2000字范文 > 直流小电流标准源 DC low current reference source英语短句 例句大全

直流小电流标准源 DC low current reference source英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-01 02:58:27


直流小电流标准源 DC low current reference source英语短句 例句大全

直流小电流标准源,DC low current reference source

1)DC low current reference source直流小电流标准源

1.Verification and uncertainty evaluation of theDC low current reference source直流小电流标准源的检定与不确定度评定


1.Verification and uncertainty evaluation of the DC low current reference source直流小电流标准源的检定与不确定度评定

2.The Calibration and Uncertainty Evaluation of the Accurate DC Standard Current Source高准确度直流标准电流源的校准与不确定度评定

3.DC current or voltage source. Magnitude of AC component can be specified.直流电流源或电压源。可指定交流分量的大小。

4.Indutrial Interfence of the Standard Cell in a Dc Potentiometer System直流电位差计中标准电池受到的干扰

5.It os easy to adjust,its step precision is high , and can be used for a standard DC voltage source for electronic instrument.该电源具有调整方便、步进精度高等特点,可作为电子仪器直流标准电压源。

6.AC current or voltage source. DC offset can be specified.交流电流源或电压源。可指定直流偏移。

7.System of Data Sampling and Control for DO30-Ⅲ DC/AC Voltage and Current Standard SupplyDO30-Ⅲ交直流标准源数据采集及控制系统

8.On the Inductance of the Calculable AC/DC Resistance Standard of Toriod Type;用于计量标准的交直流电阻标准转换的电感计算

9.Operation From DC Power Supply: Batteries.使用直流电源:干电池。

10.PC-controlled Josephson DC voltage standard equipment一种可程控约瑟夫森直流电压标准装置

11.This presentation will overview researches and applications of quantum standards in electrical metrology such as dc voltage, resistance and ac-dc measurements.概括介绍直流电压、电阻等量子标准和交流-直流转换测量的研究进展。

12.Development of beam-based alignment system using a switchable shunt resistor for HLS合肥光源利用电阻分流法的基于束流准直系统的研制

13.Standard for D.C.drainage protection of buried steel pipelines埋地钢质管道直流排流保护技术标准

14.Study on Active Fiber DC Transducer Used in HVDC;高压直流输电有源光纤直流电流传感器的研究

bined a.c. and d.c. welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源

16.transistorized regulated DC power supply晶体管直流稳压电源

17.The Monitor System of DC Remote Reserve Power Supply of Pas Cell Station;小灵通基站后备直流远供电源监控系统

18.circuit design, wiring diagrams, schematics, AC/DC sources电路设计, 接线图, 示意图, 交流/直流电源


standard DC power supply标准直流电源

3)standard current source电流标准源

1.The 600A dcstandard current source is designed in this paper,which can output 10~600A dc current.介绍600A直流电流标准源具有10~600A直流标准电流输出能力。

4)DC current standard直流电流标准

5)DC Heavy Current Standard直流大电流标准

6)DC/AC voltage And current standard supply交直流标准源


直流直流Direct current直流(direet。urrent) ,仅按一个方向流过电路或设备的电流称为直流。与交流电压相比,直流电压的极性是不变的。直流电流相当于电荷沿着闭合的电路以不变的方向流动或位移。直流电流和电压的幅值可以恒定,也可以随时间变化。蓄电池和旋转发电机产生幅值恒定的额定直流电压,整流器产生幅值随时间而变的直流电压。整流器把交流电压变换为脉动的直流电压。通常电站不是广泛地将直流电输配给一般用户,相反,在需要直流电(d。)能的场所,是把商业上合用的交流电(ac)能整流为直流电能。 「罗布(D.D.Robb)撰]
