2000字范文 > 接地引出线 grounding conductor英语短句 例句大全

接地引出线 grounding conductor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-01 19:00:31


接地引出线 grounding conductor英语短句 例句大全

接地引出线,grounding conductor

1)grounding conductor接地引出线

2)grounding outlet[电]接地引出线

3)underground service conductor地下引出线

4)Connect the Ground Leads into the Line接地引入线

5)ground down lead接地引下线

1.The Method and points for attention for using continuity tester ofground down lead to test theground down lead of electrical equipment have been introduced,several test data have been analyzed and the reference value to determine the continuity state has been given.介绍了利用接地引下线导通测试仪测试电力设备接地引下线的方法及注意事项,并对若干测试数据进行了分析,给出了判定导通状况的参考值。

2.In order to solve the unreliability problem in connecting caused by the use of ordinary bolt inground down lead of power transmission line reinforced concrete pole,the deficiencies of the ordinary bolt are analyzed through typical examples,then one kind of new connecting bolt is designed specially according to the theory of the relation between resistance and contact face.为解决输电线路砼杆接地引下线使用普通螺栓连接在运行中存在连接不可靠的问题,通过运行实例分析了普通螺栓的不足之处,根据电阻与接触面的关系理论,设计了一种新的专用连接螺栓。


1.A Hierarchical Model Based Corrosion Diagnosis Approach for Grounding Grid with Down Lead Lines一种基于分层约简模型的含接地引下线的接地网故障诊断方法

2.Remove coil wire from distributor and secure to good ground to prevent engine from starting.从分电盘上拆下线圈电线,同接地线路接牢,以免引擎启动。

3.The wires connect under the floor.电线是在地板下接通的.

4.Grounding resistance measurement method of large grounding grids with short current wire缩短测量引线测量大型接地网接地电阻的方法

5.Probe into the High Resistance Grounding Problem in Tractive Power Supply System of Datong-Qinhuangdao Line大秦线牵引供电系统高阻接地问题探讨

6.The thoughts on the single phase grounding fault of 10 kV transmitting line in wind power generating field风电场一起10kV线路单相接地故障引发的思考

7.Study on Floatation Response of Buried Pipeline Induced by Soil Liquefaction;场地土液化引起的地下管线的上浮反应研究

8.The afternoon sun on a winter"s day is low on the horizon.冬天下午的太阳低低的,接近地平线。

9.The grounding wires can be fixed on case body and case door. The connecting parts can be detached.箱体和箱门上都可安装接地线,连接件可以卸下。

10.Analysis and Protection on Grounding Fault with Interruption in AT Traction System;客运专线AT牵引供电系统断线接地故障分析与保护

11.beam tape automated bonder梁式引线带自动焊接器

12.Analysis on the Pipeline Settlement in Soft Ground Induced by Shield Tunneling across Buried Pipeline软土地区盾构隧道穿越地下管线引起的管线沉降分析

13.Turn the following sentences into direct Speech or Indirect Speech.把下列句子变成直接引语或间接引语。

14.Change the direct speech of the following sentence into the indirect speech.把下列句中的直接引语改成间接引语。

15.Change the following from direct speech into indirect speech.把下列句子由直接引语改为间接引语。

16.The balance between upper and lower line of the analysis and processing caused of the antenna cable mixed天馈线混接引起的上下行平衡问题的分析与处理

17.Electrical connections: Each machine should be provided with a separate power connection and ground. Individual ON/OFF controls should also be provided.电器连接:每个设备必须配备一个独立的电源引线和接地线,个别设备还应具备ON/OFF开关。

18.Overvoltage and Feeder Detection for Earth Fault Under High-Resistance Grounding Mode in 10 kV Distribution Networks10kV配电网经高阻接地方式下过电压及接地故障选线


grounding outlet[电]接地引出线

3)underground service conductor地下引出线

4)Connect the Ground Leads into the Line接地引入线

5)ground down lead接地引下线

1.The Method and points for attention for using continuity tester ofground down lead to test theground down lead of electrical equipment have been introduced,several test data have been analyzed and the reference value to determine the continuity state has been given.介绍了利用接地引下线导通测试仪测试电力设备接地引下线的方法及注意事项,并对若干测试数据进行了分析,给出了判定导通状况的参考值。

2.In order to solve the unreliability problem in connecting caused by the use of ordinary bolt inground down lead of power transmission line reinforced concrete pole,the deficiencies of the ordinary bolt are analyzed through typical examples,then one kind of new connecting bolt is designed specially according to the theory of the relation between resistance and contact face.为解决输电线路砼杆接地引下线使用普通螺栓连接在运行中存在连接不可靠的问题,通过运行实例分析了普通螺栓的不足之处,根据电阻与接触面的关系理论,设计了一种新的专用连接螺栓。

6)ground lead地线,接地引线


Pro/Engineer Drawing 工程图尺寸引出线· 5.6.1 延长/缩短尺寸线选择move 或clip命令。DETAIL>clip:选择尺寸确认,移动鼠标,在合适的引处线位置点leftDETAIL>move: 选择尺寸引出线端点,拖动鼠标。· 5.6.2 显示/隐藏引出线选择菜单:DETAIL > Modify > Dim Params > Wit Line Disp > Erase,选择引出线-----隐藏。选择菜单:DETAIL > Modify > Dim Params > Wit Line Disp > Erase,选择尺寸-----显示。· 5.6.3 打断/恢复引出线选择菜单:DETAIL > break>Add,在尺寸线第一打断点点左键;在第二打断点点左键。-----ok选择菜单:DETAIL > Modify >Remove,选择尺寸,被打断的尺寸线被恢复。· 5.6.4 弯曲引出线使用菜单:DETAIL > Move. ,在尺寸的箭头处按住鼠标左键,在尺寸线垂直方向移动,尺寸线被打了一个折弯。要恢复怎么办:拉回来!!!!!!!!还有一些,如make jog等,不常用,这里就不介绍了。
