2000字范文 > 大功率LED特点 the characteristics of powerful LED英语短句 例句大全

大功率LED特点 the characteristics of powerful LED英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 18:31:52


大功率LED特点 the characteristics of powerful LED英语短句 例句大全

大功率LED特点,the characteristics of powerful LED

1)the characteristics of powerful LED大功率LED特点

2)high-power LEDs大功率LED

1.With the invention ofhigh-power LEDs,the requirement for drive current has increased significantly,thereby increasing power dissipation.保持LED结温在允许的范围内,是大功率LED芯片制备、器件封装和器件应用等每个环节都必须重点研究的关键因素,尤其是LED器件封装和器件应用设计必须着重解决的核心问题。

2.The junction temperature ofhigh-power LEDs is accurately measured based on forward-voltage method,the precision with ±0.介绍了基于正向电压法原理自行研制的大功率LED结温测试系统,结温定量测量精度可达±0。

3.Meanwhile, one type of thermal resistance model ofhigh-power LEDs has also been set up.针对大功率LED应用,建立了大功率LED的热阻模型,分析了环境温度、器件的最大允许结温、热阻以及输入电流之间的关系,提出了一种保证器件结温低于容许最大结温的工作电流的确定方法,并给出了一个应用本方法绘制某大功率LED工作电流与环境温度的关系曲线的实例。


1.Design and Study of Automatic Sorting Machine of High Power LED;大功率LED全自动分拣机的开发研究

2.A Study of Radiating of High-power LED and Design of Heat Sinks;大功率LED散热研究及散热器设计

3.Research of Pulse Power Driving High Power LED;大功率LED脉冲驱动电源技术的研究

4.Design of a High-power LED Drive Chip Based on CMOS Technology一款CMOS大功率LED驱动芯片的设计

5.The Study and Design of LED Thermal System大功率LED灯具散热系统的设计和研究

6.Research on the Technology of Rapid Sorting of High Power LED Reliability大功率LED可靠性快速筛选技术的研究

7.Development of Single-Channel High-Power LED Thermal Resistance Testing System单通道大功率LED热阻测试仪的研制

8.The Analysis and Study of High-power LED Lamps" Power Supply Driver大功率LED灯具电源驱动的分析与研究

9.Design and Research of High Power LED Driver Circuit一种大功率LED驱动电路的设计与研究

10.Test and Analysis of High-Power LED Accelerated Life大功率LED加速寿命试验及问题分析

11.The Application and Exploration of Powerful LED Lighting Fixtures大功率LED照明灯具的应用与探讨

parison between Two Electrodes for High-Power LED Packaging两种新型大功率LED封装电极层的比较

13.Key Factors of Thermal Resistance Test for High-Power LED大功率LED稳态热阻测试的关键因素

14.High-power LED Lighting Circuit"s Characteristics and Driver Design大功率LED照明电路特性与驱动设计

15.Design of a Constant-current Control Chip for Driving High-power White LED;大功率照明LED恒流驱动芯片的研制

16.Super-high power LD and super-high brightness LED measuring system.;超大功率LD和高亮度LED性能测试系统

17.Reliability and Failure Analysis of the High Power Blue LED;大功率蓝光LED可靠性与失效分析

18.Phosphors and Devices in Application of GaN-based Power WLEDs;大功率GaN基白光LED荧光材料与器件


high-power LEDs大功率LED

1.With the invention ofhigh-power LEDs,the requirement for drive current has increased significantly,thereby increasing power dissipation.保持LED结温在允许的范围内,是大功率LED芯片制备、器件封装和器件应用等每个环节都必须重点研究的关键因素,尤其是LED器件封装和器件应用设计必须着重解决的核心问题。

2.The junction temperature ofhigh-power LEDs is accurately measured based on forward-voltage method,the precision with ±0.介绍了基于正向电压法原理自行研制的大功率LED结温测试系统,结温定量测量精度可达±0。

3.Meanwhile, one type of thermal resistance model ofhigh-power LEDs has also been set up.针对大功率LED应用,建立了大功率LED的热阻模型,分析了环境温度、器件的最大允许结温、热阻以及输入电流之间的关系,提出了一种保证器件结温低于容许最大结温的工作电流的确定方法,并给出了一个应用本方法绘制某大功率LED工作电流与环境温度的关系曲线的实例。

3)high-power LED大功率LED

1.Simulation and design ofhigh-power LED s package structure;大功率LED封装结构的仿真设计

2.Testing system for thermal resistance ofhigh-power LED;大功率LED热阻测试系统的开发

3.Novel packaging materials and thermal management ofhigh-power LED packaging;新型封装材料与大功率LED封装热管理

4)high power LED大功率LED

1.Research on Control Techniques of High Power LED;大功率LED驱动控制研究

2.The design and realization ofhigh power LED control project based on 4242G基于4242G的大功率LED控制方案的设计与实现

3.Measurement and analysis on thermal characteristics ofhigh power LED based on heat pipe基于热管散热的大功率LED热特性测量与分析

5)high power LED flood light大功率LED泛光灯

6)high power white LED大功率白光LED

1.Use a 3-terminal positive voltage adjustable regulator to make an especially simple adjustable precision current regulator for drviehigh power white LEDs.采用一个三端正电压可调输出稳压器组成一个特别简单的可调电流源,用来驱动大功率白光LED。


大功1.大功业﹐大功劳。 2.奖励用语。 3.丧服五服之一﹐服期九月。其服用熟麻布做成﹐较齐衰稍细﹐较小功为粗﹐故称大功。旧时堂兄弟﹑未婚的堂姊妹﹑已婚的姑﹑姊妹﹑侄女及众孙﹑众子妇﹑侄妇等之丧﹐都服大功。已婚女为伯父﹑叔父﹑兄弟﹑侄﹑未婚姑﹑姊妹﹑侄女等服丧﹐也服大功。参阅《仪礼.丧服》﹑《清通典.礼服制》。
