2000字范文 > 静压箱 static pressure box英语短句 例句大全

静压箱 static pressure box英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-21 12:21:52


静压箱 static pressure box英语短句 例句大全

静压箱,static pressure box

1)static pressure box静压箱

1.Based on the analysis to the structure of air supply channel and its workingtheory, the paper calculates out the asymmetry coefficient of exit flow from theblast pipe ofstatic pressure box under different working conditions.新型空调静压式送风道的送风均匀性较传统送风道有较大的改善,在分析送风道结构和送风原理的基础上,计算出不同工况下静压箱条缝送风口出流的不均匀性系数,以及理论平均出流速度、实际平均流度、风道漏风系数及风道的最大和最小不均匀性系数。

2.Analyzes the characteristics ofstatic pressure boxes which will improve the comprehensive characteristics of ventilation systems.分析研究静压箱的消声、阻力、均压等性能。

3.Analyzes the main factors that influence the pressure stability in side supply airconditioning system, such as pressure control mode, design ofstatic pressure box, testing posi-tion of supply air pressure sensor and the set of pressure value ofstatic pressure box, etc.对侧吹风空调系统中影响压力稳定的主要因素——压力控制方式、静压箱的设计、压力传感器取压位置的选取及静压箱内压力值的设定等方面进行了分析,并提出了保持送民压力稳定的相应措施。


1.Both the zone supply and return plenums are solved in the heat balance as thermal zones which couple through heat conduction with adjacent zones.送风静压箱和回风静压箱都被作为与相邻房间热传导相耦合的热区,采用热平衡的方法求解。

2.A unique identifying name identifying the Zone Supply Plenum system component.区域送风静压箱系统组件的唯一标识名。

3.Unique name of the Zone Supply Plenum or Zone Splitter component.区域送风静压箱或区域分离器组件的唯一标识名。

4.A unique identifying name identifying the Zone Return Plenum system component.用于定义区域回风静压箱系统组件的唯一标识名。

5.Unique name of the Zone Return Plenum or Zone Mixer component.区域回风静压箱或区域混合器组件的唯一标识名。

6.The Zone Return Air Path lists the Zone Mixer and Zone Return Plenum components comprising the path.区域回风路径列出了区域混风器和区域回风静压箱组件,这些组件构成了该路径。

7.The Zone Supply Air Path lists the Zone Splitter and Zone Supply Plenum components comprising the path.区域送风路径列出区域分离器和区域送风静压箱组件,这两个组件组成了该路径。

8.Start of the component list for the Zone Supply Air Path. This field should contain either Zone Supply Plenum or Zone Splitter.开始描述区域送风路径组件列表。该字段应包含区域送风静压箱或区域分离器。

9.The upper supply and bottom exhaust air distribution is formed in painting polluting area with local plenum chamber and slot outlets.利用局部静压箱和条缝型百叶排风口在污染控制区形成上送风下排风的气流组织形式。

10.Finite Element Analysis of Pile Clamping Box of Hydraulic Static Pile Driver液压静力压桩机夹桩箱的有限元分析

11.hydrostatic extrusio静水压挤压;静水压挤压;静液力挤压;静液力挤压;液力静挤压

12.box-type negative-pressure boiling dry-box箱式负压沸腾干燥箱

13.hydrostatic(al) pressure流体静压, 静水压力

14.He presses the box so hard that it breaks.他把箱子压得狠紧,把箱子都压破了

15.accumulator air-charging manifold蓄压器充气阀箱压缩空气瓶充气阀箱

16.laugh quietly or with restraint.静静地笑或者有压抑。

17.electrostatic voltmeter静电电压表;静电电压表;静电伏特计;静电伏特计

18.Don"t crush the box, there are eggs inside.别压坏箱子,里面有鸡蛋。


static pressure tank静压箱

1.Numerical simulation of velocity field was carried out onstatic pressure tank and the area near mesh belt using CFD.对上下冲击式高效鼓风冻结装置建立数学物理模型,使用CFD软件对速冻装置内静压箱和贴近网带上下方的速度场进行数值模拟。

3)integral static pressure tank整体静压箱

1.It introduces theintegral static pressure tank for air supply and also supplies some structure designs of integral static tan.从南京中医药大学体育馆空调设计的实例,分析了比赛馆气流组织和座椅下送风的特点,介绍了作为空调送风的整体静压箱,并结合施工过程,详细说明了整体静压箱构造设计及施工要求。

4)air supply plenum chamber送风静压箱

1.Evaluation ofair supply plenum chamberand its air distribution performance of task air conditioning;工位空调送风静压箱及其送风气流性能评价

5)plenum box充气箱;静压箱

6)static pressure drop in the lower pipe box下管箱静压降


