2000字范文 > 合作中继 cooperative relay英语短句 例句大全

合作中继 cooperative relay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-28 13:58:46


合作中继 cooperative relay英语短句 例句大全

合作中继,cooperative relay

1)cooperative relay合作中继

1.Forcooperative relay systems, the partner selection problem in multiuser unicast networks is firstly studied, followed by an enhanced cooperative source diversity scheme dedicated for multicast/broadcast service (MBS) networks.合作中继(cooperative relay)技术打破了传统蜂窝网单跳传输模式,使网路中的节点可通过寻找合作伙伴进行合作多跳传输,获得空间分集增益,有效对抗无线传输环境的不确定性。


1.It will continue to forge ahead, with its members working in mutual trust and closer cooperation.展望未来,亚太经合组织将在各成员相互信任、相互合作中继续前进。

2.Cooperative Relay and Cognitive Spectrum-Sharing Techniques in Wireless Communications无线通信中的合作中继与感知频谱共享技术研究

3.Sino-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Maintains Sound Development中美经贸合作继续健康发展

4.A Hybrid Cooperative Relay Selection Algorithm for Relay Based Cellular Networks应用于中继蜂窝网络的混合式协作中继选择算法

5.Achievements and Prospects of The Economic Cooperalion Among Asia -and Pacific Region;继往开来的亚太经济合作——兼谈中国在亚太经济合作中的政策选择

6.China will continue actively to promote international cooperation in the field of intellectual property.中国将继续积极推进知识产权领域的国际合作。

7.The Combination of Colleges and local Education Governments:The New Continuous Education Exploration of the Teachers in Senior & junior Schools;校地合作:中小学教师继续教育模式新探索

8.The Role of Continious Education For Human Resource Transnational Acquisition;继续教育在跨国并购人力资源整合中的作用

9.Joint Beamforming for MIMO Systems Enhanced by Cooperative Relays协作式中继增强MIMO通信系统的联合波束成形

10.Opportunistic relaying and MRC combining-based cooperative communication systems基于机会中继和最大比合并下的协作通信系统

11.Non-ideal Relay Cooperative Communication and its Joint Iterative Decoding Technique非理想中继协作通信及其联合迭代译码技术

12.Resource Optimization and Cooperation Strategies in Wireless Relay System;无线中继系统中的资源优化分配与合作策略研究

13.Binggang Zhu expressed that, China would continue to expand the opening up to the outside and accelerate the pace of cooperation with the outside.朱秉刚表示,中国将继续扩大对外开放,加快对外合作步伐。

14.In the new century, China will continue to encourage and support international cooperation in its civil aviation and space industries.面向21世纪,中国将继续鼓励和支持民用航天的国际合作:

15."Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation with Cambridge."今天,中国学术界和剑桥大学继续保持着良好的交流与合作。

16.To advance friendship and cooperation, we need to inherit and carry forward the historical tradition of the longstanding China-Japan friendship.为了友谊与合作,需要继承和发扬中日友好源远流长的历史传统。

17.To take into one"s family through legal means and raise as one"s own child.收养,过继通过合法手段吸收为家庭中的一员并作自己的孩子抚养

18.We have cooperated and will continue to contribute to China"s defense modernization.我们已经合作并将继续致力于中国的国防现代化。


Forwarding cooperation中继协作

1.Forwarding cooperation in mobile Ad Hoc networks based on evolution game theory;基于演化博弈论的移动Ad Hoc网络中继协作机制

2.Game theoretic analysis of the forwarding cooperation in Ad hoc networks;Ad hoc网络中继协作机制的博弈分析

3)cooperative relay协作中继

1.Also intro- duce thecooperative relay into the network to win the diversity-multiplexing gain of the systems,so the performance of the netwo.因此,将中继技术引入传统蜂窝网络中,在基站和用户之间转发信号,以提高小区的容量和扩大覆盖范围,并且引入协作中继的概念,获得分集和复用增益,提高网络的性能。

2.Cooperative relay is a cooperative multiple antenna technique, which can significantly increase data rate and reliability of wireless link, and can enlarge the coverage and improve the robustness of the systems.协作中继是一种协作多天线技术,基于该技术可以提高无线链路的传输速率及传输可靠性,并且可以增加系统的覆盖范围和系统的鲁棒性。

3.A hybridcooperative relay selection algorithm(HCRSA) is presented for relay based cellular networks.提出一种应用于中继蜂窝网络的混合型协作中继选择算法(HCRSA)。

4)relaying action中继作用

5)cooperative relaying协作中继

1.Optimal power allocation for amplify-and-forwardcooperative relaying system前向放大协作中继系统中的优化功率分配

6)Continue cooperation继续合作


