2000字范文 > 信令协议 signaling protocol英语短句 例句大全

信令协议 signaling protocol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-09 03:59:17


信令协议 signaling protocol英语短句 例句大全

信令协议,signaling protocol

1)signaling protocol信令协议

1.Study on Intelligent Optical Network Signaling Protocol and LMP Implementation;智能光网络信令协议研究和LMP协议实现

2.In this paper,two sets of the MPLSsignaling protocol,CR-LDP and RSVP-TE,are analyzed.本文分析了两种支持流量工程的MPLS信令协议:基于约束路由的标签分配协议CR-LDP和扩展的资源预留协议RSVP-TE,论述了在VxWorks操作系统上实现CR-LDP协议的方法和技术。

3.To gain more insight into the GMPLSsignaling protocols, we first present in this article a protocol implementation of SLEP.针对密集波分复用(DWDM, dense wavelength division multiplexing)网络的特点,提出了简单光路建立协议(SLEP: simple lightpath establishment protocol)的实现原型,给出了该协议使用的消息类型、数据结构和基本的协议处理过程,并在此基础上从消息负载、连接建立时间、工作模式和信令参数选取对网络性能的影响等方面对下一代光网络中的信令协议做了比较全面的分析和仿真。


1.Study on Intelligent Optical Network Signaling Protocol and LMP Implementation;智能光网络信令协议研究和LMP协议实现

2.Research and Application of VOIP Signaling Protocol Based on SoftSwitch;基于软交换的VOIP信令协议研究与应用

3.The Design and Implementation of Signaling Protocol CR-LDP for MPLS;MPLS中信令协议CR-LDP的设计与实现

4.The Research on Signaling Protocol SIP and Implementation of SIP UA;信令协议SIP的研究与SIP UA的实现

5.Research of ASON and Application of Signaling Protocol in ASON;ASON的研究和信令协议在ASON的应用

6.Study on LSP Building in ASON with RSVP_TEASON中信令协议RSVP_TE建立LSP的研究

7.Signaling Analysis of Gn Interface of GPRS in GSM System;移动通信网中GPRS中Gn接口的信令协议分析

8.A novel signaling protocol scheme for mobile agent-based OBS networks基于移动代理的OBS网络的信令协议方案

9.Design and Validation of Universal Access Control Signaling Protocol Based on Next Steps in SignalingNSIS下通用访问控制信令协议的设计与验证

10.Design and Implementation of Fault-Tolerance No.7 Signal Protocol Stack Based on Softswitch基于软交换的容错7号信令协议栈的设计与实现

11.The Realization of MTP3(B) Protocol in Signalling System NO.7;MTP3(B)协议栈在七号信令系统中的实现

12.Analysis & Implementation of M3UA in No.7 Signaling Gateway;七号信令网关M3UA协议的分析与实现

13.Research on VOIP Communication Technology Based on SIP Protocol基于SIP协议的VOIP信令技术研究

14.Parsing of Signaling for H.248/MEGACO Protocol in Next Generation NetworkH.248/MEGACO协议在NGN中的信令解析

15.The Research of Protocol System of the Video Communication System Based on H.248 Protocol;基于H.248协议的视频通信系统信令体系研究

16.Air-Interface Protocol and Signaling Research for Mobile Communications Network;移动通信网空中接口协议与信令的研究

17.Signaling System 7 (SS7) is a protocol that provides an internationally standardized, general-purpose signaling system.信令系统7(SS7)是一个协议,该协议可以提供国际标准化的、一般用途的信令系统。

18.Design and Implementation of RAS and Call Signalling Based on H.323 Protocol Stack;H.323协议栈中RAS和呼叫信令的设计与实现



1.On the basis of above mentioned and considering the principle and technique characteristics of the ATM switch, the function architecture and key techniques of Liaoning Electric Power ATM Integrated Services Digital Network have been expounded, and the architecture, thesignalling/protocol, the network management of Liaon.本论文通过对辽宁电力通信网的现状及电网发展对通信的需求分析,结合ATM交换机的原理和技术特点,阐述了辽宁电力ATM综合业务数字网的功能结构和关键技术,系统论述了辽宁电力ATM综合业务数字网络的结构、信令/协议、网络管理等,同时对ATM网络多业务承载能力进行了分析,并对辽宁电力通信网各种业务的实现进行了认真研究。


4)signalling interface protocol接口信令协议

1.This paper has first introduced the logic structure of GPRS network ,discuss the various transmission protocol that GPRS uses in network from the angle of business transmission, and have analysedsignalling interface protocol of every communication substance in GPRS network.首先介绍了GPRS网络的逻辑结构,从业务传输的角度讨论了GPRS网络中用到的各种传输协议,并且分析了在GPRS网络中各个通信实体之间接口信令协议。

5)frame relay signalling protocol帧中继信令协议

6)Signaling protocol system信令协议系统


