2000字范文 > 发射效率 transmitting efficiency英语短句 例句大全

发射效率 transmitting efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-02 21:41:54


发射效率 transmitting efficiency英语短句 例句大全

发射效率,transmitting efficiency

1)transmitting efficiency发射效率


1.A Novel Method to Improve the Emission Efficiency of Satellite Optical Communication Terminal一种提高卫星光通信终端发射效率的新方法

2.A Method for Selectively Enhancing the Efficiency of the High-order Harmonic Generation of a Joint Atoms Model有选择地提高联合双原子高次谐波发射效率的一种方法

3.Energy Saving Effect of High Emissive Coating for BF Hot Stove高发射率涂料应用于高炉热风炉的节能效果

4.A Calculating Method of the Effective Resistivity for the Extremely Low Frequency(ELF) Transmitting Antenna Site极低频发射天线场地等效电阻率的计算

5.Analysis of L-band high-efficiency gap-current magnetically insulated transmission line oscillatorL波段端面发射高效率磁绝缘线振荡器

6.Analysis on Improved Synthesized Efficiency of Multi-Beam Array Transmitter提高多波束发射阵合成效率的方法分析

7.Research on Camouflage Efficiency of IR Stealth Coatings with Different Emissivity at Typical Background不同发射率红外隐身涂层在典型背景中的伪装效率研究

8.motor efficiency发动机效率电动机效率

9.radar equivalent reflectivity factor雷达等效反射率因子

10.equivaient step index profile等效突变型折射率分布

11.equivalent isotropic radiated power等效无方向辐射功率

12.Give us a call every5 minutes on this frequency for range check.为了检查发射的有效距离,在这个频率上每5分钟叫一下。

13.The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength.发光效率一定波长的光量对同样波长的辐射光量的比例

14.Improving the Collecting Efficiency of Light by a Semiconductor Single-Photon Emitter Using Double Antireflection Film;用双层增透膜提高半导体单光子发射器的收集效率

15.Efficiency of DTV TransmitterDTV发射机的效率——降低成本和减少环境污染的新机遇

16.An Improved Formula for Calculating Radiation Efficiency of Plate Around the Cut-off Frequency平板截止频率附近辐射效率修正算法

17.Study on Gamma-Ray Burst Efficiency, Energy and Early Afterglow;伽玛射线暴辐射效率、辐射能及早期余辉研究

18.Effect of Incident Angle on Diffraction Efficiency of a Two-Layer Diffractive Optical Element入射角对双层衍射光学元件衍射效率的影响


effective emissivity有效发射率

1.Factors analysis influencingeffective emissivity of compound temperature sensor;复合温度传感器有效发射率影响因素分析

2.The method takes the following steps: (1)to calculate the distribution of theeffective emissivity of the subcavity, (2)to calculate the distribution to subcavity opening of theeffective emissivity of the subcavity l and (3)to calculate the integrated emissivity of a multi -celled large-area blackbody.计算步骤如下:一、计算子腔有效发射率分布。

3.This paper analyzes the synthetic model concerning air, oil film and sea water in an assumed submarine pipeline oil spill accident; reveals the relation between radiation brightness temperature and oil film thickness at different temperatures as well as the relation betweeneffective emissivity and incident angle.对假定海底管道发生油溢事故时形成的空气、油膜和海水的组合体模型进行了详细分析,揭示了模型的辐射亮温与油膜厚度的关系、有效发射率增量与入射角之间的关系、不同频率下辐射亮温与油膜厚度之间的关系。

3)Transmitter efficiency发射机效率

4)emission efficiency排放效率,发射效率

5)component effective emissivity组分有效发射率

6)effective atmospheric emissivity大气有效发射率


