2000字范文 > 随机非线性横摇 random nonlinear roll英语短句 例句大全

随机非线性横摇 random nonlinear roll英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-01 15:55:18


随机非线性横摇 random nonlinear roll英语短句 例句大全

随机非线性横摇,random nonlinear roll

1)random nonlinear roll随机非线性横摇


1.Study on Nonlinear and Random Rolling Behaviors Leading to the Capsize of Ship;导致船舶倾覆的随机非线性横摇特性研究

2.Nonlinear Rolling and Capsizing of Ships in Rough Sea随机海况下的非线性船舶横摇和倾覆

3.Study on the Nonlinear Rolling and Capsizing Mechanism of Ship in Random Longitudinal Wave船舶随机纵浪中非线性横摇及倾覆机理研究

4.Study on the Visualization Method of Nonlinear Roll of Ship in the Random Seas;随机海浪中船舶非线性横摇的可视化方法研究

5.Study on Survival Probability of Nonlinear Roll of Ship in the Random Seas;随机海浪中船舶非线性横摇生存概率研究

6.Study on the Parametrically Excited Nonlinear and Random Roll of Ships in Longitudinal Waves;纵浪中船舶参数激励非线性随机横摇研究

7.Study on the Nonlinear Random Dynamic Behaviors of Ship Roll;船舶横摇非线性随机动力学行为的研究

8.The safe basin and capsizing route of nonlinear random motion of the ship in the high seas are investigated in this paper.研讨了随机海浪中船舶非线性随机横摇运动倾覆过程和安全域问题。

9.Ship capsizal caused by catastrophic nonlinear rolling非线性横摇导致船舶倾覆的突变研究

10.Analytical method for ship nonlinear rolling in calm water舰船在静水中非线性横摇的解析方法

11.Nonlinear Ship Rolling Analysis Based on Catastrophe Theory基于突变理论的船舶非线性横摇运动分析

12.Study on non-linear rolling motion of a forced flooded ship using cell mapping method基于胞映射法的破损进水船非线性横摇运动

13.The possible dynamic capsizing due to branch jump phenomen on of the nonlinear rolling is also investigated.本文还对非线性横摇的分支跳跃现象可能造成的船舶倾覆机理作了初步探讨。

14.discrete random nonlinear system离散随机非线性系统

15.Analysis of Nonlinear Rolling and Stability of a Ship in Waves;船舶在波浪中的非线性横摇运动及其稳定性分析

16.The single degree of freedom second order differential equation of nonlinear rolling motion was solved numerically in time domain by using the Adams-Bashforth method.用阿当姆斯预估-校正法数值求解时域内单自由度非线性横摇方程。

17.The serious nonlinear rolling, acted by outside forces or other factors, will lead ships to capsizing.严重的非线性横摇在外力或其它因素激励下极易导致船舶的倾覆。

18.The simulation algorithms of wave high, yaw force, rolling moment and sway moment were put forward.给出了随机海浪波高、横荡力、横摇力矩、艏摇力矩的仿真算法。


nonlinear roll非线性横摇

1.An approximate analytical solution with comparative accuracy is helpful in investigatingnonlinear rolling of ships and its stability.具有一定精度的近似解析解有助于方便分析船舶非线性横摇运动及其稳定性。

2.Melnikov function and phase space flux are applied to analyze highlynonlinear roll and capsize of ships in the random seas in this paper.本文应用Melnikov函数和相空间转移率研究船舶在随机波浪中的强非线性横摇运动及其倾覆问题,分析了波浪特征频率、特征波高、船舶非线性恢复力臂以及阻尼特性对相空间转移率的影响。

3.It is emphasized that the methods of how to apply Melnikov function for analyzing the highlynonlinear rolling and capsize of ships are introduced.本文评述了近年来国内外研究船舶倾覆的理论和方法,总结了该领域的最新进展,重点介绍了应用Melnikov函数分析船舶强非线性横摇运动及其倾覆问题,简要介绍了相空间转移率的相关概念和它的求法,并指出它与船舶倾覆的密切联系;对国外近年来最新发展起来的应用安全池及其安全池破缺来预测船舶倾覆研究的新思想亦做了探讨,并指出今后船舶倾覆研究的发展趋势及其前景。

3)nonlinear rolling非线性横摇

1.Ship capsizal caused by catastrophicnonlinear rolling非线性横摇导致船舶倾覆的突变研究

2.The stability of shipnonlinear rolling motion is analysesed used LCEs(Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents) in this paper.将Lyapunov特性指数用于船舶非线性横摇运动稳定性分析,阐述了Lyapunov特性指数的计算方法。

3.The seriousnonlinear rolling, acted by outside forces or other factors, will lead ships to capsizing.严重的非线性横摇在外力或其它因素激励下极易导致船舶的倾覆。

4)nonlinear roll-motion非线性横摇运动

1.The stationary probability density function (PDF) and the stationary mean out-crossing rate (MOR) of the response of shipnonlinear roll-motion subjected to additive stochastic white noise excitation are examined by a new approximate method in this paper.应用求解FPK方程近似解的一种新理论研究白噪声激励下船舶非线性横摇运动的联合概率密度函数及稳定期望穿阈率。

5)nonlinear ship roll船舶非线性横摇

6)stochastic roll amplitude随机横摇幅值

1.The probability density function,probability distribution function and the mean value ofstochastic roll amplitude are educed taking account of ship speed,instantaneous wet area and stochastic waves.以某渔政船为例,计算了不同航速时船舶随机横摇幅值的概率密度、概率分布函数及其均值。


非横1.不测之祸﹔非常之祸。 2.非礼和横暴的行为。
