2000字范文 > 进动周期 precession period英语短句 例句大全

进动周期 precession period英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-16 04:51:54


进动周期 precession period英语短句 例句大全

进动周期,precession period

1)precession period进动周期

1.A method of extracting theprecession period of ballistic missiles(BM) in the Midcourse Phase of their ballistic trajectories with radar cross section(RCS) sequence was presented.主要研究了利用雷达目标RCS序列提取弹道导弹进动周期的方法。

2.In this paper,a new method,namely PreAUTOC-AMDF method to extractprecession period is proposed,which combines autocorrelation method(AUTOC) and average magnitude difference function method(AMDF).提出一种自相关(AUTOC)法与平均幅度差函数(AMDF)法相结合的弹道类目标进动周期提取方法(PreAUTOC-AMDF法)。

3.Extractingprecession period,precession angle will help solve the problem of discriminating the warheads from decoys.弹头和诱饵在外形和散射特性上有很多的相似处,但是进动特征有很大差别,反演进动周期、进动角等特征将有助于解决弹头、诱饵的识别问题,本文以中段旋转对称体目标为研究对象,分析了该类目标的散射特性,提出了移动散射点模型,分析了自旋、进动对目标一维像的影响,提出了基于相关图估计进动周期的方法,并从理论上推导了进动周期内一维像长度的变化,得到了一维像长度极小极大比与进动角等参数的关系,提出了迭代寻优求解三参量非线性方程的方法,并通过实验进行了验证,结果表明,算法稳定、可靠,估计精度较高。


1.A Study on Precession Period Extraction Method of Ballistic Targets弹道类目标进动周期特征提取方法研究

2.Precession Periods Estimation of Cone-Shaped Mid-Course Ballistic Targets based HRRP Sequences" Geometrical Projection Analysis基于一维距离像序列几何投影分析的锥形目标进动周期估计

3.Optimal Interpolation Period for Stepping Motor Systems步进运动控制系统最优插补周期研究

4.Improved Sliding Cycle Time-based Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in EPONEPON中基于滑动周期的动态带宽分配改进算法

5.The Evolution of the Sustainable Growth Driving Forces of Enterprise Based on Lifecycle;基于生命周期的企业持续成长驱动力的演进

6.The Study on the Evolution of Business Cycles Theories and Schools;经济周期波动理论的演进历程及学派研究

7.The Research on Influence International Trade Exerts on China"s Business Cycle进出口贸易对中国经济周期波动的影响

8.short-term autostabilizatio短周期运动的自动稳定

9.monocylic-start induction motor单周期起动感应电动机

10.aperiodic element非周期摆动的可动部分

11.Early Usage of Continuous Passive Motion Therapy Instrument after Operation of Bone Fractures around the Knee Joint膝关节周围骨折患者术后早期进行持续性被动活动的效果观察

12.washbox air cycle跳汰机空气进出周期

13.To move in or as if in a cycle.周期地或者好象周期性地运动.

14.Business cycles are recurring cycles of economic events.商业周期是经济活动重复发生的周期。

15.Chinese university students take part in a shooting practice during a three-week military training programme at Tsinghua University in Beijing August 29, .北京清华大学的学生正在进行射击练习,整个军训活动共为期3周。

16.The state of knowledge in this field has been surveyed periodically in review papers.在一些评论文中对这一领域的动态周期性地进行了评述。

17.Repeated agitation or handling periods were included in step 2 and step 4.步骤二和步骤四的搅动或搬运周期有重复进行测试。

18.Study on the Construction and Evolution Cycle of Chinese 3G Industrial Chain;中国第三代移动通信产业链的形成及演进周期研究


Precession Period Estimation进动周期估计

3)evolution cycle演进周期

1.And then based on the analysis of the positioning of the 3G and the pivotal factors of the Evolution,this thesis designed anevolution cycle mode of Chinese 3G industrial chain with the "commerce cycle-nucleic element"approach with the description of t.本文首先分析了影响中国3G产业链形成的主要因素,并结合3G产业链的特征建立了3G产业链结构模型,认为该模型可以划分为一个中心元素、两个支撑元素和三个元素群组;然后在分析3G产业定位和影响中国3G产业链演进关键因素的基础上,设计“商用周期———核心元素法”建立了中国3G产业链演进周期模型,描述了不同演进阶段3G产业链的重心分布规律。

4)cycle process周期进程

1.0 does not sustain cyclic execution of real-time process,this paper in-troduces a design and implementation ofcycle process in UNIX SVR4.0上实现周期进程的方法,这是对UNIXSVR4。

5)stepping period步进周期

6)periodic feed周期进给


