2000字范文 > 实时交互业务 real-time and interactive businesses英语短句 例句大全

实时交互业务 real-time and interactive businesses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-30 22:32:34


实时交互业务 real-time and interactive businesses英语短句 例句大全

实时交互业务,real-time and interactive businesses

1)real-time and interactive businesses实时交互业务

2)real-time interactive service实时交互服务

3)real-time and interactive实时交互

1.Based on this, aiming at the insufficiency of the current CAI courseware of Engineering Drawing, the new CAI teaching courseware ofreal-time and interactive was designed with integrating of VRML program and tool software, and VRML s application approach in the teaching system was introduced.针对目前工程制图CAI课件的不足 ,本文在介绍了虚拟现实建模语言VRML的基本概念、特色功能及关键技术的基础上 ,采用VRML编程与工具软件相结合的方法 ,研制实时交互式CAI课件 ,并介绍了其在工程制图多媒体教学中的应用途径与方


1.Interactive operation in real time on documents对文档实时交互操作

2.·Interactive operation in real time on documents·对文档实时交互操作

3.Roles ofteal time alternation and non.real time alternation in distance education;远程教育中实时交互与非实时交互的作用

4.Influencial Factors of Online Interaction in CSCL Enviornment;CSCL实时交互效果影响因素的实证研究

5.Real-time interactive simulation shows for dam-break flood based on openGL technology基于OpenGL的溃坝洪水实时交互仿真显示

6.Study on 3D Interactive Visualization of Highway Engineering公路三维实时交互式可视化技术研究

7.Design and Implementation of RIDEE Server实时交互式远程教育环境服务器的设计与实现

8.Study of Real-Time Interactive Music Visualization Based on Emotion Recognition;基于情感识别的实时交互式音乐可视化研究

9.Three - dimensional Web - based Modeling and Animation Real - time Interactive Key Technology;基于Web的三维建模和动画实时交互的关键技术

10.Research and Realization on Real-time Linear Prediction Algorithm for Desktop Eye-Tracking眼动交互的实时线性算法构造和实现

11.Research of Real Time Communication Interface in DTS and TSS;DTS-TSS系统中实时通信交互技术的研究

12.Interactive Editing Oriented Massive-Model Real-time Rendering System;面向交互编辑的大规模实时绘制系统

13.A Real-time Interactive Designing Technique for Besizer Curve and Surface;Besizer曲线曲面的实时动态交互设计技术

14.Achievement of Alternation Function when Making Courseware with Authorware;Authorware制作课件时交互功能的实现

15.Implement Interactive Instant Simulation in CAI Courseware by Calling Matlab;CAI课件调用Matlab实现交互式即时仿真

16.On the Textbook Series:New Era Interactive English;先进性·交互性·自主性·实用性——《新时代交互英语》系列教材研究

17.It has dynamic alternation, ageing and practicality.具有动态交互性、开放型、时效性和实用性的特点。

18.Research on Fault Tolerance and Real-Time in Distributed and Interactive Simulation;分布式交互仿真中容错和实时技术研究


real-time interactive service实时交互服务

3)real-time and interactive实时交互

1.Based on this, aiming at the insufficiency of the current CAI courseware of Engineering Drawing, the new CAI teaching courseware ofreal-time and interactive was designed with integrating of VRML program and tool software, and VRML s application approach in the teaching system was introduced.针对目前工程制图CAI课件的不足 ,本文在介绍了虚拟现实建模语言VRML的基本概念、特色功能及关键技术的基础上 ,采用VRML编程与工具软件相结合的方法 ,研制实时交互式CAI课件 ,并介绍了其在工程制图多媒体教学中的应用途径与方

4)real-time interaction实时交互

1.By applying UG/Open,the evaluation software of human-machine interface is established in 3D solid model environment,which can execute thereal-time interaction of design and evaluation.该文应用UG/Open开发了基于三维实体建模环境的人机界面评价软件,实现了设计与评价的实时交互。

2.Some key techniques are discussed, such as Web query, multi-user access,real-time interaction and component technology.讨论了实现该系统所需的若干关键技术 :Web查询、多用户访问、实时交互、组件技术等 。

3.Spectrum analyzing and speech coding can be researched by the virtual system; dynamic interaction and real-time transfer are realized by using ASP and ActiveX technology; and thereal-time interaction of signal by network is realized initially.基于WEB的虚拟系统为研究数字信号处理提供了一种新的方式 ,采用虚拟系统对数字信号的频谱分析及语音编码进行研究 ,通过ASP和ActiveX技术实现系统的动态交互和实时传输 ,初步实现了信号在网上的实时交互处理 ,该系统的研究成果已开始应用于教学、科研中 。

5)Real time interaction实时交互

1.The dataset in this domain which is usually large-scale, high-dimension and complicated, bring forward higher challenge to the traditional technology and method in Visualization Modeling, Real Time Interaction and Parallel Rendering.该领域的数据集通常具有大规模、高维、复杂等特点,这些对传统的可视化建模、实时交互、数据并行绘制等技术与方法提出了更高的要求和挑战。

6)real-time interactive实时交互

1.This task try hard to take some research in this area, probe into some method ofreal-time interactive scene simulate system based on personal computer, design and realize PC-VRISP-Real-time Interactive Supporting Platform For Virtual Simulation .本课题力图在这方面进行一些有益的研究,探讨在PC机上进行实时交互视景仿真的方法,设计并实现基于PC机的视景实时互操作支撑平台。


