2000字范文 > 业务能力 Professional ability英语短句 例句大全

业务能力 Professional ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-31 06:40:46


业务能力 Professional ability英语短句 例句大全

业务能力,Professional ability

1)Professional ability业务能力

1.Quality and professional ability of the sports teacher of middle school;中学体育教师的素质与业务能力

2.Analyzing and training on professional ability of physical education teachers in higher schools;高校体育教师的业务能力分析及培养

3.With the teaching of a series of concrete structure courses, the methods to strengthen students professional ability are proposed from aspects such as creativity, engineering design, computer application, practice and self study.本文结合混凝土结构系列课程的教学 ,提出从创新能力、工程设计能力、计算机应用能力、实践能力和自学能力五个方面强化学生业务能力培养的做


1.Working Group on Programme Management and Operational Capacity方案管理和业务能力工作组

2.He has high professional competence, and is outstanding among people of the same occupation.他业务能力很强, 是同行中的人尖子。

3.Strengthening capacity on TB control of TB dispensaries.加强结防机构自身的业务能力建设。

4.Analyzing and training on professional ability of physical education teachers in higher schools;高校体育教师的业务能力分析及培养

5.Analysis of the Correlative Aspects and QoS of cdma2000 1x EV-DO RevA Systemcdma2000 1x EV-DO RevA系统的业务能力及QoS分析

6.Financial Competitiveness and Core Financial Competence of Enterprises;企业财务竞争力与财务核心竞争能力

7.On Company s Core Financial Competence and its Statement;企业财务核心能力与财务核心能力报告

8.Promoting the Professional Education,Increasing Its Serving Ability;大力发展职业教育 提升服务海西能力

9.We will energetically develop the energy conservation service industry and the environmental protection industry.大力发展节能服务产业和环保产业。

10.Research on the Electric Commerce Major Students Training in Building Business Ability;电子商务专业学生创业能力培养初探

11.The Research on Performance of Best-Effort Service in Broad-Band Integrated Networks;宽带综合业务网中尽力而为业务的性能研究

12.On the Trade-related Ability in Service of Enterprise in China Based on the Ability Theory;基于能力理论的我国企业服务贸易能力研究

13.The Creation of Core Competence,Accounting Core Competence and Corporate Value;核心能力、财务核心能力与企业价值创造

14.Development of Core Competence of Domestic Commercial Banks Business in SMEs;国内商业银行发展中小企业业务的核心能力

15.Core competence of the firm: the difference between industries and services;企业核心能力:制造业和服务业的差异分析

16.He"s a capable businessman, is he?他是一位很有能力的业务员,可不是吗?

17.Fuzzy Evaluation of the Sustained Growth of the Financial Ability of Businesses;企业财务可持续增长能力的模糊评价

18.Focus on Service Products Research to Upgrade Capability of Integrated Innovation;聚焦业务产品研发 提升集成创新能力



3)business supporting ability业务支持能力

1.It analyzes the developing process of hardware structure of router,introduces thebusiness supporting ability of core router from Millions Mb processing support,IPV6 support,MPLS support and design of stability,it illustrates the stablity development of core router,offers ensurance for web s stable operation.对核心路由器硬件结构的发展过程进行了分析,从万兆线速处理能力支持、IPV6支持、MPLS支持、可靠性设计等方面介绍了核心路由器的业务支持能力,并对其稳定性发展进行了阐述,为网络的可靠运行提供电信级的稳定性保证。

4)enterprise financial capability企业财务能力

5)opening service capability业务能力开放

6)service capability feature业务能力特征

1.From the realization aspect of service creation interface,this paper researches the framework andservice capability feature interface of CORBA-based Parlay API,proposes the realization scheme of framework API andservice capability feature API respectively,and further analyzes and discusses the mapping issue of our scheme.文章从NGN业务生成接口的实现角度入手,对基于CORBA的ParlayAPI体系中框架和业务能力特征接口进行研究,分别设计出框架API和业务能力特征API的实现方案,并对方案中的映射问题作了进一步的分析与探讨。


