2000字范文 > 地源热泵技术 ground source heat pump technology英语短句 例句大全

地源热泵技术 ground source heat pump technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-17 10:29:42


地源热泵技术 ground source heat pump technology英语短句 例句大全

地源热泵技术,ground source heat pump technology

1)ground source heat pump technology地源热泵技术

1.On the application of theground source heat pump technology in the construction engineering;浅谈地源热泵技术在建筑工程中的运用


1.An Analysis and Discussion on Ground Source Heat Pump Technology地源热泵技术的应用分析与问题探讨

2.Technology Economy Analysis on Ground Source Heat Pump Air-conditioning System and Optimization Design of Its Ground Heat Exchanger;地源热泵技术经济分析与换热器优化设计研究

3.The Application and Extension of Ground-Source Heat Pump Technology to Highway Buildings地源热泵技术在高速公路建筑中的应用与推广

4.Technical advances and industrial developments of ground source heat pump in China我国地源热泵技术研究进展和产业发展探讨

5.Important Issues in applying the technology of Geothermal Energy and Water Source Pumps地源热泵技术应用过程中应注意的问题

6.Main existed problems and respective countermeasures of ground-source heat pump technique applications in Wuhan area武汉地区地源热泵技术应用存在的主要问题及对策分析

7.A Study of the Feasibility of Applying the Geothermal Heat Pump in the Buildings Along Chinese Railway;铁路沿线建筑利用地源热泵技术采暖制冷的适宜性研究

8.Analysis on the Patented Technology Development in Geothermal Heat Pumps Industry地源热泵产业专利技术发展情况分析

9.Technical and Economical Performance Analysis of Heating and Cooling of Ground-Source Heat Pumps地源热泵—供热空调特性及技术经济分析

10.Analysis and study on technical characteristics of groundwater heat pump systems地下水地源热泵系统技术特性分析与研究

11.Dynamic Analysis of the Technology and Economy on Ground-source Heat Pump Air-conditioning System地源热泵空调系统的技术经济动态分析

12.Ground Source Heat Pump Problems and Solutions in Zhengzhou郑州地源热泵建筑应用技术存在的问题与对策

13.Analysis on Related Technologies of Water Intake and Water-treatment in Application of Surface Water Heat Pump in Chongqing Area重庆地区水源热泵应用取水-水处理技术分析

14.Integrated Application of Surface Water Source Heat Pump and Other Energy Efficient Technologies in HVAC Systems地表水水源热泵空调系统综合节能技术的应用

15.Discussion of specific techniques for GSHP application:a case study in the Beijing Plain水源热泵应用的细节技术探讨——以北京地区为例

16.Application of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Technology in Large Temperature Difference Water Source Heat Pump地层储能技术在大温差水源热泵中的应用

17.Numerical Simulation on the Temperature Field of Soil Heat Exchanger of Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) and the Technoeconomic Analysis地源热泵土壤换热器温度场数值模拟及技术经济分析

18.Geothermal and other types of renewable energy sources will be exploited in the surrounding areas, to supply heating and cooling service to the Olympic Green with application of water heat pump technology and other new technologies.利用奥林匹克公园周围地热资源或其它可再生能源、水源热泵技术,满足运动员村供热制冷需要。


Soil-air type land source hot pump technology土-气型地源热泵技术

3)groundwater-source heat pumps technology地下水源热泵技术

1.The application foreground for hydrogeology conditions ofgroundwater-source heat pumps technology in Yinchuan在介绍银川市水文地质特征的基础上,通过对地下水源热泵技术利用现状进行调查和分析,提出在银川市开展土壤源热泵技术是较符合实际的优化选择。

4)Water Source Heat Pump technology水源热泵技术

1.This text begin with the principle and characters ofWater Source Heat Pump technology,introduces the basic situations about application of Water Source Heat Pump in the world and the foreground of it in our China.文章从水源热泵技术原理和特点出发,介绍了国内外关于热泵应用的基本情况和中国目前水源热泵开发应用的前景,最后指出了推广应用水源热泵应该注意的一些问题。

2.This paper introduces the concept and working principle of water source heat pump technology,and connecting with the application examples,sums up the main features and energy saving effect of water source heat pump technology.介绍了水源热泵技术的概念和工作原理,结合应用实例,总结了水源热泵技术的主要特点及其节能效果。

3.This paper introduces the water source heat pump technology and the components and main technologies of water source air conditioning system, compares the water source heat pump scheme with other schemes, and taking Anju District of Xiayuan Village as the example, points out that the water source heat pump scheme is the best one.介绍了水源热泵技术、水源空调系统组成及主要技术,并将水源热泵方案同其他方案进行比较,以下元村安居小区为例,指出采取水源热泵是最佳的方案。

5)heat pump technology热泵技术

1.Characteristic ofheat pump technology and its application and current development in native and foreign countries in food industry were introduced concisely in this paper.简要介绍了热泵技术的特点及近几年来国内外有关热泵技术在食品工业中的应用和研究开发。

2.Electric-drivenheat pump technology must be promoted and the .电力作为二次能源,没有任何本地污染,非常适合北京地区使用;在各级政府机关及能源界各行业的共同努力下,国内建筑节能市场日趋成熟,供暖空调技术呈现出多元化发展的景况,面对巨大的国内建筑节能市场,应当加大推动电驱动热泵技术的力度,扩大电力在建筑节能领域内的市场份额。

3.Along with development of heat pump and its all kinds of driver device and heat pump system experiment study,heat pump technology will be applied more and more widespreadly in our country,and will play an important.概述了中国目前的能耗现状和能源问题面临的形势,提出热泵技术是回收和利用低位热能的有效措施之一,研究和推广应用热泵技术对于节能有重要意义。

6)heat pump technique热泵技术

1.the multiple production system,the distributed family energy source center and the comprehensive utilization of theheat pump technique.内容涉及供热与空调行业和融合、供热行业生产模式的变化,并介绍了几种典型的系统,比如多联产系统、分布式家庭能源中心、热泵技术的综合利用,提出了供热空调工程的个性化、精细化的构想。

2.The usage of the water sourceheat pump technique will inaugurate a new window for the low enthalpy heat source.热泵技术可以把10℃左右的温水的低品位热能提升到60℃的高品位热能,水源热泵技术的应用将为低焓能热源的开发利用开辟了一个新窗口,本文就热泵技术在电厂的循环冷却水中的有效利用方面的技术经济性、节能效果进行了分析,认为水源热泵技术是一项技术含量较高的节能与环保为一体的系统工程,具有十分广阔的开发前景。


埋管式地源热泵技术促进节能产业直接利用地下土壤和地上空间季节性温度差,在夏季用于空调制冷、在冬季用于供暖供热的设想,如今已经变为现实。目前,这项地源热泵新技术经过众多天津市科研技术人员多年的反复试验已获得成功,天津市企业又将该技术发展为埋管式地源热泵,应用范围更加广泛。该技术现已运用在天津市红桥区老干部活动中心等工程中。 目前,国家鼓励发展可再生能源和新能源的高技术产业专项,其中太阳能供热和地源热泵供热制冷被列入重点领域。据介绍,地下土壤中蕴藏着丰富的温度资源,夏季地下土壤的温度低于地上空间的温度,冬季地下土壤的温度高于地上空间的温度。地源热泵技术就是利用这种季节性温度差,通过专门装置在夏季将地下土壤的低温资源转换到地上空间制冷,在冬季将地下土壤的高温资源转换到地上空间供热。而埋管式地源热泵更为直接,它把换热器埋设在土壤中,管内有密闭的水循环与土壤进行热量的交换,冬天吸收土壤蕴藏的热量,夏天把热量释放到土壤中储存,待冬天再用,对地下水资源不会造成影响。采用这种技术制造的中央空调不燃油、不燃气、不燃煤,根据需要灵活控制,开关由己,冷暖自如。 技术人员介绍说,按全市房屋施工面积3000万平方米计算,如果其中1000万平方米建筑采用埋管式地源热泵技术,每年可节约标准煤11.9万吨,可减少烟气排放量13亿立方米,并且比传统中央空调系统运行费降低30%到60%。
