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天然河流 natural river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 09:37:37


天然河流 natural river英语短句 例句大全

天然河流,natural river

1)natural river天然河流

1.Application of ADCP to study of large scale turbulent structure ofnatural river;ADCP在天然河流大尺度紊动结构研究中的应用

2.Observation and analysis on large-scale turbulent structureand Reynolds stress computation innatural river;天然河流中大尺度紊动结构的观测分析与雷诺应力计算

3.Study on the control measurement ofnatural river rainwater pollution天然河流雨水污染控制措施研究


1.Field Measurement Experimental Design of Water Temperature s Change Along a River;天然河流水温同步原型观测方案设计

2.Discussion on the Meaning of the Bed Load Discharge Measured by Sampler in the Sandy Bed of Natural Rivers天然河流沙质河床上器测推移质输沙率含义的商榷

3.The suspended sediment of natural streams is usually made up of grains with a broad spectrum of sizes and fall velocities.天然河流的悬沙,通常系由各种大小尺寸和沉速的粒子组成。

4.natural fuel break天然防火线的防火隔离带如河流

5.Border is more often used when there is a natural division such as a river有天然分界线(如河流)时多用border

6.However, it takes about two days to learn river kayaking.然而,河流独木舟大约需要两天的时间。

7.The river was the only natural routeway across the desert waste.那河流是越过荒漠唯一的天然通路。

8.Calculation of Ecological Water Requirement of Natural Vegetation in Shiyang River Basin石羊河流域天然植被生态需水量计算

9.Yellow River Annual Runoff Analysis and Its Forecast;黄河流域天然年径流变化特性分析及其预测

10.The sand is dyed with natural iron oxide and used to track river currents.沙子用天然的氧化铁着色 用于追踪河流

11.Deforestation on the upper-middle reaches of the two rivers will be stopped completely.全面停止长江、黄河流域上中游天然林采伐。

12.Analysis on the Effects of Climate Change on Natural Runoff Volume in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River;气候变化对黄河上游天然径流量影响分析

13.Study on the Natural Vegetation and Its Relationships with Groundwater and Soil Salinity in Kaidu-Kongque River Basin开—孔河流域天然植被与地下水及土壤盐分关系

14.Study on Water Balance in Small Watershed of Natural Forests in upper of AShe River阿什河上游天然次生林小流域水量平衡研究

15.The Relationship between Plant Diversity and Groundwater in the Kongquehe River Basin孔雀河流域天然植物多样性与地下水关系

16.Simulation Analysis on Broken Dam of Debris Flow in Kezi River of Xinjiang新疆克孜河泥石流天然坝体溃决模拟分析

parison and Selection of Design Schemes for River Crossing of Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline天然气输气管道穿越河流设计方案比选

18.Study on flow characteristics of braided reach of Daijiazhou reach in Middle Yangtze River长江中游戴家洲河段天然水流特性试验研究


natural rivers天然河流

1.Advances in determination of longitudinal dispersion coefficient ofnatural rivers;天然河流纵向离散系数确定方法的研究进展

2.To protectnatural rivers and water resources is our common responsibilities.水资源在某种程度上是一种共享资源,保护天然河流和水资源是人类共同的责任;出于商业和经济的一些目的,人们争相控制水资源,导致天然河流、湖泊及附近地区水环境恶化。

3)natural river flow天然河流流场

4)natural meandering river天然弯曲河流

5)numerical model天然分汊河流

1.Two-dimensionalnumerical modelling of branching river;天然分汊河流的平面二维数值模拟

6)natural river天然河道


石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(见石油市场与天然气市场)石油天然气国际贸易(internotional tradeof011 and只as)见石油市场与天然气市场。
