2000字范文 > 文化建构 cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

文化建构 cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 08:58:54


文化建构 cultural construction英语短句 例句大全

文化建构,cultural construction

1)cultural construction文化建构

1.The Cultural Construction and Commercial Operation of the Archaized Streets in Chinese Cities-Jin Li as a Case;从锦里看中国城市仿古街区的文化建构和商业运作

2.In the perspective of the theory of power and discourse,this paper analyses the constraining factors of power hidden in translation and their important effect on translation incultural construction.翻译不仅是文本之间的信息转换,也是在权力网络多元操控下对译入语的文化建构。

3.Thecultural construction of textbooks of Chinese is considered as pattern of specific cultural existence once they are constructed and edited the text itself.语文教材的文化建构,是把语文教材作为特定的文化存在形态,对其本体进行文化的营构与编制,即对语文教材进行文化设定,赋予它一种文化主体地位,使其具有文化的特质与品格。


1.Parsing Traditional Legal Culture to Construct Advanced Legal Culture;解构传统法律文化建构先进法律文化

2.Culture Construction of Chinese Curriculum in Multicultural Point of View;多元文化视野中语文课程的文化建构

3.On the Role of Advanced Culture in the Construction of Advanced Campus Culture;先进文化构想对先进校园文化建构的作用浅析

4.From Cultural Enlightenment to Cultural Construction--On Aesthetic Spirit of Harmonious Reading in New Curriculum Chinese从文化启蒙到文化建构——论语文阅读的审美精神

5.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建

6.The Construction of Intercultural Identity under the Negotiation of Cultural Globalization and Nativization文化全球化背景下跨文化身份的建构

7.Culture Reinforcement and Humanism Construction in Universities;加强高校文化建设 构建大学人文精神

8.Construction of new higher vocational college culture combined with enterprise culture;融入企业文化构建新型高职校园文化

9.Discussion on Harmonious Culture s Guidance to Culture of Incorruptible Government Building;试论和谐文化对廉政文化构建的指引

10.On Chinese Traditional Culture in the Visual threshold of Building up Advanced Culture;试论建构先进文化视阈中的传统文化

11.On the Relations between Corporate Code and Corporate Culture;制度文化与企业文化构建之关系初探

12.Building standard of evaluating culture with debating between China and the western about culture;文化评价尺度的构建与中、西文化之争

13.Simple Analysis of Constructing and Clearing up of Counterculture to Leading Culture;浅析反文化对主导文化的建构与消解

14.Thoughts on the Development of a Cultural Province Enhanced by Guangdong Community Culture Promotion;广东社区文化促进建设文化大省构想

15.Developmenting Chinese Population Culture and Construction of Population Culture;发展中国人口文化与人口文化学构建

16.Changing of Traditional Culture and Forming of New Culture Spirit;传统文化的嬗变与新文化精神的建构

17.Trustworthiness Culture:Foundation of Setting Up the University Campus Culture诚信文化:大学校园文化构建的基石

18.The Subjective Consciousness in the Identification and Construction of Cultural Identity文化身份认同与建构中的文化主体性


culture construction文化建构

1.Through the presentation of process of new sport curriculum,the paper points out thatculture construction of sport curriculum is a culture reflection whose objective is exceeding and development.随着体育课程改革的深入发展,体育课程的文化建构使命日益受到重视。

2.The pattern ofculture construction of Chinese teaching material mainly constructs new system of person-oriented teaching material by breaking traditional teaching material system of knowledge teaching, instead of that, taking student s learning activity as the master line.语文教材的文化建构模型,主要是打破传统的知识型教材体系,以学生的学习活动为主线,建构人本化教材新体系;强调教材服务于学生主体的学习活动功能,加强教材的实践性特征;注重教材的生活化,让学生在生活中学习语文,从而建构语文与生活的教材新模型。

3)Tectonic culture建构文化

4)culture construction文化构建

1.Study on Enterprise Culture Construction of Northwest Benniu Group Co.,Ltd;西北奔牛公司企业文化构建研究

2.Library plays a crucial role in talents cultivation and as well theculture construction and culture accumulation of normal institutions of higher learning which are characterized by their presented exemplary virtue , spirit of devotion to the profession and artistic teaching skills .图书馆在师范院校端庄得体的“师表”文化、笃信好学的“师才”文化和乐于奉献的“师德”文化构建与积淀中具有核心地位,并对师范人才的培养有着至关重要的作用。

3.The author allies Ecocriticism with translation studies, not only because they share the common concerns onculture construction, but also because the alliance is the developing demand of the two disciplines.后面部分重点阐述了翻译和生态批评之间的根本联系,说明了如何利用翻译的文化构建功能进行生态话语权的构建。

5)cultural construction文化构建

1.Mathematical truth: from divine metaphysics to humancultural construction—Comment on “Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty” by Morris. Kline;数学真理:从神性化的形而上学到人性化的文化构建──兼评M.克莱因的《数学:确定性的丧失》

2.The Organizational and Cultural Construction of the Study-type Class: Mode and Strategy;学习型班级的组织文化构建模式与策略

3.Only by deeply understanding the implications and the manifestations of reading teaching culture,and defining the direction ofcultural construction of reading teaching,can we make reading teaching dynamic and undertake the cultural mission.深刻认识阅读教学文化的意蕴,明了阅读教学文化的表现形态,明确阅读教学文化构建的方向,阅读教学才能富有活力,才能肩负起其文化使命。

6)constructionism of culture文化建构论

1.The thesis suggests that we should understanding, developing and criterion of cognition and the essence of science based on "constructionism of culture".本文认为 ,要正确认识科学的本质问题 ,就必须把认识论置于“文化建构论”之上。


