2000字范文 > 配对比较法 Paired comparison method英语短句 例句大全

配对比较法 Paired comparison method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 16:31:10


配对比较法 Paired comparison method英语短句 例句大全

配对比较法,Paired comparison method

1)Paired comparison method配对比较法

1.The paired comparison method for weight in estimating the duration in expert consulting was particularly studied.以昆明理工大学国际学术交流中心项目为例,系统阐述了大型建设项目总进度目标论证的一般步骤,包括项目结构分解及关键工作分析、关键工作持续时间估算、关键工作搭接与总进度纲要编制、总进度目标的优化和平衡等,并重点研究了专家咨询法估算工作持续时间时确定权重配对比较法。


1.On Matching and Comparative Method and Its Application to Educational Research;配对比较法及其在教育研究中的应用

2.Quantitative analysis of target perception based on paired comparison基于配对比较法的目标可见性量化分析

3.method of paired comparison对偶比较法 成对比较法

parison of Ammonia Nitrogen Determination with Nessler Reagent by Preparing with Two Kinds of Different Methods纳氏试剂两种配制方法对氨氮测定的影响比较

5.Study of the Optimum Pairing of Polyclonal Antibodies and Monoclonal Antibodies with Sandwich ELISA单克隆抗体与多克隆抗体配对ELISA方法比较

6.METHODS: The procedure of fast drug dispensing system( FDDS) was analysed and compared with tradiˉ tional dispensing system in advantages and disadvantages.方法:对快速配药系统的流程进行分析,并对快速配药系统与传统配-发药模式的优、点进行比较。

7.The effects on engine cam lift curve by different smoothing method have been compared.比较了不同光版方法对发动机配气凸轮升程曲线拟合的影响。

8.A Propensity Score-matched Study of Outcomes Following Different Repair Techniques For Left Ventricular Aneurysm倾向分值匹配法对2种手术方式治疗左室室壁瘤的比较分析

parisons of Some Methods about the Environment Cost Collection and Appropriation;环境成本的归集和分配若干方法比较

parative Research on Vehicle Routing Problem of Logistics Distribution;物流配送车辆调度优化方法比较研究

parison of Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation in LCDLCD中几种运动估计块匹配算法比较

parison of Several Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms in EPON and GPONEPON和GPON的几种动态带宽分配算法比较

13.Analysis and Comparison on the Load Dispatch Optimal Algorithm for Power Unit电站机组负荷优化分配算法分析比较

14.The Contrast between Two Main Law Systems about the Right of Property Ownership两大法系财产支配权内容之比较考察

15.Performance comparison of multi-user partnership schemes for CoMP-MU-MIMOCoMP-MU-MIMO上行用户配对方案性能比较

parative analysis on the impact of the wind generator connected to the distribution network风力发电机对配电网影响的比较分析

17.6 gel pages from CP and BC respectively were matched by pairs in the random samples group,and the range of match rate was from 43.2604% to 58.3477%.随机标本组两两配对比较,匹配率在43.2604%~58.3477%之间;

18.The Principle and Comparison of Vessel Testing Method on Test Concrete Aggregating;容量法测量混凝土拌和物配合比的原理及比较


The double pair comparison method两次配对比较法

3)paired comparison配对比较

1.Quantitative analysis of target perception based onpaired comparison基于配对比较法的目标可见性量化分析

4)Paired Comparison Method成对比较法

1.The subjective annoyance due to intermittence pure tones which range from 100Hz to 4000Hz is studied by paired comparison method at the loudness level of 70phon and 75phon, respectively.采用成对比较法,在70phon 和75phon 两个等响度级下,对125Hz~4000Hz 各倍频程所在中心频率间歇性纯音的主观烦恼度进行了实验研究,结果表明:频率、响度相同的间歇性纯音,其烦恼度与持续时间、间隔时间具有较好的相关性,持续时间相同,间隔时间越短,烦恼度值越大;间隔时间相同,持续时间越长,烦恼度值越大,连续纯音比间歇性纯音更烦恼。

5)paired-comparisons method对偶比较法

1.Using thepaired-comparisons method,the research explored the line preference of children aged 4.本研究采用对偶比较法,对4岁幼儿进行6类常见线条的偏好调查研究,得出以下结果:4岁幼儿线条偏好的顺序依次是:漩涡线、曲线、弧形线、波浪线、折线、直线;男生和女生对线条的偏好没有明显差异;4岁幼儿对不同方向的漩涡线的偏好有明显差异,对不同方向的直线、波浪线、折线、曲线和弧形线的偏好没有明显差异。

6)relative comparison method相对比较法

1.This thesis thoroughly studied the techonology of online dielectric loss factor measurement, pointed out the shortcomings of conventional methods, and analyzed the reason for reducing the measurement errors byrelative comparison method.本文对介损在线检测技术进行了比较深入地研究,指出了常用测量介损方法的不足,分析了用相对比较法减小介损测试误差的原因,提出了介损测量的判断方法和误差处理方法,提出了将测试数据进行横向、纵向比较的方法,通过综合比较进行设备绝缘状况判断。


配对比较法配对比较法couple comparison method配对比较法(c ouple eomparison me比od)员工考核的方法之一。由主管人员对所属员工的成绩,用成对比较的方法,决定其优劣。比较时先将员工姓名用成对组合的方法,写在小纸片上(每一张纸片上写上2个员工的姓名,如共有10个员工,则需小纸片N(N一1)/2二(10 Xg)/2二45张。再就每张小纸片上2个员工的成绩作一比较后,决定何者较优何者较劣,凡同一员工得较优次数最多者,即为成绩最优秀的员工。此种方法之优点,为所得之考核结果较为确实,信度达0.9以上:其缺点为手续过繁,如员工人数众多(如员工50人,则需小纸片1225张),则不能应用。(王永海撰杨永明审)
