2000字范文 > 功能因素 functional factor英语短句 例句大全

功能因素 functional factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-21 06:38:05


功能因素 functional factor英语短句 例句大全

功能因素,functional factor

1)functional factor功能因素


1.Analysis of the Functional Factors about Throwing Movement Special Ability Training;投掷运动专项能力训练的功能因素分析

2.The Cognitive Change among Successful Aging and Correlative Factors;成功老龄认知功能变化及其相关因素

3.PGH gene is a important functional gene.生长激素基因是一个重要的功能基因。

4.Preliminary study on cognitive function and related factors of 100 successful aging;100例成功老龄认知功能及相关因素的初步研究

5.The success of the meeting pivots on more than one factor.这次会议能否成功,决定因素不只一个。

6.Functional Analysis of a Nicotiana Benthamiana Ubiquitin Extension Protein Gene;本氏烟泛素延伸蛋白基因的功能分析

7.The C-E Translation of Cultural Elements in Tourist Publicity Materials-A Funtionalist Perspective;旅游宣传材料中文化因素的功能翻译

8.On the transformation of powers and functions of higher educational association with WTO mechanism;WTO体制下高教学会功能的权变因素

9.The ingredient of self-confidence plays an important role in the period of learning a foreign language;自信心因素在外语学习中的功能浅探

10.Functions of euphemism and its linguistic and cultural elements;委婉语的功能及其语言文化因素探析

11.Cognitive Function and related Factors of Urban Elderly: a cross-sectional study;城市老年人认知功能的相关因素分析

12.On the Important Factor of Singing Training Language Function;论歌唱训练中的重要因素——语言功能


14.Identification of psychological factors in refractory functional gastrointestinal disorders难治性功能性胃肠病的心理因素识别

15.Limitations and Restrictive Factors of School Education学校教育功能的局限性及其制约因素

16.Study on the risk factor of erectile dysfunction男性勃起功能障碍相关危险因素分析

17.Study of Pathogenic Factors of Functional Dyspepsia among Drivers司机功能性消化不良的致病因素研究

18.Research on family function of elderly and its influential factors in Anhui province老年人家庭功能状况及影响因素分析


non-functional factor非功能因素

1.Research on consideringnon-functional factors web services discovery algorithm;考虑非功能因素的Web服务发现算法研究

3)functional recovery factors功能恢复影响因素

4)power factor功率因素

1.This phase advancer enhances thepower factor evidently to realize the purpose of saving the energy.这种静止式进相器显著地提高了功率因素,达到了节能的目的。

2.<Abstrcat> In the digital measurement ofpower factor, the measurement accuracy will be influenced by leakage error,because of the fluctuation of the system frequency.在功率因数的数字化测量中,由于电网频率波动造成非同步采样,从而影响功率因素测量的准确度。

3.The notable characteristics of this sort of modified converter ore the improvedpower factor,decreased current hamonic wave and improved output resolution.常规的三相桥式可控硅整流电路在调速领域内已获得了广泛的应用 ,但是这种变流器的应用自身存在着功率因素低、电流谐波大等缺点 ,至今无法解决。

5)success factors成功因素

1.Analysis of 133 cases onsuccess factors of artificial insemination by donor;133例供精人工授精成功因素的分析

2.It is very important and valuable to study the ERP implementation and its criticalsuccess factors in steel enterprise.企业资源计划(ERP)在国内企业信息化建设工作中举足轻重,对钢铁企业ERP实施及其关键成功因素进行实证分析,具有非常重要的现实意义和应用价值。

3.Based on an extensive literature survey combined with the results of a field research in Xi an hi-tech industries development zone,success factors for component-based information system development are discussed and a theoretical analysis framework is put forward based on qualitative data analysis.在结合西安高新技术产业开发区实地调查研究的基础上,对基于构件的信息系统开发成功因素进行了讨论,采用定性分析方法构建了一个理论分析框架。

6)critical success factors成功因素

1.Thecritical success factors for bank reengineering are fund by this empirical investigation in this paper.在对美国企业和银行再造文献中关于成功因素量表进行调整的基础上,对我国银行再造进行了分析。

2.The Study of ERP Adoption and Critical Success Factors for Implementation;本文采用了文献研究及理论分析的方法,以了解企业ERP的采用及成功实施因素,再辅以案例验证的方法去验证上述的采用及成功因素的有效性,接着,利用案例研究方式,提出一个导入ERP系统的参考模式及建议,最后,经过深入研究及详细的案例分析后,本文发现在20个因素中有3个非技术性因素是实施ERP成功的关键中之关键,就是:(1)要有高层领导的重视及支持,(2)要加强员工培训,(3)要重视业务流程重组(BPR)。


