2000字范文 > 雅思口语话题范文:想学的课程


时间:2019-08-26 08:52:36




雅思口语Part3:想要学习的课程 Describe a course that you want to learn

Describe a course that you want to learn

? What this course is

? When you want to learn it

? Where you can learn it

? And explain why you want to learn it


? A course I would really like to do in the future is a language course.

? A language I would like to learn is French

? There are many reasons for this

? The first and foremost reason is that I want to visit my uncle and aunt who live in France

? They told me that if you wish to communicate with Franco phones it

is very essential to know some French

? There, very few people know English

? My uncle has also offered to sponsor my fees for higher education if I decide to study in France.

? In that case, if I choose to study there, then learning French would be a necessity

? Another reason is that my parents are planning to move to Canada

? So, my knowledge of French would come very handy there

? It might help me in getting a job

? French is spoken in 33 countries

? It is the second most commonly taught language after English

? Even in my country, if I know a foreign language, then I can get a good job in the tourism industry

? Everyone knows, tourists from all parts of the world flock to India

? Those who are multilingual definitely stand a better chance in the job market.

? Fortunately, a language training Institute by the name of Aroma Language Centre has opened in my home town

? They teach French, German and Italian.

? Their next batch is starting soon.

? I would enroll in that batch.

? Two of my friends have started learning French there.

? They told me that the teacher is very nice.

? They also told me that French is a beautiful language.


1. Should schools teach both arts and science?

Yes, schools should teach both arts and science. Both subjects are important in school. Science and technology give us better life but arts tell us how to live that life. In Science truths are proved and phenomena are explained. In art they are interpreted. Art makes people enjoy life, gives people the pleasure of living from the mental level. That’s why both are important to be taught in schools.

2. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?

University students can do any course according to their choice. All courses have their own importance. Some courses help in the job market. Some are just for personal fulfillment.

3. Why do some students dislike studying at school?

Some students dislike studying because of many reasons. Firstly, they may just not be interested in studying. Secondly, the way of teaching may not be good. Another important reason maybe that parents force them to study those subjects, which they do not like. For example, the student may want to do commerce, but parents force him to choose medical stream.

4. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?

All curricular and extra-curricular activities are good for children. They should study academic subjects as well as take part in sports, music etc.



Describe a course that you want to learn.

You should say:

what this course is

when you want to learn it

where you can learn it

and explain why you want to learn it

sample answer:

Well, speaking of the course I'd like to do, I would say that it's an English course. Today, English is considered to be the most important language in the world. That's why it became one of the compulsory subjects and we now have to study English from elementary onwards.

I'd like to get admitted to the Foreign Trade University which offers a professional course in Business English. They have a good reputation for teaching this course effectively to a high standard. As I have other classes in the morning, I would like to enroll in the afternoon course. Also, the course fee is both cheap and convenient for me to pay using my bank account.

There are so many reasons why I'd like to enroll in an English course. First of all, English is an international language, hence, having a knowledge of English can help people around the world to communicate better. Second, it also gives us countless opportunities to become more acquainted with other cultures. We depend on English to keep up to date with the latest news from all over the world, since almost all the books and magazines are written in this language. Finally, learning English can really help us in our careers and enhance our CVs, as these days, many firms need good office employees to conduct international business.


1.Should schools teach both arts and science?

Yes, I think so. Some people may think that science and art are completely opposite of each other. But I think these two subjects are linked. They are two aspects of our need to explore and appreciate our universe. Science is a complex toolbox for investigating our world. It relies on objectivity and rigor. Art allows us to explore how we perceive our world and what meaning it brings to our lives.So no one should be neglected and school should teach both subjects.

2.What kinds of courses are useful for university students?For college and university students, financial management, in my opinion, should be taught. It is revealed that people with basic knowledge of well-managed share portfolios have done better than individuals who blindly buy stocks and shares privately. Just as Benjamin accumulated much of his wealth through real estate investment, graduates want to live not just a little bit above the breadline, they should have other sources of income apart from job. Apart from that, skills about interpersonal communication should be also imparted to the youngsters, so that they can better understand others and express their voice more effectively.

3.Why do some students dislike studying at school?

Several factors can account for the worrying phenomenon of students' weariness of study. Rote learning might be the biggest culprit. Teachers in a spoon-feeding classroom simply dictate information and answers and students are forced to recite what they have learned through various exercises and tests. More importantly, peer pressure, the tool promoted by many immature teachers to encourage academic efforts, has made students distant or isolated from each other. Those who suffer relatively low scores will be looked down upon while those who outperform in every examination will also be jealousy of.

4.What school activities are good for schoolchildren?

It can be anything from organizing a big party to creating a new club. The point is to go through the experience of doing something from start to fruition, to struggle and follow through, to acquire skills and confidence, and to get hooked to that feeling of knowing you did something really cool with your friends.

5.What kinds of characters are popular in the modern society?

Impatience is the most obvious trait in the fast paced contemporary society. It is a pity that the corporal punishments of children for misbehaviors become harsher and much more commonplace. This immediate response with violence to indiscipline risks leaving behind a shadow of a childhood which may lead to misanthropy. What’s more, the crazy tempo of life also gives rise to a large number of workaholics who grab sandwiches and rush through lunches and have set aside no time for family bonding. If left unfettered, these two situations will become worse.

6.What qualities should a good teacher have?

As pillars of the education system, teachers are commissioned with the vital task of providing education to youngsters. Qualified teachers should have a good personality and an appropriate teaching method. A good teacher’s proper behaviors, attitudes and comments on social issues will absolutely set examples for students who accordingly can develop their correct philosophy of life and build up indispensable quality, such as teamwork, tolerance and perseverance. In terms of teaching approach, teachers should tap students’ potential and motivate them to learn more efficiently and effectively because the nature of education is about inspiring instead of cramming.

7.Do you think parents' characters can affect young people' s development?

Parents play a significant role in children’s character building because juveniles will imitate adults consciously and subconsciously. This can be proven by the fact that many criminals suffer domestic violence in childhood and in their growth when they encounter difficulties and frustrations, they have no other way but resort to force. By contrast, if parents are loving and caring, kids will follow examples and when their peers take away their toys or, when they grow up, their jobs, they will try to understand, forgive or have a talk with the one they may not like.

8.Would you like to develop a specific personality in the future?

In the future, I want to be more of a team player. In the past years of education, I was taught to be the number one in every field, be it sports ability or academic scores. To stand out from the peers means scholarships and a better career prospect. In spite of the potentials brought into full play, I might become a little bit too aggressive to cooperate with others in order to achieve a same goal. If competitiveness goes too far, athletes may push their body past natural limits and go away from health, while students can commit suicide as a consequence of failing the exams.



‘Book Keeping & Banking’ was one of the most interesting courses I took in my university level and I thoroughly enjoyed this course. In fact I learned many new concepts and theory from this course that it helped me a lot throughout the remaining semesters. This was a mandatory course in the 3rd semester in my Bachelor of Business Administration studies and the courses on this subject lasted for four months. I was so interested in this course that later on I took 3 other courses in different semesters related to banking.

I learned the accounting concept of banking, how a bank is operated, how the banking transactions and accounting are maintained, how the central banks control the money supply of the market and many more concepts from this course. A practical session was included in this course and I learned some basic transaction processes of bankers from this lab sessions.

In my third semester this was a mandatory course and I had no alternatives other than taking this course. I came from Science background until my undergraduate course and that’s why I had no prior accounting course experience. I was bit dubious about this course in my university level as I did not know what it includes. But after I completed this course, I found myself very much interested in Banking procedure and automated banking.

Tips for answering this cue card:

For this cue card you can talk about any course (be it academic or not) you took in your college or university. You should talk about a course that you actually enjoyed so that you can answer the questions fluently. You are free to pick any subject you like and the third question ‘what you learned from this course’ actually expect you to talk about the things you learned from this course.

For the final question ‘why you took this course’ might have two types of answers; one: it was a mandatory subject and you had no other choice but to enroll in it. Two: you had a passion and interest on this subject and that’s why you decided to take it.

State the name of the academic subject clearly (like: C programming language, Introduction to Business, Basic Accounting etc.). After that, tell the year and term/ semester when you took this course. If you can recall the year and month, also mention that.

Your ability to talk about this cue card would also help you to talk about the following cue cards:

1. Describe a subject taught in your school.

2. Describe one of your favourite subjects.

3. Describe something you learned from college.

4. Describe a subject taught in your university.

5. Talk about your favourite subject in high school.

