2000字范文 > 保护动作最大过渡电阻 action to protect the greatest resistance英语短句 例句大全

保护动作最大过渡电阻 action to protect the greatest resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 21:09:10


保护动作最大过渡电阻 action to protect the greatest resistance英语短句 例句大全

保护动作最大过渡电阻,action to protect the greatest resistance

1)action to protect the greatest resistance保护动作最大过渡电阻

2)fault resistance过渡电阻

1.Research on the ability of ultra-high voltage transmission line distance protection standingfault resistance influence;高压输电线路距离保护克服过渡电阻能力研究

2.Ground distance relay based onfault resistance calculation;基于过渡电阻计算的距离保护

3.The existence offault resistance may add an additional reactive or capacitive component to the impedance seen by the protection.正向经过渡电阻故障时,距离保护测量阻抗随着过渡电阻变化的轨迹可以利用故障前保护测量到的电压、电流,经过估算得到。


1.The Ability Analysis and Research of Various Reactance Relay against Transient Resistance对多种阻抗继电器抗过渡电阻能力分析与研究

2.A New Algorithm of Eliminating the Impact of Transient Resistance to Distance Relay一种消除过渡电阻对距离保护影响的新算法

3.Analyzing the Reasons of Transition Resistance Wire Fused in On-load Tap Changer of On-load Regulating Transformer有载调压变压器有载分接开关过渡电阻引线烧断原因简析

4.Ground-fault Distance Protection Adopting Adaptive Control to Eliminate the Affection of Transition Resistance接地距离保护采用自适应控制消除过渡电阻的影响

pensation algorithm of grounding distance protection considering FCL and fault resistance计及故障限流器和故障过渡电阻的接地距离保护补偿算法

6.Its accuracy can not be affected by coupled inductance, fault resistance, distributed capacitance and asynchronous angle.该测距方法在原理上不受线间互感、过渡电阻、分布电容、不同步角的影响。

7.Magnetoresistance and Electrical Transport Properties of Transition Metal-Carbon Composites and Nano-Sized Thin films;过渡金属-碳复合材料和复合纳米薄膜的磁电阻和电输运特性

8.Under a certain condition, this interface impendance can be transferred to the constant phase angle( CPA) impedance.在一定条件下,此界面阻抗过渡到恒相角阻抗。

9.Numerical Simulation of Air-injetting Parameters for Microbubbles Drag Reduction on Transitional Craft过渡型艇微气泡减阻喷气参数数值研究

10.overvoltage protection varistor过电压保护压敏电阻器

11.To cross(a body of water) by a ferry.乘渡船渡过(水体)

12.The Theory And Simulation of Electrical Machine Transients ?电机过渡过程的理论与仿真

13.Special Problems in the Transition of a Hydropower Station水电站过渡过程的特殊问题

14.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Hydraulic Transient of Hydropower Plant;水电站水力过渡过程数字仿真及分析

15.Hydraulic Transients Research of Diversion System in Cascade Hydropower Stations Connected by Open Channel;梯级电站引水系统水力过渡过程研究

16.Analysis of the Hydraulic Transient in Water-Cooling System of Power Plants;火电厂冷却水系统水力过渡过程分析

17.Analysis of the receiving coil"s transitional process in TEM瞬变电磁法中接收线圈过渡过程分析

18.migration [Tradelink]由文件过渡至使用电子数据联通


fault resistance过渡电阻

1.Research on the ability of ultra-high voltage transmission line distance protection standingfault resistance influence;高压输电线路距离保护克服过渡电阻能力研究

2.Ground distance relay based onfault resistance calculation;基于过渡电阻计算的距离保护

3.The existence offault resistance may add an additional reactive or capacitive component to the impedance seen by the protection.正向经过渡电阻故障时,距离保护测量阻抗随着过渡电阻变化的轨迹可以利用故障前保护测量到的电压、电流,经过估算得到。

3)Transition resistance过渡电阻

1.Auto-Measuring system for Track to Earth transition resistance in Subway;地铁轨地过渡电阻自动测量系统

2.Analysis and research on the ability of distance protection element standing the influence of transition resistance;距离保护特性元件躲过渡电阻能力分析与研究

3.The phase selector has overcome the disadvantage of previous phase selectors influenced by the transition resistance,and the principle of the fault selector is simple.该选相元件从原理上克服了以往序分量选相方法受过渡电阻影响较大的缺点,原理简单,理论分析和大量的现场数据验证表明能有效可靠地选出故障相别,是高压线路保护实现单相重合闸较为理想的选相元件。

4)transient resistance过渡电阻

1.To improve reaction sensitivity of ground distance relay to high voltage high resistance ground fault, a new type of action criterion of highly adaptive protection boundary fortransient resistances is put forward.为提高接地距离保护对高压电网高阻接地故障反应的灵敏性,提出了一种对过渡电阻Rg具有高度自适应动作边界的新型动作判据。

2.The method is not influenced by the operating mode of the system andtransient resistance.该方法基本上不受系统运行方式和过渡电阻大小影响。

3.The ability of zero sequence relay againsttransient resistance under different running conditions is analyzed in detail.详尽地分析了零序电抗继电器在各种运行方式下的抗过渡电阻能力 ,零序电抗继电器在理论上具有非常强的抗过渡电阻的能力。

5)transition resistor过渡电阻

1.Analysis of neutral grounded via atransition resistor;小电流接地系统经过渡电阻接地的分析

2.A novel arcless on-load tap-changing model is proposed,which adopts inverse parallel high-power thyristor as a control switch and regulates the output voltage by switching corresponding tap-changing windings,and uses thyristor s null-current cut-off characteristic to canceltransition resistor input process to simplify the regulation process and accelerate the regulation speed effectively.采用反并联大功率高耐压晶闸管作为调节控制开关,利用晶闸管开关在电流过零点自然关断的特点,提出了一种不需过渡电阻的新型电力电子无弧有载调压模型,有效简化了调压步骤,加快了调压速度。

3.It is found out that the two algorithms can both eliminate the influence oftransition resistor on the accuracy of fault location,and both have advantages and disadvantages.结论表明,此两种算法均可有效消除过渡电阻对测距精度的影响,且各有优缺点,可视具体情况选择其中一种。

6)transitional action过渡动作


