permitted external axial forces允许外力

1.Methods of designing pre-tightening forces andpermitted external axial forces are proposed with the obtained nonlinear curves as the base.Marc软件建立螺栓接头的三维接触有限元模型,计算得到了螺栓接头中螺纹段最大等效应力随预紧力的变化曲线、残余预紧力和螺纹段最大等效应力随被连接件所受轴向外力的非线性变化曲线,提出了基于这些曲线设计高强度螺栓接头预紧力和允许外力的方法。

3)permissible counterforce允许反力

4)stress allowed允许应力

5)allowable pressure允许压力

6)Allowable forces and moments允许受力


外力1.外来的力量。 2.物理学术语。指外界作用于某一体系的力。例如其他原子对某一原子的作用力,对该原子来说就是外力。
