2000字范文 > 被动式FTIR Passive FTIR英语短句 例句大全

被动式FTIR Passive FTIR英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 06:05:02


被动式FTIR Passive FTIR英语短句 例句大全

被动式FTIR,Passive FTIR

1)Passive FTIR被动式FTIR

2)Passive OP-FTIR被动式OP-FTIR

1.Advances inPassive OP-FTIR;被动式OP-FTIR的新近发展

3)Passive Remote Sensing FTIR被动式遥感FTIR

1.Application and Development ofPassive Remote Sensing FTIR;被动式遥感FTIR技术的应用与发展

2.In view of background interference and weak signals in practice,a method for analyzing passive remote sensing FTIR signals with interferogram was built based on different attenuation rates of background and sample interferogram.针对被动式遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)在实际应用中存在受环境干扰较大,检测信号较弱的问题,利用背景和样品干涉图的衰减速度不同,建立了基于干涉图对被动式遥感FTIR谱图进行分析的方法。


1.Application and Development of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR;被动式遥感FTIR技术的应用与发展

2.Interpretation of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR Spectra Based on Interferogram基于干涉图解析的被动式遥感FTIR分析

3.Remote Passive Sensing of Aeroengine Exhausts Using FTIR System航空发动机尾气的FTIR被动遥感

4.Remote Sensing of Aircraft Engine Exhausts Using FTIR-emission-spectroscopyFTIR发射光谱遥测飞机发动机排放指数

5.Application and Development of Chemometrics Methods in the Interpretation of Remote Sensing FTIR Spectra;化学计量学在遥感FTIR谱图解析中的应用及发展

6.RS Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Vegetation Changes in Puge普格县植被覆盖度遥感动态监测分析

7.Advances in Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing卫星被动微波遥感土壤湿度研究进展

8.The Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Complex Multicomponent System with Chemometrics and Remote Sensing FTIR Technology;化学计量学与遥感FTIR技术联用对复杂多组分体系的定性定量研究

9.The Real Time and in Situ Infrared Characteristics Measurement of Plume of Solid Rocket Propellant by Remote Sensing FTIR;遥感FTIR光谱实时原位测定固体火箭推进剂羽流红外特性

10.Studies on Passive Sensing of Plant Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Application of Stress Detection;植物叶绿素荧光被动遥感探测及应用研究

11.Research on the Remote Sensing Monitoring Dynamically Grassland Vegetation Index Seasonal Variation;草地植被指数季节变化的遥感动态监测研究

12.Study on Vegetation Coverage and Its Dynamic Change of Beijing Suburbs by Remote Sensing;北京郊区植被覆盖度变化动态遥感监测

13.Study on the Dynamic Change of Vegetation in Northwestern China Using RS and GIS;基于遥感和GIS的中国西北植被动态研究

14.Study on Vegetation Coverage and Its Dynamic Change by Remote Sensing;基于遥感的植被覆盖度估算及其动态研究

15.Study on the Vegetation Coverage Changes Monitoring of Beijing City by Remote Sensing;北京山区植被覆盖动态变化遥感监测研究

16.Dynamic Change of Vegetation Coverage by Monitoring Remote Sensing in Mu Us Sandland毛乌素沙地植被覆盖动态变化的遥感监测

17.Research progress and prospect of remote sensing with passive microwave from snow积雪被动微波遥感研究进展与前景展望

18.The dynamic remote sensing monitoring of Inner Mongolia natural grassland vegetation in 20 years内蒙古天然草原植被动态遥感监测



1.Advances inPassive OP-FTIR;被动式OP-FTIR的新近发展

3)Passive Remote Sensing FTIR被动式遥感FTIR

1.Application and Development ofPassive Remote Sensing FTIR;被动式遥感FTIR技术的应用与发展

2.In view of background interference and weak signals in practice,a method for analyzing passive remote sensing FTIR signals with interferogram was built based on different attenuation rates of background and sample interferogram.针对被动式遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)在实际应用中存在受环境干扰较大,检测信号较弱的问题,利用背景和样品干涉图的衰减速度不同,建立了基于干涉图对被动式遥感FTIR谱图进行分析的方法。


1.Design of the micropassive airbreathing direct methanol fuel cell stack;被动式自呼吸微型直接甲醇燃料电池组的结构设计

2.Investigation of dynamic thermal characteristics ofpassive solar heating system;被动式太阳能加热系统动态热特性研究

3.Operating temperature characteristics ofpassive direct methanol fuel cells被动式直接甲醇燃料电池运行温度特性

5)passive form被动式

1.The writing attempts to reveal the similarities and differences between the writings of Wei-Jin and Nan-Bei Dynasty and Buddhist classics inpassive form according to statistics,and it probes into the reasons for the similarities and differences.利用数理统计,调查被动式在魏晋南北朝文与汉文佛典中的使用情况,了解两种文献在使用被动式方面存在的差异,探讨产生差异的原因。

6)passive way被动方式

1.In this article the Socket correspondence s basic principle and related function are introduced,and one kind ofpassive way real-time reminder system based on the Socket correspondence principle is proposed.根据Socket通信的基本原理和有关函数,提出了一种基于Socket通信原理的被动方式的实时提醒系统。


