2000字范文 > 干旱缺水城市 dry and water shortage city英语短句 例句大全

干旱缺水城市 dry and water shortage city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-03 12:09:19


干旱缺水城市 dry and water shortage city英语短句 例句大全

干旱缺水城市,dry and water shortage city

1)dry and water shortage city干旱缺水城市

1.Considerations on construction mode ofdry and water shortage city water environment对干旱缺水城市水环境系统建设模式的思考

2.However,people in many cities cannot satisfy their desire because of water shortage,especially in thedry and water shortage city.论文分析了在城市发展过程中有关水环境系统建设规划上所存在的普遍问题,从水环境污染和水资源缺乏两方面分析了西北地区城市生态环境脆弱的原因,根据西北地区的地域特点,论述了在西北干旱缺水城市建设水环境系统的必要性。


1.Considerations on construction mode of dry and water shortage city water environment对干旱缺水城市水环境系统建设模式的思考

2.Research on Construction Pattern of Dry and Water Shortage City in Northwest of Our Country西北干旱缺水地区城市水环境系统模式研究

3.Study on the Risk Assessment Index System and Model of Urban Drought and Water Shortage in Jilin Province;吉林省城市干旱缺水风险评价指标体系与模型研究

4.Sustainable Utilization of Urban Water Resources in Arid Area--Taking Baotou City as An Example干旱区城市水资源的可持续利用——以包头市为例

5.Optimal thresholds of urban economic development and urbanization under scarce water resources in arid northwest China;水资源约束下西北干旱区城市经济发展与城市化阈值

6.Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.水资源紧缺限制了干旱半干旱地区农业生产。

7.A Plan for Urban Water Right Trade Mechanism Based on Eco-environment Protection Objectives in Northwest Arid Area;基于生态环境保护目标的西北干旱区城市水权交易机制构建

8.Water Resources Constraint Force on Economic Growth of Single Oasis City in Arid Area of West China;西部干旱区单体绿洲城市经济增长中的水资源约束研究

9.Urbanization mode with the restraint of water resource in Hexi Corridor arid area of Northwest China;水资源约束下西北干旱区河西走廊城市化发展模式

10.Theoretical Study on Urbanization Process and Ecological Effect with the Restriction of Water Resource in Arid Area of Northwest China;西北干旱区水资源约束下城市化过程及生态效应研究的理论探讨

11.Scenario Warning and Analysis of Water Resources Constraint Intensity on Urbanization in Arid Area干旱区水资源对城市化约束强度的情景预警分析

12.The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.水果缺乏是由干旱引起的。

13.Analysis on the characteristic and the change trend of urban expansion restricted by water resources in the arid area of Northwest China-A case study of the cities in the Western Long Hai-Lan Xin Economic Zone;水资源约束下西北干旱区城市扩张特征与变动趋势分析——以西陇海兰新经济带城市为例

14.Virtual Water Strategy-A New Idea to Solve the Problem of Water Shortage in Arid Zone虚拟水战略—解决干旱区缺水问题的全新思路

15.Benefit Appraisal and Green Patterns Establishment of Urban Forest in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas;干旱半干旱地区城市森林效益评价及绿化模式的建立

16.Study on Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Production in Tianshui City干旱对天水市冬小麦生产的影响研究

17.Spain"s second-largest city says it is on the brink of a water emergency as a result of one of the worst droughts in living memory.西班牙第二大城市巴塞罗纳表示,由于遭遇有史以来最严重的干旱,该市目前处于水荒的边缘。

18.Quantitative Research of Water Resources Constraint on Urbanization in Arid Area of Northwest China:Taking Wuwei and Zhangye Cities in Gansu Province as A Case;西北干旱区水资源约束城市化进程的定量辨识——以甘肃省武威、张掖市为例


urban drought and water shortage城市干旱缺水

1.Risk assessment system and model research onurban drought and water shortage in Jilin Province;吉林省城市干旱缺水风险评价体系与模型研究

3)urban drought城市干旱

prehensive appraisal method of multi-level fuzzy forurban drought;城市干旱多层次模糊综合评价方法

4)trend of dry climate and water shortage干旱缺水

1.Based on the analysis of thetrend of dry climate and water shortage,the paper reviewed and summarized the development of dryland farming of Shanxi province.在分析山西省干旱缺水趋势的基础上,对近来山西省旱地农业技术发展进行了回顾和总结。

5)cities of arid area干旱区城市

1.In view of concrete conditions ofcities of arid area,urban district,outskirt and peripheral wilderness compose ecosystem of cities garden is put forward.以乌鲁木齐市为例 ,着重探讨干旱区城市园林建设的方向、原则和布局。

6)urban water shortage城市缺水

1.The article deals with the conception ofurban water shortage, analyzes the causes in the aspects of demands and supply,and poses the harm of water shortage and the importance of urban water-saving.从需求和供给两方面分析了城市缺水的原因,指出其危害及节水的重要性。

2.According to the situation of water supply in Guangdong Province s cities, this paper points out the very serious problem ofurban water shortage in humid areas.并建议加强水资源管理和供水规划研究、制定节水政策和推广节水技术,适当控制缺水地区的城市规模,改善供水设施和调整工业布局,以解决温润地区的城市缺水问题。


干旱干旱drought damage台湾省资料暂缺御,又未能及时解决维持社会正常生产和人类生活所必需的最低限度的水资源而造成的一种缺水灾祸。不同研究领域和不同研究对象的干旱有以下不同涵义:①气象干旱。在一个时期内,水分供应持续低于气候上所期望的水分供给。干旱强度取决于水分亏缺量及其持续时间。②农业干旱。作物缺水不能满足正常生长所需要的水分。干旱强度取决于土壤不同深度含水量、作物种类、生长状况和生长期。根据作物受害的成因不同,可将农业干旱分为土壤干旱、大气干旱和生理干旱。土干旱土地龟裂ganhan干早(曲旧ught dall网罗)一个地区某段持续时间里,按照常规年景安排的人类活动受到缺水威胁所出现的旱象。早宙训具指出现比较严重旱象时,由于社会抗旱力不高或无力抵壤于旱是由于土壤缺水,植物根系吸收不到足够的水分补偿蒸腾消耗所造成的危害;大气干旱是空气十分干燥,并伴有一定风力,土壤虽不一定缺水,但由于蒸腾强烈,使植株供水不足而形成危害;生理干旱是不良的土壤环境条件使作物生理过程发生障碍,导致植株水分平衡失调而造成危害。③水文干早。地表水减少和地下水位明显降低或者河流流量显著减小而出现的旱象。④社会经济干旱。缺水对该地区的经济产生明显的不利影响。干旱是水分亏缺缓慢累积的结果,属渐进性灾害。大气环流异常造成的干早,其影响面积往往较大。根据干早影响时间长短和特征,可分为长期干旱、季节性干早、临时干旱和隐蔽干旱。干旱是中国主要气象灾害之一,尤其对农业影响最大。根据历史记载,中国从公元前2肠年到1男9年的2155年中,发生早灾达1056次,平均两年一次。防御干早是中国防灾减灾的重要工作,根据干旱规律,调整农业结构、兴修水利,合理灌溉,平整土地,深耕改土,选育耐早品种,提高抗早能力、抑制蒸发和蒸腾、减少水分消耗、蓄水保墒和营造农田防护林等措施对于防早抗旱有明显效果。(安顺清)
