2000字范文 > 热滥用 thermal abuse英语短句 例句大全

热滥用 thermal abuse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-12 06:30:07


热滥用 thermal abuse英语短句 例句大全

热滥用,thermal abuse

1)thermal abuse热滥用

1.In this paper, the research is summarized by introducing electrochemistry-thermal coupled models, electro-thermal coupled models,thermal abuse models and the applications to lithium-ion battery design, thermal management and safety research.介绍了国内外关于锂离子电池热模型的研究进展,包括电化学-热耦合模型、电-热耦合模型和热滥用模型,以及以这些模型为基础,在锂离子电池单体设计、热管理和安全性研究方面做的工作。


1.VOS harm and abuse.;挥发性有机溶剂的危害及滥用

2.The Trend of SedativeAbuse in Psychotic Inpatients and the Analysis of Related Factors;住院精神病患者滥用镇静催眠药物倾向


1.the misuse of power, authority, etc滥用权力、 滥施权威.

2.an abuse of trust, privilege, authority辜负别人的信任、滥用特权、滥用权力.

3.To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.滥用,玷污不正当、可耻或卑鄙地使用;滥用

4.Task Force on Drug Abuse Contro药物滥用管制工作队

5.United Nations and Drug Abuse Control联合国和药物滥用管制

6.National Institute of Drug Abuse国家药物滥用研究所

7.Chinese Magazing of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment中国药物滥用防治杂志

8.drug abuse and illicit trafficking药物滥用和非法贩运

9.ABuse or waste of Company property滥用或浪费公司财产

10.International Drug Abuse Assessment System国际药物滥用评价制度

11.Rapid Abuse Assessment System药物滥用快速评价制度

12.The most common of these misuses are:最常见的滥用如下。

13.a report that concerns drug abuse关于滥用毒品的报告.

14.A purgatory of drug abuse.滥用毒品而引起的痛苦

15.International Year against Drug Abuse反对滥用麻醉品国际年

16.Associate Expert on Drug Abuse Affairs药物滥用事务协理专家

17.They should never be allowed to abuse their authority and position.绝不允许他们滥用职权。

18.Excess of authority or abuse of powers;超越或者滥用职权的;



1.VOS harm and abuse.;挥发性有机溶剂的危害及滥用

2.The Trend of SedativeAbuse in Psychotic Inpatients and the Analysis of Related Factors;住院精神病患者滥用镇静催眠药物倾向


1.Misuse of Patent and Regulation in Law;专利权滥用的法律规制研究

2.At last,it discusses the restriction ofmisuse of gene patent pool from three aspects: Basic principle,patent law and antitrust law.介绍了基因专利和专利池的概念;探讨了基因专利池的几种可能,即基因诊断产品专利池、基因药物专利池、DNA芯片专利池;分析了基因专利池的益处,最后从基本原则、专利法和反垄断法角度讨论了对于基因专利池滥用的规制。

3.To restrict tying,the rule of patentmisuse, Sherman Act,Clayton Act,1995 Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property are often used in USA.搭售的法律规制,在美国有专利权滥用原则、《谢尔曼法》、《克莱顿法》、美国1995年《知识产权许可反托拉斯指南》;欧共体《关于对技术转让协议适用欧共体条约第81条的指南(/C101/02)》分析了搭售的限制性效果、提高效率的效果和促进竞争的效果。


5)abused drugs滥用药物

1.Screening system for detection of commonabused drugs in biological fluids;体液中常见滥用药物的系统筛选分析

2.A Method for separating and identifyingabused drugs in human hair of opiate addicts was developed by means of GC-MS.本文采用气相色谱-质谱方法分离、鉴定成瘾者头发样品中的滥用药物,样品处理方法简单,甲醇一次超声提取,提取效果较好,样品用量少,仅需20mg。

3.Objective:To develop a LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of 19 abusive drugs in urines from drug abusers and understand the type ofabused drugs.目的:建立一种可以同时测定尿样中19种滥用药物的LC-MS/MS法,了解药物滥用者的药物使用情况。

6)Drug abuse药物滥用

1.Investigations of risk factors of drug abuse in middle school students;中学生药物滥用行为危险因素调查研究

2.Study on characteristics of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS awareness among IDUs recruited from community-based methadone maintenance treatment programs;拟接受美沙酮社区治疗者药物滥用和艾滋病知识调查

3.Experimental Studies on Neurobiological Changes of Heroin, Morphine and Pethidine Drug Abuse in Rats;海洛因、吗啡、度冷丁药物滥用神经生物学变化的实验性研究


