2000字范文 > 双向互动电视 Two-way interactive television英语短句 例句大全

双向互动电视 Two-way interactive television英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 21:12:42


双向互动电视 Two-way interactive television英语短句 例句大全

双向互动电视,Two-way interactive television

1)Two-way interactive television双向互动电视

2)mutual flow双向互动

1.The author explore themutual flow practice model with the hospital-sanitarium join-service condition.作者结合本单位医院和疗养院合编的新情况,对卫勤保障双向互动模式进行了探索和实践。

2.According to the real condition of the sanatorium after joint logistics,the article put forward and established themutual flow model of serving the army.本文结合联勤后本单位"疗医合编、疗疗合编、医医合编、多军兵种合编"的实际,提出、构建并实践了为部队服务双向互动模式,有效提高了医院与疗养院合编单位服务的质量和效益。

3.The management mechanism ofmutual flow model was helpful to take full advantage of joint system and achieve new development.本文结合联勤后单位的工作实际,提出医院和疗养院合编单位应该注重把握医疗与疗养、特勤疗养与其他疗养、多军兵种疗养、为军服务与市场服务四个统筹,建立管理机制双向互动模式,才能充分发挥体制优势,实现创新发展。


1.On the Reinforcement on the Bipartite Relating Between Teacher and Students to Motivate the Mode of the Management To the Students;加强师生双向互动 创新学生管理模式

2.The Interaction between Chinese Publishing Industry and International Publishing Industry;中国出版业与世界出版业的双向互动

3.Interaction of Aesthetic Education and the Personal Quality;审美教育与提高人的素质的双向互动

4.Interactive Practice Between Culture Construction and Ideological Political Work for Students in Universities;校园文化与高校思政工作的双向互动

5.The Media Culture under the Influence of the IPTV"s Two-way Interaction网络电视双向互动影响下的媒介文化

6.From one-way communication to two-way interaction:on the transformation of learning way;从单向传播到双向互动:论学习方式的转型

7.Face to the Foundation Education, and into Practice Double Direction InteractionIncrease the Teacher to Educate Level;面向基础教育 实施双向互动 提高教师教育水平

8.Bi-directional Language Policy and Two-way Interaction of Languages in the Social Environment of Xinjiang新疆语言政策的双向性和社会环境中语言的双向互动

9.Interaction between Campus Culture and Secondary School Chinese Education;中学语文教育与校园文化建设的双向互动

10.Research on Interaction between Building an All-round Well-off Society and the All-round Development of Human Beings;论全面建设小康社会与人的全面发展双向互动

11.On the Inter-relationship between History and Theory in the History Writings of Literature and Arts;论文学艺术历史书写中的双向互动关系

12.On Interaction between Agency Administration and Agency Environment;机关环境与机关管理间的双向互动关系探讨

13.Research on Correlation between In-service Education and Degree Education of Police Academies;公安院校在职教育与学历教育双向互动探析

14.On the interaction between construction of a harmonious society and development of Buddhism in Dali;试述构建和谐社会与大理佛教发展的双向互动

15.How to Realize the Handling Nature and How to Know the Alternation Nature in "Ba" Sentence;“把字句”处置性的实现和处置的双向互动

16.The Interaction between Price MC&R System and Theory of Economic Law;价格调制制度与经济法理论的双向互动

17.Research Interaction Between Regional University and Local Social Economy;区域大学科研与地方经济社会双向互动的实现

18.The Two-way Interaction of Sustainable Development and the Construction of Ecological Ethics;可持续发展与生态伦理建设的双向互动作用


mutual flow双向互动

1.The author explore themutual flow practice model with the hospital-sanitarium join-service condition.作者结合本单位医院和疗养院合编的新情况,对卫勤保障双向互动模式进行了探索和实践。

2.According to the real condition of the sanatorium after joint logistics,the article put forward and established themutual flow model of serving the army.本文结合联勤后本单位"疗医合编、疗疗合编、医医合编、多军兵种合编"的实际,提出、构建并实践了为部队服务双向互动模式,有效提高了医院与疗养院合编单位服务的质量和效益。

3.The management mechanism ofmutual flow model was helpful to take full advantage of joint system and achieve new development.本文结合联勤后单位的工作实际,提出医院和疗养院合编单位应该注重把握医疗与疗养、特勤疗养与其他疗养、多军兵种疗养、为军服务与市场服务四个统筹,建立管理机制双向互动模式,才能充分发挥体制优势,实现创新发展。

3)Bidirectional interaction双向互动

1.Research on Bidirectional Interaction of Human Resources in Urban and Rural Areas;城乡人力资源双向互动研究


1.The Interaction of Marxism in the War of Resistance against Japan and the Practice of China s Revolution;抗日战争时期马克思主义与中国革命实践的双向互动

5)two-way interaction双向互动

1.From one-way communication totwo-way interaction:on the transformation of learning way;从单向传播到双向互动:论学习方式的转型

2.The relationship between Lu Xun and the world culture is atwo-way interaction,that is,while he accepts the influence of the foreign culture,he also influences the world culture.鲁迅与世界文化的关系是双向互动的,他接受外国文化影响,也在影响着世界文化。

3.The article expounds on the connotation of ecological ethics and sustainable development,and focuses on thetwo-way interaction and the relationship between sustainable development and the construction of ecological ethics.本文阐述了生态伦理和可持续发展的内涵,重点论述了可持续发展与生态伦理建设的双向互动作用及二者的关系。

6)Bilateral Interaction双向互动

1.Bilateral Interaction: on Cultural Origins in China and Abroad of Luxun s Literary Creation;双向互动:论鲁迅文学创作的中外文化渊源


