2000字范文 > 数字AM广播 digital AM broadcasting英语短句 例句大全

数字AM广播 digital AM broadcasting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-28 07:09:24


数字AM广播 digital AM broadcasting英语短句 例句大全

数字AM广播,digital AM broadcasting

1)digital AM broadcasting数字AM广播

1.Method of improving transmission quality indigital AM broadcasting system;一种提高数字AM广播系统传输质量的方法

2.Its application in MW banddigital AM broadcasting is also discussed.介绍自适应多速率宽带语音编解码器AMR-WB的原理,讨论它在中波数字AM广播中的应用。


1.A Digital AM Broadcasting System Compatible with the Analog AM Broadcasting System;与模拟AM广播兼容的数字AM广播系统

2.Research and Realization on Channel Encoding and Decoding in Digital AM Broadcasting;数字AM广播中信道编译码的研究与实现

3.Application of Over Sampling Technology and Hilbert Transform in DAMB过采样技术和Hilbert变换在数字AM广播中的应用

4.digital audio Broadcasting数字音频广播,[港]数码音频广播,数字音讯广播

5.Study on the Digitized Plan of Producing and Broadcasting Network for People s Broadcasting Station of Anhui;安徽人民广播电台制播网数字化方案研究

6.The Improvement and Application of G.723.1 in Digital AM Broadcasting System;G.723.1用于中波数字广播的改进

7.Key Technology and Application of OFDM in Digital Broadcasting;数字广播中的OFDM关键技术及其应用

8.The Design and Realization of ABD5 Audio Broadcast Digital Delayer;ABD5音频广播数字延时器的研制

9.A Characteristic Studying in Advertising Photography Communication under Digitization Background;数字化背景下广告摄影传播特点研究

10.Study on the problem of Time-frequency synchronization of Digital Amplitude Modulation Radio of OFDM;OFDM数字调幅广播时频同步问题的研究

11.Humanism: digital media ecology and advertising communication;以人为本:数字媒介生态与广告传播

12.The Design and Fabrication of a Microstrip Antenna for DAB System数字音频广播(DAB)微带天线设计与实现

13.A Brief Discussion on the Net Synchronization of Radio & Television Digital Communication System浅谈广播电视数字通信系统的网同步

14.The technical research on the OFDM based DVB-T基于OFDM的数字电视地面广播技术研究

15.SDTV and HDTV of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Dual Chinese Standards地面数字电视广播的双国标SDTV和HDTV

16.Design of DMB receiver using chip StarRFT500基于StarRFT500的DMB数字广播接收机的设计

17.The Research and Analysis of TS Based on DVB基于数字广播电视的TS流研究与分析

18.Study on Digital Demodulation of FM Signal Based on FM-AM Transformation调频信号FM-AM转换数字解调研究


AM BroadcastingAM广播

3)digital broadcast数字广播

1.This paper introduces the system ofdigital broadcasting stream,especially notes the scrambling mechanism and the detail principle.介绍了数字广播中数据系统的整体流程,重点讲述数据流的加扰机制及详细处理原理。

4)digital broadcasting数字广播

1.Thedigital broadcasting system such as DRM system and the related industry,are new technology and new industry in the world.DRM等数字广播系统和与此相关的产业,是国际上的新技术与新产业,21世纪将是数字广播的时代。

2.Digital Radio Broadcasting (DAB) is a broadband, nearly CD quality,digital broadcasting, suit for terresestrial and satellite broadcasting.数字广播是广播发展的必然趋势。

5)digital radio数字广播

1.Thedigital radio system DAB and DRM are introduced.介绍了数字广播DAB和DRM系统,探讨了广播由模拟向数字发展的缘由及技术要点。

6)IP digital broadcastingIP数字广播

1.TheIP digital broadcasting system is a fully digital audio-broadcasting system based on the IP network.IP数字广播系统是一套基于IP网络的纯数字化网络音频广播系统。


自由欧洲广播电台和自由广播电台美国以东欧社会主义国家和苏联为广播对象的两座国际广播电台。台址设在联邦德国的慕尼黑。均由美国国会外交委员会所属的国际广播委员会领导。前者1950年 7月开始广播,使用6种语言。后者1953年3月开始广播,使用俄语和14种苏联其他民族语言。开播时称"解放广播电台",1963年改现名。后又开办了对阿富汗的达里语(1980.9)和普什图语(1982.7)广播,每天各播出1小时。两台每天广播时数累计152小时(1987)。1971年以前两台主要由美国中央情报局出资, 后改由国会拔款。1986年度预算1.68亿美元。
