2000字范文 > 美国访问学者邀请函


时间:2023-10-21 20:43:00




To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is to invite Mr. xx xx’s as a visiting scholar to the University of xx. Mr. xx, born in December xx, 19xx, comes from the School of xx, University xx, where he is currently a Ph.D. student. I have communicated with Mr. xx for several times and can attest that his English level satisfies our requirements for a visiting scholar.

Mr. xx’s visit period will be up to 18 months, from September, to February, .

Mr. xx’s expenses in the US including travel, living and health-care for the duration of his visit will be fully covered by the China Scholarship Council. There is no tuition requirement for visiting scholars.

Mr. xx will focus, during his stay at xx, on the mobile internet applications and the location based services under my supervision. Mr. xx’s visit will help several ongoing projects. He will collaborate with other team members under my advice, as well as my students.

Please facilitate the paper work necessary to process his visit.

Thank you very much.


xx xx


Dear Mr. …..,

After discussing with your Ph.D. supervisor Prof. ……., director of the Centre of Microelement Research, ……….University, I am pleased to invite you, Mr. Liu, to spend 12 months, from July 1, to June 29, , in my research group at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University Cincinnati as a visiting scholar as part of your Ph.D. research. I am also committed to serve as a co-advisor of your Ph.D. dissertation at the Huazhong Agricultural University, subject to the success of your scholarship application. During this 12 months period visiting my research group, you will be working on a project associated with “………………………………………………………………….” as outlined in the research plan signed by our Department Head, Dr. ………Sorial and myself.

It gives me a pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the CSC scholarship.

Yours sincerely,

(Handwriting signature)
