2000字范文 > 发酵工程工艺原理 principles of fermentation technology英语短句 例句大全

发酵工程工艺原理 principles of fermentation technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-03 19:40:02


发酵工程工艺原理 principles of fermentation technology英语短句 例句大全

发酵工程工艺原理,principles of fermentation technology

1)principles of fermentation technology发酵工程工艺原理

1.To counter the characteristics of courses offered for students of food science and engineering,research has been done on teaching practice forprinciples of fermentation technology,and put forward some measures,for example,thinking highly of introduction,emphasizing the renewal of teaching content,to improve the teaching quality.发酵工程工艺原理是医药、轻工、农业类高等院校的必修课,是将微生物学、生物化学、化工原理、生化反应动力学等基础理论知识应用到生产实践中的桥梁课程。


1.Teaching Practice and Exploration for Principles of Fermentation Technology《发酵工程工艺原理》课程的教学实践与探索

2.Review on fermentation process of lignocellulose materials木质纤维原料厌氧发酵工艺研究进展

3.Study on Fermentation Mechanisms of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Optimization of Yogurt Technology;乳酸菌发酵机理及酸奶工艺优化研究

4.Study on the Fermentation Technics of Genetic Engineering Phytase Strain E-22;植酸酶基因工程菌E-22的发酵工艺研究

5.Study on the Fermentation Process of the Genetically Engineered Escherichia Coli Bacteria Strain for the Biosynthesis of Theanine;茶氨酸生物合成基因工程菌发酵工艺的研究

6.Study on the Fermentation Technology of the Gene Engineering Strain Producing NcarbamylDanimoacidamidohydrolase and Immobilization;产DCase的基因工程菌发酵及酶固定化工艺研究

7.Technology and Existing Problems on Marsh Gas Project of Anaerobic Ferment厌氧发酵沼气工程的工艺及存在的问题

8.Fermentation and Properties of Glutamate Decarboxylase from Genetically Engineered Strain谷氨酸脱羧酶工程菌的发酵工艺及酶学性质

9.Genetic Modification of Pichia Pastoris Secreting Phytase and Research on Fundamental Fermentation Technology;毕赤酵母植酸酶工程菌的改造及其初步发酵工艺研究

10.Study of High Efficient Ferment Technique and Purification of Genetically Engineered Antibody Produced by Pichia Pastoris;毕赤酵母表达基因工程抗体高效发酵及纯化工艺研究

11.Pear vinegar was produced using pear juice as raw material after alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation.以梨汁为原料经过酒精发酵和醋酸发酵工艺,制得了梨果醋。

12.Study on Fermentation Technology of GL-7-ACA Acylase Production by Genetically Engineered Bacterium and Enzyme Engineering;GL-7-ACA酰化酶基因工程菌的发酵工艺优化及酶工程研究

13.Study on the High-concentration Alcohol Fermentation Process Conditions Using Corn as Raw Material;玉米原料酒精浓醪发酵工艺条件的研究

14.Studies on the Fermentative Production of Succinic Acid from Corn Stalk玉米秸秆原料发酵生产丁二酸工艺研究

15.The manufacturing process of pro-ecology traditional fermented food fish sauce-acid of Miao nationality苗族原生态传统发酵食品鱼酱酸制作工艺

16.Investigation on Clear Liquid Fermentation Techniques for Ethanol Production from Canna edulis Kerl芭蕉芋原料清液酒精发酵工艺初步研究

17.Continuous Ethanol Fermentation Coupled with Recycling of Yeast Flocs and from Non-grain Raw Materials;絮凝酵母乙醇连续发酵耦合菌体回用工艺及非粮原料利用

18.Technical Study of Dried Yeast Suitable for the Fermentation of High Sweet Material用于直接发酵含高糖质原料活性干酵母的生产工艺研究


fermentation technology发酵工艺

1.Study onfermentation technology of Chinese chestnut health wine;板栗保健酒发酵工艺的研究

2.Study on thefermentation technology of pigeongea xiaoqu liquor;木豆小曲白酒发酵工艺的研究

3.Application of artificial neural network on thefermentation technology of monascus waxberry wine optimization;人工神经网络方法在红曲杨梅果酒发酵工艺优化中的应用

3)fermentation techniques发酵工艺

1.Study onfermentation techniques of tomato rice wine番茄米酒发酵工艺的研究

2.Thefermentation techniques of pomegranate fruit wine were studied.以成熟石榴汁为原料,对石榴果酒发酵工艺进行研究。


1.It is an economic method to produce tridecanedioic acid by thefermentation of candida tropicalis in recent time.通过对接种量、补碱工艺、发酵级数和空气流量的优化以及采取中间补加正十三碳烷烃(C13)、延长发酵周期等措施,确定了最佳的DC13发酵工艺,15m3发酵DC13的产量达到850kg,主要原材料正十三碳烷烃的消耗下降了11 6%。

2.Thefermentation conditions under which the human interleukin 6 (hIL 6) in recombinant E.对重组人白细胞介素 6(rh IL- 6)大肠杆菌摇瓶发酵工艺作了研究。

3.The main factors affecting tobramycin biosynthesis by Streptomyces tenebrarius were studied, suchas, the relation between titre and mycelium age of seed culture,fermentation hours, air ratio, key raw material (oil), density of mycelium, et.从黑暗链霉菌F-211合成妥布霉素(Tobramycin)的发酵原理出发,研究黑暗链霉菌产生抗生素的特性,考察与生产妥布霉素紧密相关的种龄、周期、关键原料—油,和影响生物合成抗生素的各种主要因素,绘制出合理的发酵工艺控制图,优化发酵条件,使发酵单位提高了近一倍。

5)fermentation process发酵工艺

1.Investigatingfermentation process of bioremediation microorganism F468;除臭微生物F468发酵工艺

2.Thefermentation process of the new anticancer compound alternol新型抗癌单体化合物维泰醇的发酵工艺

3.Objective To optimize thefermentation process of lipstatin.目的优化lipstatin的发酵工艺。

6)fermentation technique发酵工艺

1.Study onfermentation technique of pitaya wine;火龙果酒发酵工艺的研究

2.The optimum compose andfermentation technique are determined through orthogonal experiments.将龙桑果汁与牛奶调配混合,经乳酸菌发酵,制成凝固型龙桑果风味酸奶,通过预先筛选和进一步正交试验确定龙桑果风味酸奶的最佳发酵工艺及配方。

3.Research based on the quality of yoghurt in the different craft and stabilizer, optimizing compose and determine the bestfermentation technique.研究不同工艺、不同稳定剂及配方的优化对香蕉酸牛乳成品品质的影响,确定香蕉酸牛乳的最佳发酵工艺。


