2000字范文 > 排队论模型 queuing theory英语短句 例句大全

排队论模型 queuing theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 23:40:49


排队论模型 queuing theory英语短句 例句大全

排队论模型,queuing theory

1)queuing theory排队论模型

1.From the analysis above, we concludes the model ofqueuing theory of anti-tank intelligent minefield′s operation efficiency analysis.在对集群坦克目标运动及智能雷场作出火力分布基本假设的基础上,利用随机服务系统理论和概率论的方法导出了智能雷场处于各种可能状态的概率,并总结出了反坦克智能雷场作战有效性分析的排队论模型。

2.Based on thequeuing theory and health care demand methods, Shanghai community health care center human resources demand was measured.本研究结合上海实际,以服务人口、工作量和单位工作时间等因素为依据,应用"排队论模型",结合"卫生服务需求法"进行社区卫生服务机构编制和人力配置测算与研究,旨在为政府出台相关政策提供科学依据。

3.Then,illustrating the system,production process and influencing factors of container berth in detail,and based on this,making use of indicator approach andqueuing theory to analyze the indicators mentioned above deeply and systematically.为解决上述问题,本研究首先对比分析了集装箱码头泊位年通过能力的各计算方法,找出与泊位实际吞吐量出超关系密切的指标,然后就集装箱泊位系统及其生产作业过程,影响因素加以说明,并在此基础上,运用指标计算法,排队论模型对上述指标进行深入、系统分析,进而为实现泊位设计通过能力与实际吞吐量相符合提供切实可行的建议。


1.Analysis of Queuing theory model facing RFID Costume Manufacturing面向RFID服装制造的排队论模型分析

2.The Computer Simulation of a Type of Queueing System Model of Limited System Capacity;系统容量有限的一类排队论模型的计算机模拟研究

3.Mensurating Authorized System and Allocation of Human Resources For Community Health Service Institutions with Queuing Theory Model排队论模型测定社区卫生服务机构编制与人力配置

4.Overloaded Model of Concurrent Inquiry System Based on Queuing Theory基于排队论的并发查询系统超载模型

5.Application of Checking Service Model of Supermarket Based on Queuing Theory;基于排队论的超市收费服务模型的探讨

6.Peer to peer task scheduling model based on queue theory基于排队理论的对等网络任务调度模型

7.Experience in Applying Queuing Mathematical Model in Hospital Electronic Triage System排队论数学模型在电子分诊系统中的应用体会

8.Research on the Line Up Economy on the Property Right Theory--Based on the Application of Property Right Model of Barzel;产权理论视角下的排队经济──基于巴泽尔产权模型的分析应用

9.The Ways and Models Estimatiy Business Process Efficincy byQueuing Theory;运用排队论评价业务流程效率的方法及模型研究

10.Modeling ETC lane Deployment Based on Queuing Theory and Incremental-Benefit-Cost Ratio Maximum基于排队论和增量效益成本比率最大化的ETC车道配置模型研究

11.Stability and Brownian Model for Multiclass Queueing Networks;多类排队网络的稳定性及其布朗模型

12.Research and Application on a Queuing Model of Multi-Agent System;一种多Agent系统的排队模型及应用研究

13.Queueing Model GI~(1)+GI~(2)+...+GI~(N)/G/1;GI~(1)+GI~(2)+…+GI~(N)/G/1排队模型

14.Optimal Replacement Model for M/G/1 Queuing System with Repairable Service Station;服务台可修的排队系统最优更换模型

15.QUEUEING MODEL GI~((1)) +GI~((2))+...+GI~((n)) /M/1;GI~((1))+GI~((2))+…+GI~((N))/M/1排队模型

16.The Research of Working Vacations and Related Communication Queueing Model工作休假及相关通信排队模型的研究

17.Another Eigenvalue of the M/M~2/1 Queueing ModelM/M~2/1排队模型的另一个特征值

18.Queuing Model for U-Turn Mouth of Bi-directional Streets双向道路“分隔带调头口”排队模型化


queuing theory model排队理论模型

3)non-queuing model非排队论模型

4)queue model排队模型

1.Thequeue model of preemptive service-mode is established,which is analyzed and discussed.建立了抢占优先服务模式的排队模型,对此进行了分析、讨论,并对报文的延时性能进行了数值计算、仿真。

2., this paper gives a method about the implementation of token ring access control, sets up aqueue model for token ring based on the method,and gives its mathematical analysis and performance analysis.基于文献[1],给出了一种实现令牌环介质存取控制的方法建立了基于该方法令牌环的排队模型,并对其进行了数学解析和特征分

3.In this paper,queue model and power mode scheduling are used,the characteristics of wireless sensor networks,such as average power consumption and packet delay are researched,the relationship between average power consumption,packet delay and constellation size are derived.文中,基于排队模型,采用功率模式管理,对节点平均功耗及数据延时等无线传感器网的性能做了研究,并得到了与调制星座体积之间的关系。

5)queuing model排队模型

1.Analysis of effects ofqueuing model on ship s waiting time;排队模型对船舶等待时间的影响分析

2.The simplifying of state probability equation inqueuing models;排队模型中状态概率方程的简化

3.Through the analysis of the field observation and the investigation of the randomness of the railway haulage system of the shaft station, a limited customer M/ M/ 1queuing model of cradle dumpers in the station is developed and the optimum design of shaft stations is approached.通过现场观测与调研及对井底车场轨道运输系统随机性的分析,建立了井底车场翻车机系统顾客源为有限(m)的M/M/1排队模型,进行了井底车场优化设计的初步探讨。

6)queueing model排队模型

1.Thequeueing model of the system was presented.针对高校仪器设备网络化共享系统中的仪器设备资源优化配置问题,提出了一种基于排队论的规划方法,利用排队论对共享系统仪器设备资源优化进行建模分析,建立了仪器设备网络化使用的客户排队模型,从用户平均等待时间和等待时间超过t个单位时间概率两个不同角度,分别给出了仪器设备共享优化准则。

2.This paper presents a novel discrete-timequeueing model, in which the arrival traffic is regarded as a Mstate Markov process which is enough for ATM traffic s correlation and burst.设计了一个离散时间排队模型来分析ATM复用器业务性能。

3.And aqueueing model is set up in accordance with the queue theory.本文提出网络集群的单入口多链路方式,并使用排队论建立了排队模型,与单出入口网络集群进行了比较,以此说明其优越性。


