2000字范文 > 诱导信息系统 guidance and information system英语短句 例句大全

诱导信息系统 guidance and information system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-17 20:23:19


诱导信息系统 guidance and information system英语短句 例句大全

诱导信息系统,guidance and information system

1)guidance and information system诱导信息系统


1.The Research of Route Guidance System Based on Mobile Telecommunications;基于移动通信网络的交通诱导信息系统的研究

2.Design of city parking guidance information system based on mobile communications基于移动通信的城市停车诱导信息系统设计

3.Study on Construction of Information System for Dynamic Guidance of Highway Traffic Flow;公路交通流动态诱导信息系统建设研究

4.Research and Design on a Novel Traffic Guidance Information System新型交通诱导信息系统的应用研究与设计

5.Research on Key Problems of Urban Traffic Guidance System and Its Variable Message Signs;城市交通诱导系统可变信息标志关键问题研究

6.Study of the Information Selecting and Processing Problem of Urban Traffic Flow Guidance Systems;交通流诱导系统信息采集及处理问题研究

7.Research and Implementation of Information Forecasting in Parking Guidance System;停车诱导系统中信息预测的研究与实现

8.Study on Information Platform Oriented to Traffic Control and Guidance Coordination System面向交通控制与诱导协调系统的信息平台研究

9.Evaluation of the Passengers Inducible System Departure at Urban Railway Passenger Station铁路客运站旅客离站信息诱导系统评价方法

10.Study of Dynamic Traffic Information Prediction in Intellectual Transportion Guidance System;智能交通诱导系统中动态交通信息预测技术研究

11.The Preliminary Design and Implementation of an Urban Traffic Information Distrubution and Guidance System;城市交通信息发布与诱导系统的初步设计与实现

12.Research and Development of Parking Information Service System Based on J2EE Technology;基于J2EE技术的无线停车诱导服务信息系统的设计与实现

13.Design and Implementation of a Web-GIS System for Urban Traffic Deploy and Guidance Based on J2EE;基于J2EE的城市交通信息发布与诱导WebGIS系统的设计与实现

14.Study on Application of Information Fusion in Urban Traffic Flow Guidance Systems;城市交通流诱导系统中信息融合技术的应用研究

15.Study on Urban Traffic Guidance System Based on Real Time Traffic Information;基于实时交通信息的城市交通流诱导系统关键技术研究

16.Research into the Information Service System for Intelligent Public Transportation Based on Integrated Traffic Guidance基于综合交通诱导的智能公共交通信息服务系统研究

17.Traffic Information Collection and Traffic Dynamic Guiding Based on FCD Technology基于FCD技术的道路交通信息采集与交通动态诱导系统

18.Application of GIS in the System of Tour and Shopping Guiding地理信息系统在城市导游导购系统中的应用


parking guidance and information system停车诱导信息系统

1.This paper first designs the structure of theparking guidance and information system as a whole on the base of analyzing the aim and function of the system, then discusses the manner and technology to realize the function of theparking guidance and information system,such as parking guidance approach,information collection and information dissemination strategy.本文分析了停车诱导信息系统的建设目标、系统功能,并对系统构建进行了总体设计,研究了停车诱导信息系统的诱导方式选择、信息采集、信息发布等功能实现的技术。

2.Real-time data collection and processing technique for parking space is one of the important parts ofparking guidance and information system.实时停车泊位信息采集与处理技术是停车诱导信息系统的关键内容之一。

3)urban parking guidance and information system城市停车诱导信息系统

1.In this paper,the developing trend of the process and application abouturban parking guidance and information system(PGIS) is comprehensively concluded from the oversea cities including Europe,German,America and Japan and domestic cities including Beijing,Guangzhou and Nanjing.对以德国为代表的欧洲、美国和日本等国的城市和北京、广州、南京等国内城市停车诱导信息系统的发展历程和应用动态进行了综合归纳。

4)Transferring Guidance Information Systems换乘诱导信息系统

1.The paper puts forward the strategy of buildingTransferring Guidance Information Systems on the basis that theconcept, the function, the structure of the system are explainedin detail as a component of ITS, in order to make the infor-mation play an important role, to improve the efficiency, andto reduce the time among transferring .在介绍换乘诱导信息系统概念、功能和结构以及在智能交通系统中应用的基础上,提出了建立换乘诱导信息系统的策略,以达到提高换乘效率,减少换乘时间的目的。


1.PGIS is considered as an effective way to improve urban traffic network congestion.停车诱导信息系统(Parking Guidance Information System,PGIS)被认为是改善城市交通拥挤的一项有效技术,不同的PGIS市场占有率对道路交通的影响是不同的。

2.This paper developes aPGIS software by applying MapX control with Visual C++,which is based on the garages of the ZhongGuanCun Western Area.文章以VisualC++为开发环境,将MapInfo公司提供的地图控件MapX嵌入其中,开发了以中关村西区地下停车设施为背景的停车诱导信息系统软件。

6)traffic information guidance system交通信息诱导系统

1.ith advanced and reliable CDMA wireless communication and the GIS for urban public traffic,traffic information guidance system is set up based on B/S framew.该文分析了浦东越江通道和交通流的空间分布特征,提出了建设越江交通信息诱导系统的构想和系统设计原则,设计了软/硬件及总体结构。


